I was doing alright but the last two days....and today...have pretty much been crap. In the scheme of things it could be a lot worse but still definitely not weight watchers approved haha.
Im sorry you have been feeling sick krissie, that's the worst.
I went home sick on Wednesday and I felt so silly. I was about to go into a patients room when I felt like I was going to be sick and decided to go home. I couldn't imagine blowing chunks in the room of a sick patient. I never ended up getting physically sick so I was questioning myself and thought that I should have stayed at work. Well when I went in the next day the girls I share an office with both went home sick within an hour of me, then I didn't feel so silly. Stupid flu!
Okay....I need help....I have tried to come up with many places where I could take this and I really can't come up with the right place. This probably isn't the right place but it seemed like the lesser of all evils. It is completely a religious thing, but as I have posted religious feelings on BnB both Ali and Krissie you have both supported me so I felt like maybe I could bring this here, if it isn't okay with you two feel free not to respond. After our failed IUI I stopped going to church, until last week. I think we were out of church for 3-4 weeks. Honestly the only reason we went was because Asher said "mom, why haven't we been to church, I want to go to church." Well I am not going to deny my child his desire to go to church. In the back of my mind I knew we weren't going because I was mad, that is no reason to keep Asher from it. Well the whole time we were in church I was on the verge or tears. The sermon was about about defying God, which selfishly made me feel even worse because essentially I am in that stage, the denial of his presence. I don't know, I'm rambling. I am so concerned about the fact that I am so angry that I cannot make it through a sermon without crying. I don't want to be angry with God. I have thought of many people I could talk to this about. My pastor, my family....but I am embarrassed. I put all my trust in Him, always talk about how He has the plan and I will wait patiently. I am not waiting patiently, I am mad. I'm so lost right now because I don't know what to do, I don't want to be mad and I want to have trust but I don't know how.........