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Losing Weight While TTC

That's great gagrl!!!

Krissie that's totally understandable. I guess you already know my way haha other than NTNP I'm not sure how else you get it off your mind :shrug:
Shan- I am thinking maybe setting a weight goal and just focusing on that for a month or two. I am currently 222.2 so I was thinking maybe aiming for 210 before doing my femara round.

I have already decided I am not getting opks this coming cycle but I will track temps.

And a personal goal I have some quilts I want to am making for Christmas gifts so maybe working on those more.
Hey girlies! I have been so crazy busy!! I went back and read up. I was also eating crappy but back on the ball and lost the few lbs I gained. I do believe weight has a big impact on TTC. That is my motivation.

I am not sure what to do about the penis issue. I would just think it is normal silly boy behavior? I would go with your instinct on it.

We can do this ladies!!! We just need to stay motivated!
Great to hear from you Ali!

I lost 2.5 at my weigh in on Wednesday! And then Thursday I got trashy drunk :haha: I was feeling scared and sad and excited about Friday being my last day of work so me and another girl that is starting internship on Monday went out and it got out of hand haha. I did find a big accomplishment in the fact that I didn't eat when I got home which was huge for me. But I did eat really shitty yesterday while nursing my hangover. I am -26 for my points, going to have to exercise that off today. I did step on the scale today though and my weight is the same as Wednesday and I have 4 more days until weigh in so I am still hopeful this week will turn out okay
Good job on the weightloss Shan. Fx you can turn it around before weighin.

Afm, I lost 1.6 lbs last week. I feel like that was very positive even though I wasn't trying to hard. Af is due on Thursday so just waiting on that.

I really need to start eating better. I know when we did the 3 week challenge in June I did well. So I have just over 3 weeks until my cousin's wedding so I was thinking of making that my goal. Does anyone wanna join me?
That's a nice loss krissie! I'm down for 3 weeks, I am going to keep weighing this time though :haha: My goals will be to not go into negative numbers with my points and to hit 10,000 steps 5 days a week
Yay! My goals will be 7500 steps and lower carb with no processed sugar.
I am soooo scared for my weigh in tomorrow! I really turned it around after the bad weekend but since I have started my internship I haven't been drinking enough water. And then tonight I had ramen noodles for supper :dohh: So much sodium, so little water. I'm scared I'm in for a rude awakening, if I didn't have a bad weekend I wouldn't even be worried but yea. At the same time it's so exciting not cheating on weigh ins :haha: not a slightest clue what the scale will say!

I did have a little victory today though! I have been so uncomfortable in my dress pants. They are too small so not great but I went to buy new pants and found out I am now in between sizes. All the 18's were too big, the 16's were too small. Not sure why the 18's I wore today were a little snug, stupid pants :haha: but either way bought the 16's and they aren't so tight that I can't wear them right away. Hopefully by next week all my pants will be fitting right haha
Great job Shan. :happydance:

I've done well not stepping on the scale this week. Weighin should be Monday.
I caved!! :haha: But I am down 0.4 lbs for a total of 2 lbs now!! Af arrived so I am probably going to wait on weighing in again since I always gain a bit during af that quickly goes away.
I weighed too since weigh in lol. I weighed on Thursday because I actually had enough water on Wednesday and was curious. I was at 217.6 so if Thursday was weigh in I would've been down 2.7! Whatevs it will make for a great weigh in this Wednesday if I stay on track
Congrats on the extra loss krissie! And sorry about AF, I saw the temp drop this morning when I was looking at sticky beans :( I am basically just keeping up reading my old ttc threads right now and only commenting on weight loss ones haha I just can't bring myself to comment on those threads yet. I feel like I have moved past all the disappointment of the last cycle but still not to the point where I want to be in ttc threads
:hugs: Shan- I understand. I have gone through phases like that as well. I am so exhausted with ttc but I am hoping the switch in meds will help.
I lost another 0.4 lbs for the week bringing my week total to 0.8 lbs lost. And that's with af here so I'm quite excited.
That's great krissie!

I have almost made it through the week without going negative in points! I have 7 weekly points left and just tomorrow to get through :haha: I am usually pretty good the day before weigh in so I'm sure tomorrow won't be too much of a problem. I used a bunch of points today because I had a big supper planned so I had planned out a low point lunch. Well then I had orientation and they served us lunch so that didn't work too well haha. I'm glad I had the extra points to still have my great meal tonight for supper!
Great job ladies!!!

I have not weighed myself in a bit. I was maintaining but now I am back on it.

So is this bad? I have had positive OPKs for a couple of days and I am just not feeling like doing the deed? I have been so tired lately. I might try and muster up the strength to do it tonight. With Angel back to school I am so much more busy and just super tired...
Ali I don't blame you at all! I haven't been keeping track but should probably O this weekend and I have been so tired I just don't care to BD

Lost 1.7.....I know it's good but I thought it would be better :shrug: I know every pound counts I just wish it would go faster :haha: I am at 7.4 pounds lost right now. I'm hoping that next week I can reach my 10 pounds lost
It has been so quiet in here lately.

I did a terrible job of staying on my 3 week plan. So I am starting today. I have logged into myfitnesspal account and input my goals for the day. I have reset my carbs and plan to stick around 50. So I am hoping to stay accountable.

I am leaving on a trip for 5 days on the 14th so I am making myself some safe snacks to take. I am hoping I can stay out of the sweets my sister has packed.

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