Lost our baby girls:(


Mom of 3
Jul 25, 2012
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I found out at a prenatal appointment this morning that we lost our baby girls. :cry: My OB thinks it may have been due to blood clots in the placenta and umbilical cords, but I don't know that we'll ever know for sure. We've tried so hard for another healthy baby after our boys, but after this miscarriage DH and I are both done. Neither of us can handle the heartbreak of another loss. I was told I may never be able to have kids due to severe endometriosis if we waited, so I'm very thankful we had our sons. We'll always miss our little girls. I decided to be induced and deliver naturally so that I can spend some time with our babies and have the chance to say goodbye. DH wasn't able to come to my dr appt this morning and won't be able to be at their birth because things are so busy at work for him due to the hurricane. It just makes it that much harder, but I also feel like him not having to go through this like I am will make things easier for him, and he has his work as a distraction. I just feel so lost and numb. I wanted so badly for another baby and when we found out we were having twins I was overwhelmed at times, but so excited. We've decided to get permanent birth control, so that we never have to go through this again. DH said he's DONE and no more kids. I kind of feel that way a bit, but a part of my is so heartbroken that I feel like our family will always be missing someone. :cry:

We decided to name Baby A Grace Annabel and Baby B Paige Leanne.
Oh no. :cry: I'm so sad for you. You and your whole family will be in my thoughts. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Give those boys extra cuddles, and please take care of yourself and take the time needed to heal (physically and emotionally).
I am so sorry for the loss of beautiful Grace and Paige.

There is a thread in the stillbirth, neonatal loss section of things people did and/or wish they did when they met their baby, maybe have a read of it sweetie.

Also dont make a decision of permanent contraceptive just yet, any decent doctor wouldnt do anything just now any way but now is not the time to be making huge life changing decisions like that.
Whaaaat.... Oh my goodness. I'm just speechless. My heart goes out to you and your family. I'm so SO sorry. This is just bloody unfair. I can't imagine the pain you're feeling. Be gentle on yourself and eachother. I hope with the passing of time, it becomes easier to accept.

Treasure those precious moments you'll get with your daughters at their birth.

Rest in peace Grace Annabel and Paige Leanne :angel::angel:
This is so shocking. I am soo sorry for your loss. And so sorry you have to go through it alone. Those are beautiful names and your girls know that they are loved forever. You and your family are in my thoughts. :hugs:
I'm so sorry, my heart aches for you. Please have someone go with you when you deliver Grave and Paige, you shouldn't go through that alone.

I agree with Tasha, you don't have to make a permanent decision right now. You and dh are hurting right now. Give yourselves time to heal first. :hug:
My heart is broken for you, I am so deeply sorry for your losses :cry::cry:

Thinking of you and Grace & Paige.. XOOXOXOX
Thank you everyone. It was shocking for us too because everything seemed to have been going well and I have been taking my blood thinners as they were prescribed and following the doctors orders religiously. My doctor didn't have a whole lot of explanation, although I hadn't been feeling much movement the past several days and I had been feeling them quite a bit since 17-18 weeks. Hopefully after they're born we'll have some answers. I worry that it's because I started the pregnancy out underweight and still haven't gained much. I was still drinking caffine too, so maybe that had something to do with it.:(
Oh no! im so so sorry for you and your families loss xxxxx Cant imagine now how you are feeling, the precious moments you get to spend with your girls will stay in your heart forever. Rest in Peace little angels xxxx
Oh sweetie :hugs: the what if's are so very hard but it is very unlikely tht drinking caffine did this. They will look at your placenta and see if it had lots of clots etc and that will give them an indication of what hppened.

If you have any questions about what to expect or what ever then feel free to pm me. My first stillbirth was at 36+6 and I was so scared to meet her, my second was at 24+3 and I thought I should be less scared as I knew what to expect but as I knew she was the size of a 19/20 weeker it made me MORE scared as I didnt know what to expect of a baby of that gestation.
So sorry for your loss of Grace and Paige.

Thinking of you and your family at this time.

Take care of yourself. All my love. xx
Thank you everyone. It was shocking for us too because everything seemed to have been going well and I have been taking my blood thinners as they were prescribed and following the doctors orders religiously. My doctor didn't have a whole lot of explanation, although I hadn't been feeling much movement the past several days and I had been feeling them quite a bit since 17-18 weeks. Hopefully after they're born we'll have some answers. I worry that it's because I started the pregnancy out underweight and still haven't gained much. I was still drinking caffine too, so maybe that had something to do with it.:(

Never think that this is something that you caused :hugs: These sometimes unexplained things happen, as horrible as they are, but you are not at fault. Please dont worry that its you that has done this. As some of the other girls have said please if you cant go through it alone, take someone with you for support. xxxx
TatorMom, this is not your fault!!! You mustn't think that!
As the others have said please don't think it's anything you did or didn't do. It's not your fault :hugs:
I am so very sorry for the loss of Grace and Paige. As the other ladies have said, do not blame yourself!! I wish I knew why these things happen. :cry: You will be in my thoughts and prayers!! If you need an ear, I am here.:hugs:
Please please please don't blame yourself!!! It just wasn't the right time for your little angels but it is NOT your fault!! I'm so sorry for your loss, you and your family are in my prayers.
So sorry for your loss.
You mustn't think it is anything you did or didnt do though. I think caffine is linked to early miscarriage anyway not late loss.
Please take care of yourself over the next few weeks. x
so so sorry hun. i cant believe it. heaven has two more angels now. please dont blame yrself. its not yr fault. somethings are out of our control. look after yrself hun and each other

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