LOST: The Final Chapter - discussion/theory thread! **May Contain Spoilers!**

The other other stuff too, like how they didn't really get into things about The Others... but part of me wonders if you can sweep that under the line that Ben used when he told Hurley "That's how Jacob ran things, maybe there is a different way. A better way!". So the temples and no electricity and whatnot were how Jacob wanted things.

I would've liked to see how Hurley and Ben would've ran The Island. Part of me thinks that the producers knew that there wouldn't be a way in hell to please everyone so they left it blank, leaving us to imagine what they did.
I think it was really great that Ben became good and was nice at the end. And he finally got a say in how the island was run x
but if it was so easy to get off the island why didnt they, jacob was hoping on and off the island for yrs through everyones life.

what was that pendulam thing elouise used to get back to the island.

it was kinda a good episode but not good ending iygwim. maybe interviews with the writers on friday will shed some light. i still stand by what i said, the series was never meant to be that long and because of all the money and attention they were getting they made it longer to milk it, and made the story way to big to take in :(

also maybe walt died. cos he kept coming back to the island didnt he all dripping wet. if i remember right.
In that same convo between Ben and Hurley, Hurley complained that people can't leave the Island (and we all know how hard it was to find the Island if you left it) so I always figured that it was another thing of Jacob's "rules".

ye to protect it.

i reckon alot of it was pyschological, like drinking the water, jack forgot to chant the words.
like maybe richard lived forever because he believed he would but when he stopped wanting to live, he got a grey hair as though he was aging.

still makes my head hurt lol
What aoutthe mirror in the light house??? Was that ever explained?
watching it AGAIN ermmm 4th time :blush:

desmond knows something cos just before he's lowered into the ground he told jack about the place the place where the plane didnt crash and maybe he could oneday bring him to the place.

i think richard should have been in the church with his wife,
daniel and charlotte should have been too.

one other thing though that girl who was in a coma her care being paid for by widmore i wish they'd explain widmore more.

the mirror thing baffled me too, and how jacob could pop into the other earth when he pleased iygwim
Do you remember claire asked the adoptive parents to sing catch a falling star and put it in your pocket because her father used to sing it to her as a child. Well thats what the music box was playing xx
Okay, that blog I read put up the final compilation of questions/answers and questions rendered moot now that the show is over. Its a long one! I'll put it in spoiler tags again.

Now that LOST is over, I'm going to go through and sort out all of the questions I came up with during the series' six-year run that never got answered. The first step in this process is to weed out the stuff that the finale DID deal with, that we can reasonably conjecture answers to now that the series is over, or that no longer matters because I only had it on the list due to thinking it would matter in a future episode. Glaring omissions, and little things that didn't make sense or were never explained, will appear in subsequent posts.

Questions answered in the finale:


6.1/6.2 LA X

* How did B-Jack get a cut on his neck?
(It was a reflection of a wound A-Jack received from Smokey's knife during their final showdown.)

* How did A-Juliet know that "it worked"? What was she referring to?
(Juliet was near death, and was able to see her idealized self in the "alt timeline". She was recalling the moment she asked Sawyer to go have coffee, and realized that she could let go peacefully.)

* Where are B-Christian's body and coffin?
(Desmond found the coffin and used it to help trigger Jack's final "awakening". Christian wasn't in it because this was all imaginary, and all of them were just as dead as Christian was.)

6.5 Lighthouse

* Why doesn't B-Jack remember his appendectomy?
(He never had one. What he's actually remembering is the fatal knife wound Smokey gave him in the A-timeline.)

* Who is David Shepard's mother?

6.7 Dr. Linus

* Why are B-Alex and her mother living in Los Angeles instead of France?
(This timeline was an idealized version of everyone's lives. Ben, Danielle, and Alex being together was likely how Ben imagined that things could have been.)

6.8 Recon

* How can Smokey be killed?
(By disabling the source of light/healing at the center of the island that makes him immortal.)

6.10 The Package

* Why did Widmore bring Desmond to the island with him? Why does he refer to Desmond as "the package"?
(Jacob told Widmore of Desmond's resistance to electromagnetism. Desmond needed this to withstand the golden light that previously turned MIB into smoke. "The Package" was just a misdirect so we wouldn't know at the time that Widmore had a person with him.)

6.11 Happily Ever After

* Are the "flash-sideways" a true look at a separate timeline, or is there a linear connection, such as one timeline being the other one's past or future?
(They are an idealized version of reality that the Losties constructed during the process of "letting go" after dying.)

* Why does Desmond follow Sayid right after telling Widmore he'll cooperate?
(Desmond already understands the meaning of the alternate timeline. He knows that he is already dead and none of the events of the A-timeline matter to him any more.)

6.12 Everybody Loves Hugo

* Why does B-Desmond run over B-Locke with his car? Is it for revenge, or to cause a near-death experience that will induce visions of the A-timeline?
(It was the latter. Desmond already knew that they were all dead anyway.)

6.13 The Last Recruit

* With Keamy and his goons dead, are B-Jin and B-Sun finally free from her father's control?
(Once Jin and Sun "let go" after Juliet performs the ultrasound, they realize that none of this matters.)

6.16 What They Died For

* How can the island be destroyed, and why is Desmond needed to accomplish this?
(Uncorking the light source would eventually cause the island to sink. It also negates the immortality of Smokey, Richard, etc. Desmond is the only one who can resist the electromagnetism.)

* Is Richard Alpert dead?
(No. He survives, is made mortal again, and leaves the island.)

* Who let Desmond out of the well, and where did he go?
(Rose and Bernard rescued him. He stayed with them in their cabin temporarily.)

* What does B-Desmond mean when he tells Ana-Lucia she's "not ready"?
(She isn't one of the people seen at the church in the final scene, so she's not yet ready/able to see the life she lived in the A-timeline and accept that she is dead.)

Questions that can be reasonably answered (or that are rendered moot) knowing that no more episodes are coming:


1.1/1.2 Pilot

* Was the pilot telling the truth about the plane losing communications somewhere past Fiji?
(This seemed suspicious at the time because pilots don't normally change course just due to losing radio contact. It seemed even more suspicious after the fake wreckage was found off the coast of Indonesia and the Oceanic Six concocted a story to fit that evidence. The pilot would have had to be going completely in the wrong direction, and intentionally lying about it. We never saw Seth Norris again or got a back story on him. My rule for questions about whether something really happened as stated is going to be that I will assume things were as they appeared to be, given no evidence to prove otherwise.)

1.10 Raised By Another

* What did Richard Malkin know? Did he intend for Claire to be on a doomed flight?
(We know from Eko's encounter with this man that he was a bogus psychic. But we also know from Season 6 that Jacob would frequently leave the island and interact with future castaways in such a way as to put them on a path that would lead him to the island. It's reasonable to assume that Jacob had a hand in influencing the psychic to get Claire to board the exact flight that would lead her and Aaron to the island. Jacob was the only person throughout the series who was shown to have the capability and motive to do such a thing.)


2.7 The Other 48 Days

* Who did the glass eye that they found in the Arrow Station belong to?
(Having only been shown one character wearing an eyepatch throughout the series, we can safely assume that it belonged to Mikhail. How he lost his eye, and why he left his glass eye behind, we'll never know. I think the point of this was simply to hint that we would eventually meet a one-eyed character.)

2.14 One of Them

* Did Ben allow himself to get caught? If so, why?
(This only mattered when I thought it might play into some grander plan that Ben had, and once we learned how devious and manipulative he could be. While Season Three's "Exposé" showed us that Ben planned to use Michael to bring Jack, Kate, and Hurley to him, pretending to be the Losties' prisoner didn't seem to be part of the plan at that point. I'm going to say "no" - Ben didn't intend to get caught, but was simply on his way to the Losties' camp at that point. He presumably would have introduced himself under the guise of "Henry Gale" either way, with the biggest difference being that The others wouldn't have needed to manipulate Michael to free Ben, and Ana-Lucia and Libby might have survived.)

2.21 ?

* Who was in the Pearl Station not long before Locke and Eko found it?
(The only reasonable answers for this would be Nikki, Paulo, Ben, or Juliet. Since Paulo was a smoker, he's the most logical answer.)


3.2 The Glass Ballerina

* Were The Others expecting a specific plane to land on their runway?
(Sawyer and Kate were held captive by The Others, and forced to break rocks. We did not know until the end of the season what The others were building, until Juliet told Sawyer it was a runway. The purpose of it was never explicitly stated in the series, but learning what we did in Season 6 about Jacob bringing folks to the island intentionally means it's quite likely that Jacob had his people build it with the intent of Oceanic 815 and/or Ajira 316 landing there. This was also what enabled Ajira 316 to eventually take off and return to the outside world. Since it was used for this purpose in the finale and no other plane ever landed here that we know of, it's safe to say that it was there as a means for Jacob to bring people to the island.)

3.3 Further Instructions

* Is there any connection between the various people who have been noted as fans of Geronimo Jackson (Desmond, teenage Locke, Eddie's father, Charlotte, etc.?)
(Geronimo Jackson was a running joke, likely a fictional band invented by the writers who they claimed really existed, first introduced in Season 2 when Hurley found one of their records in the Swan Station. Characters shown to be Geronimo Jackson's fan were Desmond, the father of Eddie (the undercover cop Locke encountered at the marijuana farm), Locke himself as a teenager, and Charlotte. Desmond and Charlotte likely discovered the band through their time in the DHARMA Initiative, but liking the band didn't necessarily mean a person had any connection to DHARMA or the island, since Locke was a fan before Richard succeeded in recruiting him.)

* What does Boone mean when he tells Locke that Desmond is "helping himself"?
(While we don't know how far ahead they had Desmond's character arc planned out, this could have referred to the fact that Desmond would soon be able to see the future and "help himself" by way of this new ability. It also could have referred to Desmond's choice to never return to the island once he had left it, or even to sideways Desmond's plans to enlighten all of the people he'd known from the island during the final season. In any event, it signified that Desmond was a significant character who, unlike the other people Locke would have to lead, wasn't in need of saving by anyone else.)

3.8 Flashes Before Your Eyes

* Who was the man with the red shoes?
(He was simply there to illustrate the temporal mechanics Eloise Hawking was describing to Desmond. This character had no ongoing significance beyond this point.)

3.11 Enter 77

* Why was the Flame rigged to explode when 77 was entered, indicating sabotage by "The Hostiles"?
(The Flame was never seen again after Season 5, and thus held no more secrets that we needed to know about. This station contained secrets about the development of the Swan, so this was likely a measure Radzinsky took to keep that information from falling into the wrong hands.)

* Was livestock being kept at the Flame for food, or for some other purpose?
(No other purpose was ever shown, so we'll go with the obvious.)

3.12 Par Avion

* Who is on "the list" that Mikhail referred to, and why? Is it the same thing as "Jacob's list"?
(Jacob seemed to be making endless lists throughout his tenure as the island's protector. This seemed to be a process that involved a lot of guesswork, so he would bring people to the island and have The Others gather some of them up from time to time for various tests or other purposes, presumably crossing out names as people died or proved themselves to be otherwise unworthy. This makes the contents of specific lists unimportant, since Jacob changed his mind about certain people (such as Kate and Sayid) later on, and even admitted his methods weren't the best.)

* Are the birds actually migratory, or did they just fly back to the Others' Barracks?
(Despite the bird seen in the pan out from the Barracks to show the entire island in the Season 3 premiere, this turned out to not be of any lasting significance. The note attached to the bird was apparently never discovered by the outside world, and the only significance of this plot point was that Charlie could have died trying to help Claire execute her plan.)

3.13 The Man from Tallahassee

* Did Locke's dad really kill Peter Talbot, or was that simply part of the con?
(Peter Talbot was never seen or mentioned again, so Ockham's Razor says that Cooper really did the dirty deed.)

3.17 Catch-22

* Why did Naomi's helicopter crash?
(We were led to believe this was caused by the same sort of electrical storm that later gave Frank Lapidus problems. There's no reason to assume at this point that Naomi lied about her helicopter crashing or that something else caused it. The freighter had two helicopters, and the other was never seen after Frank started bringing the Losties back to the freighter.)

3.19 The Brig

* Was Locke previously aware of his father using the name "Tom Sawyer"?
(This came up because I wondered how Locke knew, back in Season Two's "The Hunting Party", to inquire about Sawyer's choice of nickname. The reasonable explanation is that Locke knew his father had gone by this alias, even though we never saw the two discussing it. Locke could have done some additional digging on his father and discovered that he had several aliases and so forth, given how obsessed Locke was with Cooper for a while there.)

3.20 The Man Behind the Curtain

* Is anything related to Mittelos Bioscience actually located on the mainland? Are they related to DHARMA at all?
(This was pretty much shown to be a front for The Others/Jacob's recruiting process to bring people to the island. It existed to the degree that it needed to in order to lure people in, such as Locke or Juliet, with the promise of a job.)

* Where did "The Hostiles" come from?
(This likely started with Jacob recruiting Richard. As others came along and Richard took on a leadership/protector role, this group became hostile to anyone else who discovered the island by accident. We saw a previous incarnation of a similar conflict between "Mother" and the civilization that Jacob and the Man in Black were descended from.)

* Did DHARMA continue to operate in any coordinated fashion after The Purge? Were the people in the Swan and other stations aware of what happened?
(Radzinsky was shown to have survived the Incident, and we know he survived the Purge since he took over operations of the Swan, later living down there with Kelvin. It's likely that The Purge killed off everyone but Radzinsky, since he had the weaponry, protection, and general paranoia needed to keep the Hostiles out of the Swan.)

3.22 Through the Looking Glass

* If Locke is "not a murderer", and can't bring himself to kill his father or Jack, why did he kill Naomi?
(There was really no greater significance to this other than to show the lengths Locke would go to in order to keep folks from leaving the island, and to illustrate how he had changed during his time on the island.)


Missing Pieces

* Why is Juliet glad that Michael wants to get Walt off the island?
(Juliet herself wanted to get off the island and wasn't thrilled with Ben's methods, so it's reasonable that she was glad Ben was willing to let Michael and Walt go.)

* Was Walt really in Room 23?
(The dead birds pretty much said this without saying it. We were never shown anything to contradict this, though they never did explain what the deal was with Walt and summoning animals.)

4.2 Confirmed Dead

* What did the freighter crew want with Ben?
(I'm not sure why I left this question open for so long. We knew that Ben was directly responsible for Charles Widmore's exile from the island. "The rules" seemed to indicate that Charles couldn't kill Ben himself, and thus Ben seemed to believe Keamy and his goons wouldn't harm him. But it was reasonably obvious that Widmore wanted Ben deposed from island leadership one way or the other.)

* What's with the light scattering differently on the island?
(This was apparently just a hint at its weird electromagnetic properties, or possibly the glowing light that was the source of the island's healing properties.)

* How did a DHARMA polar bear make it all the way to Tunisia?
(DHARMA had discovered the frozen donkey wheel and were experimenting with it via the Orchid. They had polar bears in cages. My assumption is that they used a polar bear as a guinea pig to see what would happen when the wheel was turned. This leads to other questions about the bears and whether the island had been moved during DHARMA times, but how the polar bear got to Tunisia should be self-evident.)

4.3 The Economist

* Why are there passports and foreign currency in Ben's secret room? What has Ben been doing off-island?
(Probably the same stuff Jacob had Richard doing, and was also doing himself - recruiting candidates.)

* Who is the Economist, and why does Ben want him killed?
(Beyond this person being one of Widmore's associates, this doesn't seem to matter.)

* What happened the last time Sayid "thought with his heart instead of his gun"?
(This was simply there to foreshadow the reveal of Sayid's hasty decision to work for Ben as an assassin, due to what happened to Nadia. There was no need to question it further.)

4.4 Eggtown

* How is Ben able to come up with 3.2 million dollars?
(The Others were said to have a vast network off the island, which would logically follow from their co-opting DHARMA resources. Miles, being a DHARMA employee's son and having been hired by Widmore, presumably knew this about Ben's people. Miles also asked for this sum because it was double what Bram offered him to go to the island with him and Jacob's other "bodyguards".)

4.5 The Constant

* Did Desmond actually change his past? Did his blackouts due to time travel cause his discharge from the army?
(Since nothing in Desmond's past was shown to be explicitly different, we can assume that "Whatever happened, happened".)

* Does Daniel remember meeting Desmond in 1996? Did he decide to use Desmond as his "constant" back then, or just recently, on the island?
(Again, we'll go with "Whatever happened, happened". Daniel either knew this would happen and told Desmond to do the same things he remembered Desmond doing, or else Daniel had genuinely forgotten about it due to the side effects of his experiments, but set these events up so that he could use Desmond as "his constant".)

* Why was the freighter crew under orders to not answer Penelope's calls?
(Penelope finding and rescuing Desmond would have made it difficult for Widmore to use Desmond. Even if Widmore didn't know Desmond was "special" yet at this point, it's fairly obvious why he wouldn't want his own daughter meddling in his attempts to retake the island.)

4.9 The Shape of Things to Come

* Why does Ben think that the freighter people won't hurt him?
(Again, this is just to indicate Ben's assumptions about "the rules".)

* Why does Daniel Faraday lie to Jack about the Morse code received from the freighter?
(This was actually dealt with in the same episode, and I missed it. Faraday later revealed to Jack that the freighter never planned to rescue anyone from the island at all.)

4.11 Cabin Fever

* Why are Christian and Claire in Jacob's cabin?
(Calling it Jacob's cabin at this point would be a misnomer, since we only ever saw Smokey there, and Ben was clearly tricked into believing that this was where Jacob lived. Claire was there because the smoke monster, in the guise of her father, had persuaded her to stay on the island.)

* Why does Christian not want Locke to tell anyone where Claire is?
(This was simply part of Smokey's ploy to keep people on the island and recruit them to the "dark side".)

4.12 There's No Place Like Home, Part 1

* Did Sun buy a controlling interest in her father's company for any reason other than revenge? Is Paik Heavy Industries involved in some way with Dharma, Charles Widmore, or the Hanso Foundation?
(Getting back at Ben Linus by way of Charles Widmore was Sun's only motivation here. Though getting back at her father probably felt good, too.)

* Does the island of Membata really exist in LOST's universe?
(Nobody ever went there and said "Hey, there's no island here", so sure, it exists.)

4.13 There's No Place Like Home, Part 2

* What are Richard's plans for The Others now that Ben is gone?
(Moot point - Richard wasn't in charge for very long before Smokey returned in the guise of Locke. Then Jacob was killed, and Richard was stripped of his leadership/island protector role at that point.)


5.1 Because You Left

* Why does Locke have to die in order for the Oceanic Six to return?
(This idea originates from Smokey. He tells it to Richard, who tells it to Locke, who then leaves the island and is strangled by Ben. Ben himself appears to have never known about this until after Locke's death and apparent resurrection, but he was the one who ended up killing Locke for his own reasons.)

* Does Ethan remember his encounter with Locke?
(We didn't see anything involving Ethan as an adult after this, so it doesn't matter.)

5.3 Jughead

* Are any of the remaining Others "ageless" like Richard Alpert?
(No one that we were ever shown. Jacob didn't seem to give out this gift frequently.)

* What happened to Theresa, the woman Faraday experimented on?
(Beyond what we were shown of her requiring constant care due to her condition, nothing else of significance.)

5.4 The Little Prince

* Will Jin's interactions with Rousseau's science team change the past, or was he always there? Does Rousseau remember Jin 16 years later?
(With no evidence to the contrary, assume "Whatever happened, happened".)

5.5 This Place Is Death

* Had the members of Rousseau's team actually been afflicted with the "sickness", or was Danielle the one who went insane?
(Claire's experiences later paralleled Rousseau's, so the reasonable answer is that Rousseau was the one who went crazy.)

5.6 316

* How does Mrs. Hawking know so much about the circumstances surrounding Locke's death?
(Ben killed Locke after finding out he had been told to track down Eloise Hawking, so Ben was probably the one who told her about Locke's death and gave her the suicide note.)

* How did Mrs. Hawking end up in charge of the Lamppost Station?
(Charles Widmore presumably put her there after the Purge.)

* Why isn't the island "done" with Desmond yet?
(Eloise probably knows that Charles wants to bring him back to the island, since Charles ends up taking Desmond mere days after this point.)

5.7 The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

* If Widmore was watching "the exit" in Tunisia, was he aware that Ben left the island before Ben showed up in his bedroom?
(Doesn't really matter, in terms of affecting Widmore's plans. He either expected Ben to look him up after noticing that Ben had left the island, or else he decided to start watching "the exit" more carefully after finding out Ben had left.)

* How did Sayid end up doing charity work in the Dominican Republic?
(Just a conscience/redemption thing for Sayid. No reason to read anything else into it.)

* Why were Caesar, Ilana, and Bram on the plane? Do they have any history with the island?
(Likely because Jacob had summoned them to return to the island along with the remaining candidates. Jacob himself was instrumental in getting at least a few of them back to the island.)

* Who found Locke's body and his suicide note?
(Ben probably brought the suicide note to Eloise. Doesn't really matter who found the body.)

5.8 LaFleur

* Why did the Oceanic Six have to return to the island if Locke was able to "save" it by turning the wheel?
(Since the directive to bring them back came from Smokey, the intent was never to save the island. It was to lure the candidates into a trap. Bringing Locke's body back enabled the loophole that would allow Smokey to manipulate Ben into killing Jacob.)

5.9 Namaste

* Why is Radzinsky so protective of the plans for the Swan?
(The Swan would have clearly been dangerous in the wrong hands.)

* Does Ben have any memory of meeting Sayid as a child?
(After Ben is shot and taken to the Temple, Richard states that he won't remember any of this.)

* How did Ethan and Radzinsky survive the Purge?
(Radzinsky likely locked himself down in the Swan. Ethan had already been recruited by Ben at this point.)

5.10 He's Our You

* Did Sayid change the timeline by shooting Ben?
(Since Ben didn't die and didn't remember this happening, it appears that nothing changed.)

* What threat did Widmore's people pose to the members of the Oceanic Six?
(Widmore knew that these people had been to the island, and had his own secrets to keep and intentions to return. He wasn't above killing people to regain control of the island. He also knew who Jacob's candidates were.)

5.11 Whatever Happened, Happened

* Have Cassidy Phillips or Carole Littleton exposed the truth about the Oceanic Six to anyone else since they returned to the island?
(No one that we were ever shown. Since the show didn't reveal what happened in the "real world" after Ajira 316 left, and since Charles Widmore is now dead, this is irrelevant.)

* How did Juliet know that Richard Alpert would be able to save Ben's life?
(She had likely been to the Temple, or at least learned about its properties, during her time with The Others.)

5.12 Dead Is Dead

* How did Ethan become one of The Others?
(Either Jacob or Ben decided to recruit him, apparently. The real question is how he was able to be among Ben, Widmore, and their people while still living with his parents in the DHARMA Barracks. But since he was later able to infiltrate the Losties, this probably wasn't too hard for him.)

* How was Ben able to be active among The Others while still living with his father as a member of the DHARMA Initiative?
(This is really the same as my question about Ethan. Ben was sneaky, and knew how to disable the electromagnetic fence. I'm sure it wasn't that hard for him.)

* How much does Ben truly know about the island's ability to heal/resurrect a person?
(We can assume at this point that he only knew what he said he knew - that people don't return from the dead.)

5.13 Some Like It Hoth

* Why did Alvarez' body need to be brought to the Orchid for Dr. Chang to study it?
(Because that's where Chang was at the time. This doesn't indicate anything special about the Orchid beyond what we already knew.)

* Who killed Felix?
(One of Ben's cronies. Doesn't really matter.)

5.14 The Variable

* Why was Charles Widmore not around during Daniel's childhood?
(Probably because Eloise left the island. Richard specifically took measures to protect her, and Charles was later shown to be the one in charge, without Eloise present.)

* When and why did Eloise leave the island?
(See above question. "When" isn't important so much as the fact that she raised Daniel away from Charles and from the island.)

* How did Faraday deduce the cause of "The Incident"?
(Because he was a savant and he had been working on it for three years.)

* How did Eloise and/or Charles come to learn enough about future events to be able to guide the course of Daniel's life and ensure he returned to the island?
(Daniel left behind his journal, describing many events up until 2004, when he died. After that point was when Eloise stated she no longer knew what was coming next.)

5.15 Follow the Leader

* Where else do the "Tunnels" under the island lead?
(Nowhere of significance that we were shown.)

5.16 The Incident

* Did Jacob actually change the past, or did Kate, Sawyer, Locke, etc. always have memories of his visits?
(While we don't know how Jacob knew future events, "Whatever happened, happened" seems to still apply here, especially since Jacob later told some of them he had visited them.)

* Was Jacob trying to get Nadia killed, or to save Sayid?
(Irrelevant. This brought Sayid back to the island either way.)

* How much of the island was destroyed/damaged by the Jughead explosion? How many people were killed by it?
(None of it, and no one was killed other than Juliet and a few of the DHARMA workers at the site (such as Phil), since the B-timeline only existed in people's minds, and the island seemed no worse for the wear in the A-timeline, with the Swan still being built.)

* Did Ilana and her group know that Locke's body was in the crate before Locke's impersonator left Hydra Island?
(This only matters in that it would have changed their motivation and/or plans. Caesar was suspicious of Locke and tried to stop him from leaving Hydra, only to be killed by Ben. But Ilana and the others didn't seem to know anything was up until after Frank came back.)

* Why did Ilana and her group burn the cabin?
(We now know that we never saw Jacob in this cabin, only Smokey. Ilana and her people worked for Jacob, so they were out to stop Smokey by any means necessary.)

* Why is Frank a candidate for joining Ilana's group?
(I think this was only mentioned because he could have been one of Jacob's candidates. They probably didn't have Jacob's current list at that point.)


6.1/6.2 LA X

* Assuming Sam Toomey and Leonard Simms never discovered the broadcast of the numbers due to the island being submerged, and thus B-Hurley never heard "the numbers" from Leonard, did alternate Hurley play the Lotto using different numbers?
(Irrelevant - This timeline was all a result of the Losties' collective imagination, apparently.)

* Did the spring truly resurrect Sayid, or is he now being inhabited by Jacob or the smoke monster?
(Looks like he truly came back to life, no inhabiting, no tricks other than him being "infected" the way Claire and Rousseau were.)

* Why did B-Kate leave the Halliburton case behind? Was she responsible for Tom Brennan's death in this timeline as well?
(While these events likely played out with slight variants, the status of this timeline as a constructed reality in everyone's minds makes this irrelevant.)

* How did A-Kate end up high in a tree after the time flash, when everyone else was on the ground?
(Presumably the explosion blew her into the air before the island did one last time shift.)

* What was on Jacob's list contained inside the wooden ankh?
(The only purpose of this was to show that the Losties were among Jacob's candidates and therefore needed to be protected.)

6.3 What Kate Does

* Why is A-Ethan's last name "Rom" and B-Ethan's last name "Goodspeed"? Is B-Horace (Ethan's father) still alive?
(Many individuals had different last names in the B-timeline. All that matters here is that Ethan probably grew up with his father, as The Others never existed as an organized group on the island.)

* Did Aaron's would-be adoptive parents split up in the A-timeline? Did the psychic know about this before putting Claire on the plane?
(Doesn't matter. Alt timeline wasn't real, so how closely its events mirror real ones is a moot point.)

6.5 Lighthouse

* How does Claire know her "friend" isn't the real John Locke?
(Smokey told Sawyer who he was, so it seems he had no reason to keep this a secret from Claire.)

* Why is Jacob protecting Jack and Hurley, but doesn't seem to mind the Others at the Temple being in danger?
(Jack and Hurley become Jacob's next replacements. At that point, they were among the only remaining candidates. The remaining Others seem to have served no purpose to Jacob with the list of candidates narrowed down so far.)

* Who is "Wallace"? Why does Jacob want to bring this person to the island? Will "Wallace" still be able to find the island with the lighthouse's mirrors destroyed?
(Irrelevant. The name was crossed out, and I had overlooked this fact.)

* Why was Claire named in B-Christian's will? Did this happen in the A-timeline as well?
(Irrelevant - Imaginary timeline.)

6.6 Sundown

* Was Sayid in Australia for the reasons he stated to Nadia? Was it for the same reason as the original timeline (being brought there by the CIA to stop a terrorist plot)?
(Irrelevant - Imaginary timeline.)

* Why can Jacob be killed with a knife, but Smokey cannot?
(This was really answered with the revelation that Jacob has been corporeal the entire time and the Man in Black's original body has been dead and buried for quite some time.)

* Are Dogen and Lennon truly dead, or will the spring resurrect them as well?
(We never saw them again, so they're dead.)

6.7 Dr. Linus

* Why did Jack want to return to "where it all started" (the beach camp)? Who/what was he expecting to find there?
(Doesn't really matter. This is where everyone went on this show when they didn't know what else to do.)

* If Ilana and her team were supposed to protect "the candidates", does this mean that they were on the island during the three months the candidates spent there in 2004?
(We were never shown that they were, so no.)

6.8 Recon

* Is it notable in any way that A-Charlotte is an anthropologist while B-Charlotte is an archeologist?
(No. This was an alternate timeline/idealized version of events with small differences in many characters' backstories.)

* What was the turning point that made B-Sawyer decide to become a cop instead of a conman?
(I think the death of his parents WAS what he intended to refer to as this turning point; he just didn't want to be explicit about this when first meeting Charlotte.)

* What caused B-Sawyer's parents deaths to happen a year later than in the A-timeline?
(As this was all imaginary, it doesn't really matter.)

* If an event before 1977 (the death of Sawyer's parents) happened differently in the B-timeline, what was the true point of divergence?
(There was no point of divergence, as this was not a true alternate timeline.)

* Is B-Miles dating anyone of significance?
(No one that we were ever shown.)

* How did the remaining Ajira survivors die? Did Widmore's team kill them?
(We were led to believe that Widmore's people killed them, and Smokey couldn't get in due to the pylons at that point, so sure, we'll accept that Widmore did it.)

6.9 Ab Aeterno

* Does Richard exist in the B-timeline? Would he have died of natural causes well before the island's destruction if Jacob never recruited him?
(If Richard had his own vision of an idealized life in which the intent is for him to realize he had died in the real world, he would have likely seen his life in the Canary Islands, back in the 1800's, and therefore never crossed paths with the other Losties.)

* Were Richard and Hurley's visions of Isabella a manifestation of the smoke monster?
(We can infer that Hurley was genuinely seeing a ghost who was unable to "let go". The Smoke Monster could have used her likeness to fool Richard, but it doesn't really matter either way.)

6.10 The Package

* Is B-Jin the father of B-Sun's baby?
(Since this is an idealized reality and there was no evidence of Sun ever cheating on him, yes.)

* Who shot Sun - was it Jin or Mikhail?
(Not relevant to the plot. Either way, Jin got to save her and they lived happily ever after.)

* What event is "coming", that Smokey allures to when telling Sayid it will be easier to endure it due to his lack of feeling?
(Smokey was going to have Sayid kill Desmond, and later blow up the remaining candidates, who were Sayid's friends at one point.)

* Has Widmore always been aware that some of the 815 survivors and his own crew from the Kahana were on the island in the 1970's?
(Widmore met many of them in the 70's, so most likely, yes.)

6.11 Happily Ever After

* Who is Penny's mother, and why is Penny's last name "Milton" in the B-timeline?
(Widmore was never married to Penny's mother, so this was probably her last name. Her actual identity is irrelevant, as she played no part in the plot.)

* What sacrifice does Widmore expect Desmond to make?
(Widmore likely expects that extinguishing the light source will be a one-way trip.)

6.13 The Last Recruit

* Does B-Ilana work for, or have any knowledge of, Jacob?
(She will eventually learn of her life in the A-timeline, presumably including Jacob, and "let go" like the others did. In the B-timeline, there seems to be no need for Jacob.)

* Why did Widmore renege on his deal with Sawyer?
(Widmore had already planned to blow up the Ajira plane. He was apparently never going to cooperate with Sawyer.)

6.14 The Candidate

* Will Claire face consequences from Smokey for having joined up with the Candidates?
(No. He simply leaves her on Hydra, to be later discovered by Kate and Sawyer when they all leave the island together.)

* Was Jack right in guessing that the C4 would not have killed anyone if left alone?
(According to "the rules" probably, but since this is a question about what WOULD have happened, we really can't know.)
Just read this from one of the writers its pretty good - explains things alot.


Im not sure its an actual real writer though but still it all makes sense to me.
i think he is an actual writer by what he said at the bottom.

Great explanation! I like alot and it smooths things over a bit.

Was it ever explained why people couldnt stay pregnant on the island?
those make alot of sense to me, think i'm starting to undestand :lol:

Dont think there is ever an explanation.
Juliette went back in time thu and sent off a nuke... so maybe the nuke is the reason and in a cruel twist of fate she is then the one they bring to research into it ..maybe.
Juliette went back in time thu and sent off a nuke... so maybe the nuke is the reason and in a cruel twist of fate she is then the one they bring to research into it ..maybe.

I think thats right, because they could have babies before that point, ie ethan and miles were born. or maybe its cos the drilled into the electro magnetism and released it. x
my take on the birth is because if someone got pregnant on the island jacob hadnt invited them.
thats what i thought thats why aran was ok he wasnt concieved on the island neither had sun
ahhhh so when Jacob invited them he knew they were pregnant so technicaly the babies were invited too

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