Hey girls how is everyone it went so quite :sad:
I have no idea were I am in my cycle since I don't kno when I ovulated I'm gunna take a test tomorrow morning and see what happens I'm sure it will b neg but u kno, u never kno right. I took my temp out of curiosity the smorning and it was 36.89 def was not expecting that I thought for sure my period was nearly here so ill see what it is tomorrow as well and see what happens lol.
Laura:- I loved the job def hard work n very stressful at times but omg it's very rewarding when u make them happy n they give u a kiss on the cheek n say thank u dear where would I b without your care, so beautiful. I loved it.
placement is finished, I'm now fully qualified cert 3 aged care worker now looking for work, I already have a job interview for a community care position so that should be great. If I get hired lol.
Oh nearly forgot also, I went to the hospital the other week to book in for my procedure, once my period starts I ring the hospital and book in to be seen on cd 10-11 then they place a catheter up inside inject dye into my uterus and take an X-ray to see if its spilling out of my tubes properly if it doesn't and I have a small block they are going to fix it but if it can't be fixed then it will b a surgery when the doctor says so. If everything is fine then I have no idea why I'm not falling so I hope that there is a block that can be unblocked so at least I kno the problem is hopefully fixed so fingers crossed for me

How r all the babies kat, Laura, cil, bba,Louise, sorry if I missed anyone.
Yum how is ur pregnancy going can't believe how quick it's going nearly there already.
Sal where r u in ur cycle ???
Lots n lots n LOTS!!!!!! of baby dust for u and I sweet heart. Xo