Thank you for the warm welcomes everyone
A little bit about myself, my OH and my son
I got pregnant when I was 18 by my abusive ex but left when I was about 15 weeks pregnant My son Myles is now almost 19 months old and I havent seen or heard from his sperm donor since and dont plan on it anytime soon.
I met my lovely OH when Myles was 4 months old on new years eve, we hit it off

We've had our problems like any relationship but we are both loyal to one another and care deeply for each other even if we want to just shake each other at times lmfao.
My cycles have always been messed up (I began to take BC pills when I was 13 because I was getting periods twice a month. I was on it until about 17 and when I stopped I only ovulated/Had a period every other month) When I met OH I went on the patch but after 6 months I noticed that even though I put the patches on different places on my skin the patches where leaving scar like sores so I stopped using the patch and went back on the BC pill but after a month I couldn't take it anymore (my hormones where all over the place.) So I talked to OH about it and then I stopped taking BC. Since then we have been NTNP. (so about 7 months now) My cycles are still messed up which is a big reason why we haven't gotten pregnant yet but Ive started taking Vitex to hopefully regulate myself.
I wouldn't say we are really "TTC" because we aren't in any hurry to get pregnant. We are kinda just seeing what happens
(ps This month I have tested with Opk's because I started taking vitex last month and wanted to see if I ovulated this month (which would have been sunday but I ran out of OPK's lmfao so march 10th when I test will be a surprise!lol) but as of right now if I did ovulate between friday and sunday I am in the 2ww

(Ps if anyone is course I got pregnant at 18, had him at 19 (met my OH) and I will be 21 in May