Low progesterone tests, is it all over for me??

i have low progesterone i've been taking progesterone replacement for 5 months now ... my 21 day progesterone tests were coming back at 0.9 i was told anything under 30 means u havn't ovulated and even if u did it would be hard to hold a pregnancy as progesterone is need to support an embryo .... i 2 had all the other tests including unltrasound all came back ok and that it was all quite healthy and normal i went to see a gyno and now starting on my first cycle of clomid ....

aparently its quite common for women to have ovulation issues but it isn't the be all and end all having low progesterone
Thank you for replying!

So if my u/s results come back as normal I can probably expect to have progesterone supplements and maybe clomid? That has helped tremendously.

I wish you lots of luck for a speedy BFP xKissyx
I think progesterone issues can be quite easily addressed with clomid. Good luck. XX
When I first had my progesterone levels taken they were around 25, I think... last month on 100mg clomid they were 100(!), so it's definitely helped. Fingers crossed it helps you too!
thanks mrphyemma ... thats the way the doc worked it for me u/s was normal so referred to gyno he found out progesterone was to blame so was put on supplements as i wasn't having af due to not ovulating as i now have learnt n so after monitoring for 3 months he's keeping me on nothisterone and has given me clomid ..

toptack is right as taking clomid makes ur body ovulate n when u have ovulated ur progesterone levels increase ...

your body mrphyemma prob just needs a boost as mine does, my gyno reckons because i was put on BC before i was regulated and then BC was replaced with implant he thinks my body just kinda went to sleep and that giving it a boost will help things greatly ...

fingers crossed you get some answers soon hun i know how fustrating it is being stuck in limbo xx
I hope you don't mind me posting - I posted a few days ago regarding low progesterone results, well my result hasn't come back yet but other half talked me into doing a pg test and it has come back as a BFP - I never expected it with the low progesterone tests but it just goes to show that its not impossible.
Good luck with your tests xxx
Thank you so much Conkers for letting us know your fabulous news it gives me some hope.
Congratulations on your BFP xx
awww congrats conckers xx thank you for giving us all some hope xx
I have an appointment this afternoon with my gp to discuss my internal scan results providing the results are back that is! Will update later.
Apparently the scan was all ok, there were lots of follicles on my ovaries maturing, but I do have a small fibroid which the gp said was nothing to worry about (but after googling fibroids I am of course naturally worried!).
The gp I saw was a new one to the practice and one link along the chain to neanderthal man. He tried to get me to think twice about going for a referral to a fs as I am 35+ and have 3 children already. He told me the NHS was "knackered" and "it gets costly from here" making me feel guilty for using NHS resources. he basically told me to go home and stop stressing and it will happen eventually. He also told me to go home and discuss if this is what DH and I really want as there are risks for the over 35's. I told him we have been ttc for over a year and we would not be there now if this is not what we want, he mentioned downs syndrome and I told him I had been there, done that and got the t-shirt as I had had an amnio with my last child. He really wanted me to go home and think hard about being referred but I was having none of this and demanded a referral to a FS today as it can take weeks and weeks. He eventually relented but I came away feeling bad. I need to see a fs to see why my progesterone levels are low and to see if there is anything can be done to help us conceive. I have no intention of having ivf, it is too costly but if they can do anything else to help me get my final baby why should |I not be entitled just because I am 37 and already have children?
you go girl!! i think it's great you stood by your guns and got the referrel i think it's highly unfair he said because of your age the fact u have 3 kids already was a reason for him not to refer you, everybody is entitled to care from the nhs even if this inclues expensive fertility care we put in to get out ...

end of the day as i see it you have a medical issue that he as your doctor should address and treat .....

i am sorry that your doctor wasn't more supportive but you showed him by being adament that you are very serious and pashionate about having another child and you have no reason at all to feel bad for wanting treatment you entitled to xx
How aweful of your doctor!:growlmad: Not to mention everyone is at risk of ds, its not just us ladies at the 35+ end! Dont feel guilty, Im 41 and I will be going as far as I can to get another bub, my DH and I have paid our taxes all our working lives which goes to funding our free medical help so I will be using it to the full extent and so should you! Keep us updated hun, hopefully it will just be a matter of a bit of tweaking and your bfp will soon follow!:hugs:
i got my blood results today and have found this thread interesting, my result was 35 so i was feeling a bit worried.
While im waiting for apointment is there anything i can do to boost progesterone levels?
I was wondering the same thing genies girl. It may take weeks for me to be seen by a fs and feel like I am wasting valuable time. I wish I could do something to boost my levels myself in the meantime.
35 is within the "normal" range though genies girl xx
I was wondering the same thing genies girl. It may take weeks for me to be seen by a fs and feel like I am wasting valuable time. I wish I could do something to boost my levels myself in the meantime.
35 is within the "normal" range though genies girl xx
I would be careful about using progesterone supplements without doc's advice and guidelines. If you start them, you usually have to continue them into first tri and wean off slowly and carefully. Otherwise you can cause a miscarriage. :(

Sucks you have to wait so long for the fs appt.
my 1st prog was 22, 2nd month was 58. i think acupuncture helped me!
I don't really want to mess around with progesterone supplements as it may affect my test results when I do finally get a fs appointment. It is just so frustrating being stuck in limbo with a broken body and nothing I can do about it myself.

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