Low Progesterone :(


TTC #3
Feb 23, 2012
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So as the title says, i've just been told by the doctor I have low progesterone (less than 1) being referred to womans health clinic to find out why. My husband and I are 38 and 42, we already have 2 sons 5 and 3. We have been ttc number 3 for 10months. Husband is refusing to get his sperm tested (embarrassed) so Doc will not refer us to fertility clinic, only womans health (based in the UK btw)

I honestly feel like im grieving, im gutted. grieving the 3rd child i might not have, grieving my youth, I feel so incomplete. I know im lucky to already have 2 wonderful children, i know i am and they make my life worth living but i had always seen 1 more in our family.... That empty spare room i'd eyed for our next child when we bought our house.

Sorry this is more of a vent but i have no one to talk to about this, i spoke to my mum and she just says its ok you already have 2 children. she doesnt understand. Husband just says if its meant to be it will happen all we can do is keep trying.
Sorry you're going through this. I also have consistently low progesterone but nobody seems to care ‍♀️.

You may sort your levels out and it'll happen. Hold on to that hope
I'm so sorry that you're going through this :hugs:
Thinking of you <3
thank you guys, sorry to hear you are also going through this Amaibee.
I’m so sorry, hearing that something is wrong always feels like a punch in the gut. The better news is you know what’s wrong and see if there is a way to increase it. I know there are creams and supplements. My OB prescribed me suppositories for low progesterone. There may be other options as well.
doctor called me today, just waiting for an appointment from my local hospital, thanks for that little light at the end of the tunnel Jules8
I suffer from weak ovulation and low progesterone. I get put on compounded progesterone pills or suppositories after O and it helps but still trying to sort out the quality of my eggs since I am older.

But you have an appt soon and the tests they run will certainly help. Especially CD 3 tests. Do they do the Clomid challenge test over there? Meanwhile, FX your hubby lets go and gets his sperm dudes tests. Mine didn't want to at first but he has done it so many times now....I feel bad for the awkwardness of it but we women go through so much more. Hugs
I think I may be going through this to.
We have been trying for 6 months and ive just gone through my 3rd chemical pregnancy since April.
I noticed when I got my positive test my temp stayed up for 4 days and then dropped and kept dropping.

Im 40 and hubby is 45.
Doctor thinks it age related which im really worried about.
I have to have bloods done between cd1 to 5 and then another 7 days b4 AF.

Im only on cd7 now so have to wait for my next cycle.

Hasn't ure Doctor given u progesterone tablets to help?
I see so many womon on here that have haf reacuring early losses like me qnd it turned out to be low progesterone
They were put on tablets and many of them have gone on to have healthy pregnancies.
So sorry you're going through all of this & I hope there's a way that works for you to help get your levels up :hugs:
Hi guys, unfortunately Hubby is very stubborn no means no, there is no way in hell I will be able to get him to go and give a sperm sample. No idea what tests they will do once I get my appointment through. So far i've had internals, swabs and a few blood tests at the GP's. GP has said It's low progesterone so now just waiting for hospital to contact me regarding my referral.

Before all this i was doing the clearblue digital ovulation tests and only getting continuous flashing faces, never getting the static peak fertility face and spotting between periods. GP wont do anymore so no tablets or anything yet, next step was the referral. she wouldnt refer me to fertility clinic due to hubby's shyness so its womens health clinic instead, maybe they will then take things further ie meds
@Enasy Sorry he isn't budging but do all that you can to get yourself in line with a healthy cycle. From what you wrote it sounds like you are not ovulating. Your GP can prescribe you meds to help you with ovulation that will increase your progesterone and extra progesterone can help you sustain a pregnancy until the placenta takes over.

Hate you have to jump through all of these hurdles when you just want to be pregnant already. Also, praying doc can figure out things for you and you don't have to worry about your hubby doing a sperm sample.
I have pcos and ovulate, but not strong ovulation or regularly....or even at all because I never got a positive ovulation test while not on medication. I took femara and was pregnant that month, however, my levels weren’t rising. I thank God I was being monitored and progesterone was checked because I was low. They hurried up and had me start the suppositories and said there was a chance of miscarriage. Thankfully it worked and she’s now 4. If they hadn’t been checking all my levels then she might not be here. I took femara again with my second, but it took 4 months to conceive. They had me start progesterone right away even though my levels were ok and she’s now 2. My current pregnancy was natural and a complete surprise. I hadn’t had a period in months and thought my ovary pain was a cyst, apparently I randomly ovulated and we caught it. I didn’t need the progesterone this time. Every pregnancy was completely different, but progesterone can contribute to an egg not to stick. I would also see if they would consider prescribing clomid or femara. I didn’t get it through a fertility doctor the second time, my ob prescribed it then I just used opk’s and temped. As soon as I got a positive I would call them and would do bloodwork a few days later to see if I ovulated or not. If it was confirmed that I did they scheduled for me to come in two weeks later for a hcg and progesterone check.
continuing to DTD 2-3 times a week (just for fun) will see what doc says at appointment. still waiting
currently on cycle day 48
Good luck at your appointment! I hope they can give you some answers :hugs:
I think this is one of my problems too is low progesterone! I have pcos and don’t think I’m ovulating. Got a peak opk last cycle and this Cycle I had an USS that showed a corpus Luteum on right ovary. Had bloods done to confirm around what I believed would be 7DPO and the level was 2... needless to say I wasn’t best pleased. I will be picking this up with the OB gyn too. At the moment I’ve paid for private consultation! The waiting game is the hardest ever! CD 31 now and just want AF to come so I can start metformin for next cycle!

on a body hating mission currently and TTC is taking over my mind again!
Sorry to hear you are going through similar things, fingers crossed you get AF soon and start a fresh cycle. I'm currently on CD 55 which is really abnormal for me i usually range from 29 - 35 days. This is the first time I will have gone over 35 days. It's so frustrating. Still just waiting to hear from the hospital too, nothing yet
It’s crap ain’t it! I’m on CD33 now and no sign of AF! I had a 60 day cycle once over 10 years ago it’s a nightmare. Our bodies don’t half like to play games with us hey!

hope the hospital gets in touch and can give you some answers
So sorry hon.

Im definitely ovulating every month and my cycles are 28 days with ovulatiin on day 13 14.
I only use the strip opks and my line goes darker than the control line when positive.
I also temp and ovulation is always confirmed via fertility friend.
I have no idea what is wrong with me and why I keep having chemicals.

I thought low progesterone but was reading that with low progesterone women tend to have a very short Luteal phase.

Mine is 15 to 16 days long so now im just confused.

Aleady had one blood panel done and will have the next one done 7 days b4 AF.
Cd9 today. Can't try this cycle because of bloodtests.

So nervous what the results will be and even more worried that they won't help me if there is something wrong.

So sorry ure still waiting hon.
I think I will be refused to the womons outpatients after I get my blood results
Not looking forward to having to go to womons outpatients and sitting amongst loads of heavily pregnant womon when potentially I may have something wrong with me.
I feel horrible saying that.
But our hospital lay out is so rubbish.

Any womon that have gynlogical problems have to sit in the same waiting room as all the pregnant ladies.
Why they didn't make 2 separate areas I don't know.

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