LTTC with 'unexplained' infertility?


Trying for #1
Dec 2, 2011
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:wacko: My head.. My head is just jumbled right now.

So, Hubs and I have been trying (and failing) for 18 months now, moving into our 19th, with not one single positive pregnancy test. :cry: (Actually I was married before and tried with the ex for 11 months, before him was in a 3 year relationship and we tried for 2 years. Never once had a positive pregnancy test. Although have had a few convincing 'wondfo' evaps.). I know, I know, it's not as long as some of the other ladies here, but I can say my heart bleeds for y'all. :nope:

I am not one for pity parties, and I don't go looking for it, but right now I feel like a woman with useless uterus. :nope: Maybe it's because everyone around me 'seems' pregnant? Maybe it was the so-called 'friend' who has had problems like mine rub it in my face that she finally got pregnant, and when it is my time, it will come. :dohh:

Anywho, I just had a convo about the blood work I submitted and everything looks to be normal. I am trying to figure out what gives??

Hubbys SA : AMAZING! (Must be nice!!)
My bloodwork : Normal

Here is some background info on myself :
I ovulate on my own (tracking with OPKs and had two US's that showed I O).
According to my old OBGYN and this new one, my uterus is 'perfectly' shaped.
I have a 14 day LP with cycles ranging from 28-33 days.
I don't drink, I don't smoke. Have never done any type of drugs. (:blush: Maybe a few puffs of a joint when I was a freshman.)
I am not over-weight. I watch what I eat and stick to a pretty 'balanced' diet. I take my prenatal vitamins every day.
I have never been or taken any kind of birth control (or any other meds).
I have had 2 HSGs first showing one tube blocked (opened with dye) and second showing both tubes 'very open' according to my old OBGYN.

This new OBGYN (which I like very much, I actually feel like I'm being taken seriously.) is kind of 'grabbing the bull by the horns' and is gunning for me to start clomid ASAP, and be monitored on it, but I'm going to be honest I'm not too hopeful that it's going to work. :wacko:

I was just wondering if anyone else was in the same boat as me. Sorry if this seems a bit jumbled up, my brain is scattered right now. :hugs:
Hi LittleBunnie

We are the same, have been TTC for 26 months and to date we are still in the catagory of 'unexplained infertility'. Like you, i have never had a BFP. All of my blood work came back normal and my husbands SA is also normal. We are 27 and 28 years old, healthy, non-smokers and i have cut out alcohol completely. I had to loose weight to get signed off for IVF but managed to, and we are currently on our first round of IVF.

My consultant didnt want to give me clomid as i ovulate naturally, like clockwork 28-29 day cycles and have never missed a period. We didnt get offered IUI as he said that given the length of time we have been trying, we would have a better sucess rate with going straight for IVF.

I would take whatever the consultant is giving out, as they are the specialist but also if it doesnt work, you have tried it and can move on to the next step. I have my fingers crossed for you and hopefully you wont have to wait much longer for that BFP

X x baby dust x X
Thank you love. :hugs: How exciting to be trying IVF! We are stationed here (S. Korea) for the next two years and the only upside is that IVF is relatively cheap here. I don't know how much cheaper but I was told 2K-4K cheaper.
Well here in the UK we get one free cycle with one egg, and then i think if we needed another cycle we are looking at 3-4k, but any leftover eggs from the first cycle will be frozen for 3 years so that would reduce the price....but hopefully we will be lucky in this cycle!!
Do you have really painful periods?

I'm same boat as you everything has come back great.
Only issue's have been is I have partial heart shaped uterus
but that was discovered by hysterscopy which my doctor said
would only effect pregnancy in the final trimester.

Beside's that I ovulate, its been confirmed by opk & blood.

I'm not over weight, I rarely ever drink alcohol, I dont smoke or do drugs.

TTC 3 years. My periods are VERY VERY painful, like I'm in hospital for them
time to time. I puke, I shake, it feels like my uterus it pulling all my organ's!

I've been told unexplained infertility.

I've also been told its to much stress or timing.

But biggest is I've been told I have endometerious
but they haven't done anything about it, or lap to confirm.
I'm pushing for that next.
I'm with you ladies. 21 months of TTC with not even one BFP. Did the ultrasounds, the HSG, the lap, and various blood tests plus been on a gluten free diet and B12 supplements for almost 8 months. Ovulation verified with progesterone test/OPK and hubby had a good SA, so there's really nothing else to do at this point except see a FS.

I'm in the process of losing weight/training for a 5k/getting as fit as possible, but my starting BMI was less than 26 so I doubt my weight had anything to do with it. It will just make me feel better to know I'm as healthy as I possibly can be.

*Rant Alert* Sometimes I just want to scream about the unfairness that is LTTTC. I see all you ladies on here who care so much about the kids you want, are in a stable relationship, and would do anything for the families you're dreaming about. It pisses me off that people who shouldn't be reproducing are, and so many of the people we need more of in this world can't. *Sigh... Rant Over*

Best of luck to all you ladies!!
We will get there ladies, and we will cherish our babies more because we have waited so long to hold them x x
Hey ladies! I was just going to start a thread like this until I saw this one. I'm on Cycle #41, Unexplained Infertility. Have had a Lap. done and I am "textbook perfect" inside. I do seem to O, but I'm usually doing so pretty late into my cycles (last month was CD28). I seem to have about a 12 day LP but I'm waiting for a few months of temping to confirm that. I haven't been on BC since March of 2010 and we have not used protection at all. We actively started trying late 2010 for #1. I think our issue is probably DH's sperm count but they are concerned about my late O and haven't messed with him yet. Will be starting Clomid on my next cycle. Pretty nervous about it but hope it works! I want to say that I'm so glad to be here with you ladies, but I honestly hate that we are all in the same boat. FX that we get our BFP's very soon. <3
Oh and I'm at a very normal and healthy weight, no drinking/drugs/cigarettes. Very healthy diet, and only caffeine I consume is a half a cup of coffee a day. To further clarify, they found nothing on my Lap. No PCOS, No Endo. Has them stumped about why I don't O until late.
Hi wishing1010, its good to see that we are not alone in this. I hate the term unexplained infertility, if there was something wrong we could fix it! X x baby dust x x
Amen to that!!!! I have my next doc appt on the 13th, so I should know more then. I am also tired of the term "unexplained". Argh!
We are unexplained as well. Been trying since sept '11. We also have never had a bfp while trying. Did try clomid, then IUIs, then our first IVF. All failed. It was nice to know though that our 2 parts could make an embryo with IVF, so that was something.
Normal weight, don't smoke, though do have a glass of wine occasionally.
All tests have been fine, though they did remove a small polyp before the IVF that they saw.
I wish there was some way to know exactly what goes on from the start - so that we'd know what part of us failed, so we could fix it. Did the sperm make it through, did they meet up with the egg, did the egg go down and just couldn't implant, etc etc..
First and foremost HUGE HUGE HUGE :hugs: to all you ladies struggling as well.

I have had a lap & dye when I got my HSG done. My OBGYN wanted to remove a 'small' probably-should-be-left-alone cyst, and do an HSG while he was at it (coded it as a cyst removal so my insurance would pay for it).

The only thing he really found was I have 'endosalpingiosis' a benign condition, which is only found by accident, in his 30+ years of practice he and his colleagues have never seen it before. Lol. He did says he ran extensive tests to make sure it wasn't endometriosis. He also commented on how 'long' my fallopian tubes are but that shouldn't be a problem either.

My periods kind of go like this :
Day 1 : Light and then normal flow (medium/heavy cramping, nothing that 2-4 midols can't fix.)
Day 2 - 4 : Heavy bleeding w/ lots of clots. (very mild cramping)
Day 5 - 7 : Medium to light bleeding w/ some clots. (no cramping)
I think the 'unexplained' diagnosis is AWFUL! How in the world do we fix a problem when we don't know what it is??!

As you can probably tell by my rant, my hubby and I have been classified as 'unexplained' :growlmad: We officially stopped BCP 8/2011 and have never had a single BFP! I have regular cycles and ovulate on my own. PCOS labs, HSG, SA have all been normal. We are both 'young' and healthy adults, and although I had a normal BMI, was told to gain a bit of weight as fat makes more estrogen. I've done that and we've still failed clomid + TI, letrozole/follistim + IUI, and now IVF. :cry:

In my attempt to do a FET in Feb my lining was not getting thick/triple layer and so now we have a hysteroscopy scheduled next week so perhaps I will no longer be explained?! :shrug: Doubtful as my lining was great for all IUI cycles...

Anyway, I'm so sorry to find so many of you in the same boat. What a frustrating place to be :hugs: I hope we all get (a) answers and (b) miracle babies soon! :flower:
I'm with you all! We've been trying for about 2 1/2 years and unexplained except for one blocked tube. Regular ovulation, "beautiful" lining on ultrasounds, healthy lifestyle, and never a BFP.

My doctor said that IVF is the best diagnostic tool he has. That's one of the things that gets me through when I start dreading the process and feeling negative about it; at least MAYBE it'll help give us an answer about where things are going wrong.

Wishing you all answers and solutions soon!
Hi ladies, quick update. The clinic called me yesterday and asked me to attend for a scan on Saturday as my ivf drugs are working well. Looks like ill be in theatre on Monday for my egg collection. God I hope this works x x x good luck with your journeys ladies x x x
I'm glad you a responding well to the IVF!!! FX for all of you ladies undergoing procedures to achieve a BFP!

My doctors just started worrying about me at the 3 year mark of TTC. I feel like maybe we could have conceived a long time ago had we gotten help. But since I was only 22 when we started, they just wanted to wait since I was young. Going to be 26 next week, still no BFP. Thanks, doctors.
I got old alot - that because i was young, it was just a matter of time. 28 next month and like you still no BFP! X x
Wish, isn't that just shit? They think because we are 'younger' that we aren't serious about TTC. :hugs: I know how you feel hun.

Glad you are responding to the meds Tink! How does the egg retrieval go? Like what do they do?

I have just finished my period and am waiting to O.. I took 40MGs of Soy Isoflavens and am taking 1000MGs Evening Primrose Oil to see if it helps me produce more EWCM.
I have tried the EPO but I can't deal with the headaches it gives me :(. Tried fertileCM this month and got great CM...on like cd 12. Nothing really since and no O yet. So, here I am on CD21, no O in sight. Wish they would run more tests!!!!!

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