Swimmy- Yeah. I was pretty unimpressed when he first said that he wanted to wait for me to m/c again and do the testing then instead of continuing to do more rmc testing.
Now, I've made it to that point and he's now telling me that he doesn't want to test the embryo unless I make it past 6 weeks. I was so pissed off and fed up. I'm sightly less angry now....but not by much.
I mean, he could have told me that when we were first discussing it and I would have brought up the fact that I have never made it past 6 weeks, so his plan wasn't going to work. But no...he didn't. And I went through the trouble of collecting my "products of conception" (as my nurse likes to say) and for what? For no reason.
We have an appointment with him at the end of the month. DH wants to hear him out and see what his idea of "the next steps" are. I told DH I would give him this meeting, but if he doesn't become more proactive about figuring out what's going on with me, I'm going to look into switching doctors within the practice. And really, at this point, I'm just hoping I don't completely flip out on him. I do not want to m/c again. Why am I paying him if he's not going to investigate and figure out what's going on with me so it doesn't have to happen again?
Oh DBZ, you're perfectly within your right to be unsatisfied with your RE. He sounds a bit incompetent if you ask me. I'd say if he doesn't come with a clear and precise plan, then dump him. I'm starting to wonder if he's delaying things to make more money? Have you tried researching other patients' experiences with him?
My only concern would be that it could be uncomfortable and awkward to switch REs within the practice. The other REs may give you a hard time if your current RE is well-liked and respected by the others. It might be worth switching clinics, even if their success rates are a tad lower than the one your using. Plus success rates can be determined in many ways, I'm sure clinics calculate them differently and the more shady ones will probably do what they can to make their clinic look best. Statistics can be messed with. I'd say if the difference isn't really big, then it may be worth switching clinics entirely. Try researching the different clinics and REs, what are people's experiences, have people been generally very positive or negative about their expereince with said clinic or RE. That's what I did when deciding between the 2-3 IUI clinics we could choose from back when we got our referral.
The other day, when I was feeling more fed up with my FS, I looked into other practices and was reminded why I went to this one in the first place. The success rate is 15% higher than the other clinic in the area and it's highly recommended by the university hospital system. I did wonder if it would be awkward to switch within the practice, but such a difference in pregnancy rates between the practices makes me think it's worth it to stick around.
He may be highly regarded within the practice, but it's big enough that I think it should be okay. One of the newer doctors was absolutely lovely when she did my IUI and seemed more interested in me as a person even in that short interaction. And there's another doctor that has sooo many testimonials written about how great she is. So, I would try to switch to one of them and hope it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But, we'll see.
My FS has one more shot. I just want him to say something along the lines of "Let's keep testing and figure out what's going on." I kind of feel like he's going to say "Let's think about IVF" and spending thousands of dollars on IVF is the last thing I want to do if I'm just going to have another loss. But guess we'd be able to see what's going on with the embryos after fertilization and if they do PGD, we'd know if it was a chromosomal thing. But still...it's a lot of money and if there's something going on with me, it would be good to know before we sink all that cash in to IVF.
So, my plan is to go in with a list of tests we haven't done yet and ask him about them. I just really want answers.