LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Just started spotting, which means the red witch is in her way. So upset, I don't even know why I had any hope. Now I am upset we are doing another IUI instead of jumping into IVF right away. So freaking annoyed at myself for hoping we could get pregnant
:hugs: sorry myshelsong. Hopefully the IUI works for you.

Ironically, I'm praying for AF to turn up - I've not had AF turn up since my miscarriage. My body feels like she's desperate to come on - I know I'm not pregnant because I've done loads of different tests since the mc.
Just started spotting, which means the red witch is in her way. So upset, I don't even know why I had any hope. Now I am upset we are doing another IUI instead of jumping into IVF right away. So freaking annoyed at myself for hoping we could get pregnant

Sorry Myshel:hugs: Yeah I'm thinking if IUI doesn't work within the first 3-4 tries, without even any CP(s) to show for it, it most likely won't work. I went through 6 of them myself and always got BFN/AF each and every time.

I will say though that IVF is more physically and emotionally challenging so maybe you can take the time to start preparing yourself mentally for it?

wanna: Hope your AF soon turns up! Hope you're otherwise doing ok and had a nice holiday.

AFM nothing much to tell TTC wise until AF shows up at the end of the week. We got the condition report for the house we want and there are a few issues that we'll need to get taken care of within the first 1-2 years so we'll be bidding a bit under what they want tomorrow - DH will be calling them since he's better with that kind of thing than I am:haha: We do have a max bid in mind so here's hoping the owners will not want more than that (it's close to the price they're asking for so should be able to make a deal).
A part of me really wants to move onto IVF, but the other part can't yet. The reason we were doing another IUI is because we only found out after additional testing after the failed IUIs was the issue was my hubs sperm and the amount of fragmentation. We were given almost a 0% chance with his previous numbers, but those weren't found out until all four failed. Which was horirible to find out all the wasted time and money and tears.

Now months later his fragment numbers have improved significantly, giving us a all but normal chance of conception with IUI with a man with lower sperm count. Which is why we were hoping to give it one more round since now we literally have a shot at it, where we didn't before.

You have to understand we have been on this journey for Almost FIVE YEARS now, not including the two years ntnp. We are even moving onto adoption as an option, So I am as emotionally ready as I can get for a failed IVF cycle. That doesn't mean that I don't feel crazy when I get my period for the first day though.

Not doing IUI this month though, hubs mom is going in for surgery and it is going to conflict with the dates. I hilariously started my period four days early which is where the conflict comes from, super annoyed.

Wishing everyone else luck. - getting their af .... Lol
Hope the house bid goes as you want and you get the house!
A part of me really wants to move onto IVF, but the other part can't yet. The reason we were doing another IUI is because we only found out after additional testing after the failed IUIs was the issue was my hubs sperm and the amount of fragmentation. We were given almost a 0% chance with his previous numbers, but those weren't found out until all four failed. Which was horirible to find out all the wasted time and money and tears.

Now months later his fragment numbers have improved significantly, giving us a all but normal chance of conception with IUI with a man with lower sperm count. Which is why we were hoping to give it one more round since now we literally have a shot at it, where we didn't before.

You have to understand we have been on this journey for Almost FIVE YEARS now, not including the two years ntnp. We are even moving onto adoption as an option, So I am as emotionally ready as I can get for a failed IVF cycle. That doesn't mean that I don't feel crazy when I get my period for the first day though.

Not doing IUI this month though, hubs mom is going in for surgery and it is going to conflict with the dates. I hilariously started my period four days early which is where the conflict comes from, super annoyed.

Wishing everyone else luck. - getting their af .... Lol
Hope the house bid goes as you want and you get the house!

Hmmm you could try a couple of more IUIs before moving on to IVF if you want? Or you could move on to IVF now. I know some women want to move on to IVF as quickly as possible since the success rate is much higher. If you feel ready for IVF then you should do it :)

Sorry about your DH's mom, hope it goes really well!

Know how that feels, I remember AF started a bit earlier after my 3rd or 4th IUI, it totally stinks.

Thanks! DH will be calling the guy that inspected the house today to ask a couple of questions and then he'll call the owners later today to bid:thumbup:

UPDATE: DH has given our bid and the owners said they'll think about it :wacko: I have no idea if that's good or not? We only bid about $14,600 under what they want for it (they want about $271,000 for it).
Myshelsong - i'm sorry, i really hope iui works for you with your dh's swimmers doing better.

KatO - fingers crossed on the house!!! I hope you guys get it. I hate back and forth bidding we had to do that a few times on our house.

AFM - got a heart beat of 121 today :) measuring a few days behind but our darn bean was hiding and being very photogenic. So our doc wasn't concerned about the measurements with the heart beat being good. Now I'm sure I will just be nervous until my next scan. I'll keep yall updated but I'm totally rooting for you all!!
Happy New Year, ladies!

Lots of exciting stuff going on around now.

Swimmy - So nice to hear that your doc wasn't concerned about your little bean. An how lovely, you got to hear the heartbeat. It must have been amazing! :D

Kat -- Good luck on the house bidding! I hope they accept your offer!

Myshel - I understand what you're going through. Long term TTC is so hard, especially when you've been at it for so long. But, I'm so glad that they've figured out what the barrier to conception has been for you in the past. I hope that this next IUI is successful.

Wanna - I hope AF shows up soon!

AFM - After a year of no BFPs, I got one a little before Christmas, only to have it end in a m/c. I've been waiting for AF to start for a while (I started spotting and knew it was pretty much over then) and it's finally here. I guess it's back to the drawing board with my FS and deciding if we want to stay with his office or go somewhere that might be more proactive with figuring out what's wrong with me, so I can actually make it past 6 weeks. But, here's hoping that the net BFP will result in a 40 week pregnancy.
Happy New Year, ladies!

Lots of exciting stuff going on around now.

Swimmy - So nice to hear that your doc wasn't concerned about your little bean. An how lovely, you got to hear the heartbeat. It must have been amazing! :D

Kat -- Good luck on the house bidding! I hope they accept your offer!

Myshel - I understand what you're going through. Long term TTC is so hard, especially when you've been at it for so long. But, I'm so glad that they've figured out what the barrier to conception has been for you in the past. I hope that this next IUI is successful.

Wanna - I hope AF shows up soon!

AFM - After a year of no BFPs, I got one a little before Christmas, only to have it end in a m/c. I've been waiting for AF to start for a while (I started spotting and knew it was pretty much over then) and it's finally here. I guess it's back to the drawing board with my FS and deciding if we want to stay with his office or go somewhere that might be more proactive with figuring out what's wrong with me, so I can actually make it past 6 weeks. But, here's hoping that the net BFP will result in a 40 week pregnancy.

Thanks DBZ, we're hoping as well since we really like this house :haha: DH is pretty sure he'll either accept or try to find a compromise with us since he started mentioning when we'd want to move.

So sorry to hear about your MC:hugs: I think it's when you've had more than 3 that the REs will test you further to see what the problem is, or so I've heard from others here. Maybe be more insistent and say if they won't listen to your concerns and take them seriously, you'll have to find another place that will.
The owner of the house came with a counter bid of about $259,000 so DH just accepted it so we now have a house:happydance: DH can't decide if he should've come with another counter bid but it wasn't like it was a huge difference so he didn't and just said yes.

We have a house:happydance: It's ours to move into from April 1st so plently of time to plan our move.
Yay!!!! So exciting!! Congrats :)

Thanks:flower: Yeah can't wait til we can move:happydance: Although we'll probably be getting more jokes from DH's little brother and cousin about us "moving to/living in the country/ middle of nowhere" which are of course gross exaggerations as we'll only be about 10 minutes away from the nearest large city:dohh: But I think the little brother feels it's living in Copenhagen or bust for him:haha:

Does anyone know when you announce you've bought a house on FB? So excited I want to tell people now but don't know if I should wait until the paperwork is in order:shrug: We're of course telling his parents since they'll need to find a new renter for this place and the rest of the family (except my siblings and cousin, they wouldn't care anyway).
Thanks, Kat. This is m/c #5 for me, so we've done some testing. But after the basics, my FS was like "Hey, let's wait until you have another m/c and test it and see what happens." So I've been kind of on hold waiting for a pregnancy before he'd do anything else...which is silly.

I probably should have found someone else back then, but I did have two IUI's with his office this year. There's a load more tests he could have been doing in the meantime though. So, if nothing comes from testing the bean, I'm going to ask for them. And if I'm not happy with what happens, then I'll find somewhere else to go.

Congrats on the house! :D I might wait for the paperwork to get straight before announcing, since you probably want to make sure that it all goes through without issues. But, how exciting! How are you going to announce it? Will you post a picture of the house?
Thanks, Kat. This is m/c #5 for me, so we've done some testing. But after the basics, my FS was like "Hey, let's wait until you have another m/c and test it and see what happens." So I've been kind of on hold waiting for a pregnancy before he'd do anything else...which is silly.

I probably should have found someone else back then, but I did have two IUI's with his office this year. There's a load more tests he could have been doing in the meantime though. So, if nothing comes from testing the bean, I'm going to ask for them. And if I'm not happy with what happens, then I'll find somewhere else to go.

Congrats on the house! :D I might wait for the paperwork to get straight before announcing, since you probably want to make sure that it all goes through without issues. But, how exciting! How are you going to announce it? Will you post a picture of the house?

So sorry DBZ, maybe be much more insistent with your RE and say that you want further testing now because you can't stand going through any more MCs if they can be avoided. Insist that if they don't you'll take your business elsewhere.

Thanks! Yeah I figured as much :winkwink: I was just going to post on FB with a pic. Now that I think about it may get back to my siblings anyway as my cousin on occasion talks to my narcissistic mother and she'd of course tell her and my cousin would tell my siblings.
Thanks, Kat. This is m/c #5 for me, so we've done some testing. But after the basics, my FS was like "Hey, let's wait until you have another m/c and test it and see what happens." So I've been kind of on hold waiting for a pregnancy before he'd do anything else...which is silly.

I probably should have found someone else back then, but I did have two IUI's with his office this year. There's a load more tests he could have been doing in the meantime though. So, if nothing comes from testing the bean, I'm going to ask for them. And if I'm not happy with what happens, then I'll find somewhere else to go.

Congrats on the house! :D I might wait for the paperwork to get straight before announcing, since you probably want to make sure that it all goes through without issues. But, how exciting! How are you going to announce it? Will you post a picture of the house?
I'm sorry for your loss Hun :hugs: and that your RE isn't doing anything - that sux. Hope they pull their finger out soon for you x
Omg DBZ that is awful I am so heartfelt sorry you are going through this. I wish there was something I could do. I can't imagine the pain. Big hugs.

Congrats on the house Kat. I say don't put it on Facebook until all inspections and paperwork is completed and it is official, then just put out a "wahoo we bought a house, only so many more days until we move in" kind of thing.
Congrats on the house Kat. I say don't put it on Facebook until all inspections and paperwork is completed and it is official, then just put out a "wahoo we bought a house, only so many more days until we move in" kind of thing.

Thanks Myshel! Yeah that's what I'm thinking I'll do now although it's so tempting because I wanna tell people:haha:

AFM TTC-wise I've already started spotting so AF will be here tomorrow or maybe the day after, depends a bit although I'm mostly leaning towards tomorrow. So surprised as DH calculated AF would come around the 8th (he's quicker at doing math in his head:haha:). If she comes tomorrow she's coming 2 days earlier than normal unless DH made an error. We'll see, if I'm bleeding red tomorrow morning I can call the hospital and schedule my 1st scan and get this ball rolling:happydance:
DBZ - I would be ticked!! How can they wait until 6+ before doing anything!!! you need to find someone else. You don't need to keep having mc if they are preventable. I'm so sorry your going through this.

KatO - I'll admit I posted of FB as soon as they accepted the offer lol. I just made sure I said something about how i was hoping the inspection didn't find something crazy because I loved the house. So excited for you. I know moving is so much work but it's so much fun. (well I kind of sat around drinking wine while my DH packed haha) totally bit me in the butt when I unpacked and found he packed the dumbest of things (example we ended up with 5 toasters... because he liked they had "poptart settings).

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