LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Hi Ladies! :hi: Am here to catch up!

Pippi, looks like O is playing tricks with you. :grr: :gun: :growlmad: NOT NICE! Hope she shows up soon and you get the natural bfp this cycle!

Myshel, I saw your news. Nothing found on the lap? :growlmad: :shrug: That’s frustrating. I guess it could be worse—they could have found something unfixable thing meant no chances at all. :nope: I can’t believe you have to wait up to a year to see a FS. :saywhat: Is there anything your regular doc could do in the meantime, like clomid, just to increase your chances a little bit? You also might try looking into some of the theorized problems with unexplained fertility, like immune things. A woman on another thread linked to an immune suppressant protocol that might be worth looking into:
There are other theories floating around, but this is a prominent one. I think another is sperm genetic problems. :shrug: (I read something but can’t put my hands on it now.) I like your idea of using your wait time to get as healthy as possible. :bodyb: There are fertility cleanses, and healthy egg supplement protocols and such. If they increase your chances at all it might be worth it just so you can be proactive while you wait. I’ve definitely seen miracle bfps around here, especially with the unexplained folks, so don’t give up hope!! :hugs: :hugs:

Hi, Despondent! I chatted with you a bit on the injectables thread (which is not taking off, but that’s okay. :dohh: ), but welcome to this one! :friends: It sounds like you’ve had a hard journey with not-so-hot support from your docs. I hope this second round of IUI will do it for you so that you can be bump buddies with your SIL! :happydance: And I’m definitely with you about being a different person than you were when you started. I never thought I’d be angry at pregnant women, but I am. :nope: (Unless they’ve earned it through m/c or LTTTC. It’s the ones who get pregnant in one-three months who I really want to punch in the face. Not really, of course, but the urge is there. Especially when they say insensitive things to LTTTC women as if they have a freaking clue.) Anyway, much dust to you! :dust:

Hi, Ella, how are you holding up? :hugs: FYI, I think the “a” word is banned on BnB, as it can be so infuriating to see it, as you point out. :ban: Hope this week will see a resolution to your situation! :hugs:

Welcome, Steph. :hi: I’m sorry about your loss, and I hope you’ll get your sticky bfp soon. As for when to see a FS, it’s definitely up to you. I went after six months of failed trying following my m/c, because I’m 35 and want to be more aggressive. Other ladies who are younger (and theoretically have more time, but that’s not always true), or people who want to try naturally, will wait longer. It also depends on where you are. Some people can’t get seen by a doc until 12 months of trying, and sometimes that means 12 months of trying following a m/c. I think that’s really cruel. But you could call your local FS to see when they’d be willing to see you, if you’d like. I hope this month is the month for you!

Dovkav, that’s a great story about your OH. :cry: :awww: I see you’re about to have the hysteroscopy? Good luck on that! Hope you get good news! :hugs:

Lorna, I’m sorry about the jerk in your FB group. That’s so sad. In the US all sorts of idiots say all sorts of idiotic things about immigrants. Just gotta ignore them. I bet a lot of the other women in the group disagreed with that one woman, but hadn’t said it yet. Such a thorny issue. In the US there’s a lot of outcry about state-run pensions and cushy health insurance, and, well that’s me. I’ve been getting amazing health care coverage, and a lot of Americans think I’m some fat cat living off the tax payers dollar. What can I say? Thank you? :haha: But I’m sorry you lost some of your support network over people being that silly. You still have us!! :hugs:

AFM, I’m actually finding my birth control time quite relaxing! We’re going hiking for a few days, too, which I wouldn’t have been able to do if the injections were happening right now. I’m just trying to relax, thinking shrinky thoughts towards the cyst (the doctor assured me it was tooooooooootallly normal—just badly timed), and preparing myself mentally for shots and blood draws and cycle monitoring in a couple of weeks. :thumbup:

Big hugs to anyone I missed. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Uh, the witch got me again. Which was expected.

Decided I am gonig to try Soy for two months and then take my official break. I guess I am not ready to give up yet.
Starting Soy tonight @ 100mgs, FX this will give me a solid O and improve my egg quality!
Dovkav, good luck for your hysteroscopy!

Thank you!
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy went really well.:happydance:
I was very scared before the procedure. We met 2 doctors. They explained us all the risks: infection, embolism and organ injury(colon, cervix, uterus). WE asked sooo many questions, finally they asked me, if I want to do it today, the time is running out.:growlmad:
I looked at my DH and I agreed. :thumbup:(Even I knew that I was healthy)I just hate to quit! He was next to me the whole time.
My last PAP smear was more painful, than this procedure! I didn't need any painkiller, I just fell uncomfortable just for a few minutes.(it was very short). DR. poured the NACL solution in and put the camera in and the show began.
My uterus looked wonderful, openings to the tubes looked good too. Dr. took some photos. I had very little blood spotting after hysteroscopy.
Dr. did ultrasound too. She looked at the tubes for hydrosalpinx(everything was OK), and also she found a follicle 17 mm, Friday or Saturday I will Ovulate. She suggested to wait for Friday to:sex:
WE met my RE today too and he was really helpful to explain our best chances. He helped my dh to make a decision. We are blaming my tubes for infirtility. He told me, if we do Lap"
1. he finds nothing-you'll do IVF
2. he finds very little endo and adhesions, fix them and in 6 months possible natural preg.
3. he finds a big mess and unrepairable damage- we end up with IVF.

IUI is not an option, because if I have open tubes, they are not functioning, because of a damage my ruptured appendix did.

We left the clinic with joy in our hearts, because we made a decision: we are doing green fertility treatment around 19th-20th of August!!! I wanted to kiss my DH's stinky feet!
I'll not need any meds, it will cost 475 euro and the best part of it, I'll will not sleep during egg retreaval! I'll not need any anesthetics either. I'll see my sticky bean and will fall in love with it:hugs:
My mom and sister is coming to visit me in August, we will have the best time in decade. :happydance:
Hi ladies, im now back home after my spa break with DH and survived my would have been due date. I do feel now as if i can move on properly from my mc. AF due at the beginning of next week. Fxd it stays away.

Sorry the :witch: got you myshelsong :hugs: i hope the soy works for you.

How's everyone else doing?
Thats great news Dovkav! It sounds as if you have a good plan. Fxd it all works out for you.
Dovka sounds wonderful. Wishing you all the luck in the world!
myshelsong, I am also interested in soy isoflavones, please let me know how you feel and I hope it will help you to super O this month!
Your LH faze is a little short. I hope soy will do the trick.
Best of luck to you!

let's talk about stress. How are you all dealing with it?
What or who makes you happy?
What methods do you use to relax and connect your body with your soul?
Please share your experience, what really help you.
Thanks and enjoy your evening.
Hey flou, want to say glad you made it past the due date. Must have missed thelast post done how.

Soy after day one ... No symptoms. Yeah, slept really well. Took 100mg.

As for stress ... No idea I get it all the time. I am trying not to lose my mine but it its so hard. If I need to cry I let myself. I give myself ten minutes but that is it so it had to be a real got soul deep loud gross wet cry. And I don't feel bad about it, I let myself feel everything and get it out.
Dealing with stress? I learnt you don't always need to be brave - you can avoid things if they're going to cause pain. And yes, I cry when I need to. I tell myself I AM in a difficult situation so it's okay to be sad. And make plenty of time for treats - especially for spending time with DH without thinking about TTC...
I allow time for myself to cry and not beat myself up about it. But just accept that i am in a situation which is difficult and that i am going to have bad days. My lovely DH is always there for me. I could not have dealt with half of the grief over the last two years if it wasn't for him.
In stressful times I try and treat myself to nice things, watch some girlie movies, read a good book and try and rant to someone about it.

After some time Lttc, I feel the tww is dragging on, and I can't really get excited about it. It feels a bit like whats the point? Af will show up anyway. I don't like feeling that way. We need some more positiv stories here...
In stressful times I try and treat myself to nice things, watch some girlie movies, read a good book and try and rant to someone about it.

After some time Lttc, I feel the tww is dragging on, and I can't really get excited about it. It feels a bit like whats the point? Af will show up anyway. I don't like feeling that way. We need some more positiv stories here...

I know exactly how you feel. Damn TWW. I wish there was a way to know right after BDing!!
Wouldn't that be great. It would be instantly gratifying, not that sex isn't but after a while you all know what I am talking about!

Going to diner and a movie tonight. It is dh bday do going to celebrate!
Not sure, knowing right away would also make you have to wait longer when it didn't happen. This way I can try and hold on some hope. It's just such a drag, cycle after cycle. Maybe I didn't mean only the tww, but Lttc in general.

Have a great night out myshel.
Not sure, knowing right away would also make you have to wait longer when it didn't happen. This way I can try and hold on some hope. It's just such a drag, cycle after cycle. Maybe I didn't mean only the tww, but Lttc in general.

Have a great night out myshel.

Yes the LTTTC is a drag. It sure test's our patience. :winkwink:
I cried today for two reasons: my mom text messaged today and told me that my cousin just got married (wedding, family reunion party and I can't attend:cry:), and another news-my cousin is 3,5 months pregnant. (they TTC only for 2 months). So now the competition is ended, and guess who lost it?
I used to cry the first day of my period with a bottle of wine in the bed in the dark (wine helped me not only with emotional pain, but physical too). It was before we visited RE. Mystery was killing me but now I know what is wrong with us and we can change it, take control of situation.

We need to be positive. Positive thoughts will bring us positive things! Dark cloud over our heads will swim away and we'll have a sunshine again!

What really makes me happy:
eating strawberries or rasberries
roasted garlic chicken in the oven
smilling people around me
sleeping with open window
going for a convertable ride
salt bath with levander oil
firtility massage and castor oil
powerwalk in the nature
Full moon
peacefuly falling down snowflakes
Spring time
working out in gym
drinking beer with pretzel with my hubby in the lake Cafe
Eating garlic veggy pizza with my hubby
giving support to people
helping people even they don't expect
Esmonde technique exercise DVD
Baby and bump
Make love with my hubby
I Hug and kiss my hubby in bed every morning, I always have butterflies in my tummy and it reminds me how much I love him!
I am grateful for my health, my family and good friends.

I want my hubby to write all his favourite things in the world and put on the fridge.


Have a wondeful Sunday!
I'm sorry dovkav!

Make sure you eat strawberries and raspberries, have roast garlic and chicken from the oven, take a salt bath with lavender oil, have a pretzel and some alcohol free beer with your hubbie, do a powerwalk in the nature, then watch the sun set and open your window before you go to sleep.

:hugs:I'm sure you will get your bfp really soon. Happiness is more imortant than a competition, because when you are happy you are winning:laugh2::flower:
Hey guys im new to this thread, and baby and bump in general I guess. I can't seem to find a thread where people keep posting on a regular basis! I hope you guys are interested in chatting. And I really hope you guys get some good news soon, some of you seem real sad :( Im sorry to see the pain you are feeling and I from my own expeirence of ttc have felt a lot of different roller coasters of pain jelousy and emotions. I really hope we all get some answers here.

23 myself dh 30, ttc 26 months now. DH has good swimmers, Im missing the tube on the left, tube on the right was open and healthy as of last year. Going to see my obgyn on monday to start clomid. Been charting for about four months now with no signs of ovulation, but Im four days late on my period and ive had one month in eight now that wasn't a 28 day cycle, so crossing fingers. But to be honest I don't feel like there is a possibility im pregnant.
Welcome steph - we have been ttc for a similar amount of time. Im sorry though that you have to be here and hopefully all of us will move on with bfps soon. Fxd your delayed AF is due to pregnancy.

I had a bad day yesterday. One of those days where you can't help crying and just feel like its never going to happen. Got lots of cuddles from DH which helped. AF is due tomorrow. PMS has been really bad this month. Feeling very moody (poor DH) and my boobs are killing me. The cramps started friday and yesterday i had a bit of brown spotting indicating my impending AF. I still have cramps especially in my back but no spotting. I hate this feeling of knowing AF is coming but its just not showing up just yet. Im feeling better today emotionally, just want AF to show so i can start a new month. Anyway going over to my parents for mum cooked food which should cheer me up.

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