LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Yay for adoption! :yipee: I've always wanted to adopt or foster-to-adopt for child #2. I just want to know what it's like to be pregnant ONCE! But we'll see if that even happens. :haha: :roll: Not sure of a stop date here. I think we once said by the end of this calendar year, but I don't feel ready to give up yet. Too stubborn. :haha:

Myshel, love the avatar! :thumbup: I like the seeking-positive plan. My friend who did three rounds of IVF for unexplained infertility SWEARS that she was infertile because of the stress of infertility. It's a crazy-making thought, but she got pregnant with #2 her first month trying. :shock:

Emerald, what's your TTC plan? Keep trying naturally for a while or consider IUI?

Flou, how's your TWW going? :hugs: Hope you're right and this will be it for both of us! I'm 5dp3td, which means I still have a long ways to go. :coffee: :wacko: Parents will be coming to visit this weekend, which will be a good distraction.

:hugs: to all!
Hello everybody!
I am going to a new clinic tomorrow and hopefully we'll do another natural cycle IVF try this month. New clinic, new RE new hope...

Wonderful vibes I read about adoption here!
My hubby is for it but I am not in this stage yet. We have time to adopt later.

My sister had 2 foster children. brother(6) and sister(3). The brother ran away few years later and the sister chose another family just last year when she turned 13. My sister divorced, lost her children,,,, she is heartbroken...
Foster child is my last option.

how is everyone else doing?
Pbl the tww is going well. I'm very busy with work so that's keeping me busy. Are you managing to keep your mind occupied?

I got a letter from my GP requesting i make an appointment with the fertility clinic. So hopefully soon i will have an appointment to see the Fs soon.

How's everyone else doing?
Hi girls!
I am glad to report you that I have made the best decision ever to change the clinics.

CD9, 16mm follicle R (1st IVF follie was on right side-no egg found), uterine lining 7mm.

HCG trigger on Sunday 11pm and ER on Tuesday at 10:30am

Good outcomes of the appointment with a new RE

1. She said it is in nature that for healthy couples get preggo naturally 20% each months. If embie is in me, we consider we are the healthy couple. With one egg we still have small 20% chance. if you have 2 ET than you've got 40%.

2. Trombofilia, immunity problems, autoimmunity and treatment for them with steroids and intralipids, heparin she did it and no good results. I didn't push for that yest. I hate taking drugs, this is my last resort.

3. She offered to have :sex:a night before ET, the studies are done and the outcome is positive. Sperm can aid implantation.

4. She adviced me to take another HCG trigger shot the day of ET. it may help with implantation.

5. She accepted our old infectious diseases tests from the other clinic, we are so happy about it! My old clinic had to redo the tests. It's there stinky policy.

6. This clinic has a little room that I can take my pants off! None of this comfort in my old clinic!!!

7. She told us to save up for 2 days for SA.

8. Progesterone taken orally liver removes 90% of it and only 10% stays. Probably I have a very sufficient liver it does a good job and doesn't give me hormone side effects. I guess it overworked for the past 3 months so I'll let her rest a bit. I'll take one vagnal and 2 oral this time.

9. She told me to come with a full bladder. Finally I met someone sane. Old clinic didn't care about this matter.

10. She doesn't use any painkillers for ER for natural IVF. I am going for it!!!! I am nervous a bit, but I am going for it! Who know, maybe voltaren is also to blame for failed IVF?

And the final thing that blew my mind and gave me huuuuge hope was her words:"I saw on the ultrasound that you have anteflexed uterus. A difficuts one for ET."BINGO! This is the reason I failed my 2 IVF, hysteroscopy, countless amounts of U/S with counless amounts of different doctors! And no one noticed that my uterus is different!!! No one noticed I need a special, qualified ET!! Only me, my hubby saw what was going on! They keep puting embryo in the wrong place..

Anteflexed Uterus that leans forwards over the top of the bladder. I read that you are born with this or it is complicaton of the childbirth. It should not cause infertility problems.

We'll pay tripple for this cycle. But it's worthy every penny. For who else we'll spend this money?
I am glad that I'll see only one RE. She does U/S, ER and ET. This is a private clinic and a private, specific and personal aproach!

Flou and pgl hoping and praying this 2ww is not too stressful for you.

Myshelsong, sorry for the girly days, keep taking soy and maca, it may take few months for you to work. Also please take VIT E 1000mg before O, than reduce to 300mg, Q-10 more than 100mg, Green tea extract, Fish oil 3g a day.Vit D 3000 IE a day. THis is my protocol for my IVF and hoping to this helps me to reduce overactive immunity and to reduce overall inflammation. I also limit dairy, removed sugar from my diet, very low salt and no fried foods.

Pipi, how are you feeling? Did you do CD2 blood tests? I hope everything was OK.

pieceofpie, I am still so excited about your adoption plans. The parents are Asian and Black, what a unique baby is growing. I can't wait to see the photo in Spring.
I so happy for you that God heard your prayers. I pray too every day that he guides me to make good decisions for my future.
dovkav123 -No I haven't been tested for PCOS. It was over a year ago that I saw my OBGYN and she did some tests that all came back normal, but I wasn't worked up extensively. She said that she wanted to make sure it wasn't my husband before we started down the clomid path. When we found out that his sperm were slow and few, she said that we needed to get him to a specialist first. We decided to just make some lifestyle changes including supplements, juicing, and acupuncture and wait and see what happened. His count improved a lot, but we still aren't preggers.

The weird thing about my cycle is that when I get regular acupuncture, I have regular cycles.

pblge -That is wonderful news! I have no good TWW advice. I try to give myself small rewards for making in through the day that do not involve dreaming about possibilities.

DBZ34 -My husband and I are foster parents, but we haven't had many placements because the organizations that we have worked with have been truly terrible. If pregnancy doesn't happen for me, I am interested in adopting, but I would want very young children.

Wow. It sounds like acupuncture can really be helpful for regulating hormones and cycles. I debated going to acupuncture a couple of months ago. The nice clinic is kind of far though, so I'd have to be extra motivated to go. I think maybe for our IUI cycle, I'll go in and have some done, just to relax me if nothing else.

Sorry the organizations you work with are crap. I haven't really thought about who we'd work with, just because everything is so up in the air, but you've really given me something to think about when we do start looking seriously into fostering.

I think, ideally, I'd want to look into adopting kids under 5, but if there was an older sibling, I'd probably want to adopt them as well. As for fostering, I think I'd be open to any age, but I suppose it depends on our situation. My aunt's good friend did foster parenting for just older children and it seemed really hard to cope sometimes.

Hello ladies how are you all doing? I sincerely look forward to reading all the post and I kept praying for each and everyone that hopefully 2014 is the year for most everyone.

I live in the Caribbean and therefore do things a whole lot differently, we are still somewhat in the old age and believe somewhat in what we call "bush medicine" had my final batch to drink which consist of Aloe vera and sersee Its a bitters to cleanse my inside from the MC and my final cornmeal and green banana porridge to strengthen back the inside including with whatever the doctor do. I will see my doctor next week for my all clear but I am just too excited to worry about much.

The reason I post the above is because I do believe base on what I have read so far that just maybe some bush medicine is what is needed. Please don't get upset about it just stating my point.

Myshelong maybe the new changes is just want the doctor order.

DBZ maybe you could look into adopting outside of your country and into the Bahamas, there is a variety of children up for adoption. Just a thought or Jamaica where I am from.

A little bush medicine never hurt anyone. ;) I hope you get the all clear from your doctor!

Thanks for the tip on adopting. We'd totally be into adopting from the Bahamas or Jamaica. There's a cool website for people living in the US trying to adopt from other countries and the info it gives on adopting from the Bahamas and Jamaica makes it seem really doable...and not as expensive as it seems it is adopting from other countries. Definitely an option for the future. :)

Good luck with your adoption too!!

Hello everybody!
I am going to a new clinic tomorrow and hopefully we'll do another natural cycle IVF try this month. New clinic, new RE new hope...

Wonderful vibes I read about adoption here!
My hubby is for it but I am not in this stage yet. We have time to adopt later.

My sister had 2 foster children. brother(6) and sister(3). The brother ran away few years later and the sister chose another family just last year when she turned 13. My sister divorced, lost her children,,,, she is heartbroken...
Foster child is my last option.

how is everyone else doing?

Oh no! That sounds so heartbreaking for your sister! So much emotional trauma. :hugs: Fostering is a really hard process, for the parents and for the kids. I work with kids who are in care often and the instability that they feel and all the feelings they have about their birth parents are so hard for them to deal with sometimes. But, the foster parents who are trying so hard to help these kids settle...I respect them so much. I hope your sister is doing better now.

I'm so excited for you and your new RE. It sounds like she is great and will help you finally get that BFP you've been waiting for. Hooray for her noticing the shape of your uterus. That's got to help for sure! Don't give up! Good luck!!
Hi, Girls,

I just want to say that I am so happy to see so many of you open for adoption. My hubby and me have also decided to adopt even if we have our own children. I have given to myself two other years. If nothing happens, we are going to start the procedure for adoption. In our case I am the problem (low AMH). I don't want to live life without children.
I'm personally quite open to adoption, but my heart is really in international adoption. I don't know why that is, but I've always seen myself adopting from China, if we went that route.

However, DH is very much opposed to it. He says it's basically just me giving up when I talk about it. It's not that at all, it's just that it takes so long to get approved/matched/etc, and that the process is getting more difficult, that I'd like to start it soon, so that we actually have a shot at adopting within the next 5 years.
Dovkav, this all sounds MUCH better....except for the ER with no anesthesia. :saywhat: :argh: You're a brave woman!! I hope that this is the cycle for you!! :happydance: But, oh, your sister's story is heartbreaking! :cry: I mostly know people who have had good experiences with foster to adopt, but I know the terrible stories are out there, too. They also just changed the laws so that biological parents whose parental rights were terminated can reverse the court's decision if they prove they've turned their lives around, even years later. Can you even imagine? :nope:

Emerald, that's pretty cool that acupuncture helps your cycles so much. :shock: I've been using it for IVF, and have no idea if it's helping or not. Sometimes it was relaxing, but towards the end of stims the idea of MORE NEEDLES made me want to cry. She also gave me a lot of nutrition advice, which I think was helpful.

Flou, are you going to test or wait for AF? And exciting about going to the clinic! Will this be your first real infertility testing? Sorry, I can't remember what you have and haven't had tested. :blush:

DBZ, I don't put a lot of stock in these things, but that chart is looking fabulous! FX no need for IUI!!

Daisy, I agree - a mix of biological and adoptive children sounds perfect to me. :cloud9:

Madtowngirl, it's great that your OH is so keen on continuing to TTC! A year isn't that long in the LTTTC forum. But I understand about how long the adoption process takes! It's terrible. Did you watch the documentary on Netflix about adoption from China? My friend who did it LOVED it.

What's new with everyone else? :flower:

I think I might have a bfp. :shock: :shock: :shock: I tested on Sunday (8dp3dt) because I was CERTAIN it was going to be negative, and I wanted to get most of my crying done before the work week started. I was STUNNED when it was a clear bfp (pics in journal). I still have very few symptoms, so I'm not feeling confident at the moment. Official test date is Friday, and I think it's safe to say this will be a very long week. :coffee: There will be no celebrating until I get two good betas. :thumbup: :haha:
Hi all - we took a couple months off of actively TTC, though of course you know that didn't stop me from making sure we DTD around the right day. DH just went and got his SA done (after sitting on the prescription for months trying to get his courage up and me trying not to push too hard) - and it came back with 1% morphology. Everything else seems fine - good counts and good mobility. Anyone in the same boat? The doctor didn't tell us much except that DH needs to redo the SA in a month and then we'll look at our options, which apparently with low morphology doesn't include IUI, you just go straight to IVF. Would love some opinions...
Hi girls!
I'll be a horribly selfish right now and just tell you short note that everything was smooth today.
One egg was found in the 24mm follicle
Sperm was very good, no ICSI
I was a hero today. ER without pain killer. Needle poke hurt only a second. Just cramping more than ussual later.
WE are doing 2dt.

Best wishes to all!
MItoDC - I don't know much about it (OH has perfect sperm...jerk), but there's lots of info out there on measures to improve sperm quality. Will he take supplements? Check out the behaviors list, too. Hope you can get a better sample! :hugs:
Hello to u all..I'm a new member here and have never been in a ttc forum before so I hope I'm in the right place.

I have had an ectopic pregnancy twice in my 20's and as a result I had blocked tubes and one of my tubes was severely damaged and removed, the other I had an hsg done last year and it is blocked. I am now 35 and married and ttc but ivf is not affordable at this time. Hoping when my husband gets a permanent position at his job that they will cover ivf since I keep hearing from his co-workers how good the insurance is. Anyway it's been 2 years since we have been married and no success ttc. My periods are usually like clockwork going no longer than 27 days. There was a time last June that I went 35 days and was hoping for a miracle but then af came a day after bfn. My cycles have been regular after that.

Fast forward to now and the reason for this post is I'm needing a little support. I am currently 13 days late. I was supposed to start Oct. 4th but nothing. I keep up with my af every month. I have been having symptoms but I think it's in my head and I have not taking a test in fear of bfn. And even if I get a bfp I'm afraid of another ectopic. My dh and I are very much Christian and we often pray for our miracle baby and right now we are currently excited to know if it's true. I know my God can make the impossible, possible. I have decided to wait this week out just to see if by Friday af doesn't show, then I will take hpt and make a doc appt. I have been sleepy, sore breasts and certain things makes me sick that never have b4 like when I clean with bleach or anything else with a strong aroma. I have been having discharge like crazy the past few weeks which has gone on longer than normal and it looks a little different than it normally does, like more mucousy. TMI I know! I keep praying daily that this is it and God has finally blessed me with my first baby! I'm so scared and don't want to get my hopes up but I must have faith in order for me to receive my blessing. Ok I'm rambling on and on but that's my story and I'm just hoping that Friday I will get a big fat :bfp: I have no one to talk to really that understands what I'm going thru that has infertility issues. Thanks for reading my story.:dust::dust::
Hello to u all..I'm a new member here and have never been in a ttc forum before so I hope I'm in the right place.

I have had an ectopic pregnancy twice in my 20's and as a result I had blocked tubes and one of my tubes was severely damaged and removed, the other I had an hsg done last year and it is blocked. I am now 35 and married and ttc but ivf is not affordable at this time. Hoping when my husband gets a permanent position at his job that they will cover ivf since I keep hearing from his co-workers how good the insurance is. Anyway it's been 2 years since we have been married and no success ttc. My periods are usually like clockwork going no longer than 27 days. There was a time last June that I went 35 days and was hoping for a miracle but then af came a day after bfn. My cycles have been regular after that.

Fast forward to now and the reason for this post is I'm needing a little support. I am currently 13 days late. I was supposed to start Oct. 4th but nothing. I keep up with my af every month. I have been having symptoms but I think it's in my head and I have not taking a test in fear of bfn. And even if I get a bfp I'm afraid of another ectopic. My dh and I are very much Christian and we often pray for our miracle baby and right now we are currently excited to know if it's true. I know my God can make the impossible, possible. I have decided to wait this week out just to see if by Friday af doesn't show, then I will take hpt and make a doc appt. I have been sleepy, sore breasts and certain things makes me sick that never have b4 like when I clean with bleach or anything else with a strong aroma. I have been having discharge like crazy the past few weeks which has gone on longer than normal and it looks a little different than it normally does, like more mucousy. TMI I know! I keep praying daily that this is it and God has finally blessed me with my first baby! I'm so scared and don't want to get my hopes up but I must have faith in order for me to receive my blessing. Ok I'm rambling on and on but that's my story and I'm just hoping that Friday I will get a big fat :bfp: I have no one to talk to really that understands what I'm going thru that has infertility issues. Thanks for reading my story.:dust::dust::

Hi ttc,

You can find here all the support you need. But according to me you should immediately test and if it positive to go to the doctor. As you know ectopic pregnancies should be found early so the tube can be saved. I think you might have had a chemical pregnancy previous tome. I hope God has sent you your baby. GL.
Dov - Yay for finding an egg, hopefully this will the one, you are such a trooper!

Pbl .... WOW - Stick bean Stick!

Hi TTc and welcome. Hopefully this one will be the one for you. but I would agree you need to test right away and see if you can get an ultrasound. You need to find out if this is happening or if this ectopic or not. good luck to you and your journey. Hopefully will will be the end of a very long road.

AFM - Starting sex week this week. Not sure if I am lookign forward to it but it shall be done. I started up on my vitamin routine again and will see how that goes. Overal starting to feel a bit more energy so I am thinking the maca root or CoQ10 is kicking in .

We also have discussed adoption and I think we would go the international route as well. We havent really gone into to much but have both decided we would be happy to adopt a family if this doesnt work out. Hopefully we will get some answers when our referral comes in. FX this will happen soon my patience is waining lol.
Thank u ladies. I will call for an appt today. I wouldn't want to wait too long. I'm just so scared but I think I should test by Friday at least. I'm off next Wednesday so that will be my only possible day to see a doc. What is a chemical pregnancy?
MItoDC - I don't know much about it (OH has perfect sperm...jerk), but there's lots of info out there on measures to improve sperm quality. Will he take supplements? Check out the behaviors list, too. Hope you can get a better sample! :hugs:

Thanks pbl_ge. I bought him the Mega Men multivitamin. I saw them recommended on another thread. Hoping they'll help and we'll get a better SA next month. :nope:
Eggy didn't fertilize in 24 hours, so I asked if it could happen later. IVF lab maybe so they kept it one more day. This morning I called and we have bad news, no fertilization, but the good news that DH little swimmers are still alive after 48 hours.
I think I have a lazy right ovary. IVF #1 no egg was found and this cycle is finished.
This cycle i didn't heat my ovaries before EC and I didn't take maca root.

MITODC, I improved my dh's sperm motility with high doses vitC, Zinc, Q-10 and VitE. Frequent ejaculation but not before O. Cos loosing too much zinc.
No wine during fertile days. Good luck!
Dovkav, :hugs:. I would imagine that has to happen fairly often in natural IVF, based on how many don't fertilize in normal IVF. I don't think you did anything wrong. Hope you get surprise good news tomorrow!
Well I did my hpt today and no surprise I got a :bfn: but I made a doc appt for next Wednesday so we will see what happens. Will update.

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