Hello ladies,
sorry I was not present, but I was following your stories...
we had a nice vacation for 2 weeks, we went to Switzeland, Austria and
Lichtenstein. I had a bad scare, I slipped and fell on the rock, fortunatlly my baby and I are OK>
DBZ, Thanks for an article.
We have done a sperm dna 2 weeks before our BFP. I am glad we did. It may mean our baby is growing extra healthy.
No matter how old is my hubby, his number is good. The reference range is <15. His number is 5.
He doesn't exercise and drinks every day.
I imagined that his spermies are the worst in the world, so I stuffed him with antioxidant vitamins, and powerful foods like ginger, cayene pepper, lemon, garlic, nuts, broccoli. He likes that extra attention. He told me, "when you get BFP, you'll stop giving me vitmins." I said, "no we need a healthy daddy."
If we had a bad sperm dna results, It will be a reason for him to quit alcohol, instead IVF we could of done IMSI, they use higher power microscope to select a better quality sperm.
I was so angry with my dr. when she said there is no treatment for a bad sperm. Few weeks later in the men room in the clinic I found a sample of pills for men called PROFERTILE.
myshel and flou,
we don't live together with my in-laws, we have our space, but we live in the same house, so noise, emotions are always here. Good luck for your house hunt!
I am sending you tons of baby dust,

I know that this thread will have a BFP news soon!