Hey girls!
First off I think everyone on this thread deserves a medal for everything you're going through. I feel for each and every one of you as I read each post. Going through all this is so tough and I think the toughest is not having anyone to talk to. I googled infertility support groups, but of course there aren't any near me. I just want to talk and cry with someone. No one in my life really understand...and on here it just seems like my heart is able to pour out thru typing...
It's been over two years for us, first year after marriage we were NTNP, but we traveled a lot and partying so we figured we just weren't timing it correctly (even tho I have ovulation pain and every period is 26-29 days, so I know when I'm fertile..i guess I was just lying to myself). Last summer we really started trying and this spring we started doing all the blood work and SA..so far everything is perfect. Now we have our first appointment in a fertility clinic this Monday...I am beyond scared. I feel like I'm broken and I don't want to hear it from the doctor. I always thought this would happen naturally and I'd have kids before my 30's...now I feel useless and kind of embarrassed. I know I shouldn't.
I've stopped going to baby showers and every time a friend of mine tells me she's pregnant (which seems to be every month!) I cry for about a day....I only have two friends who aren't pregnant or have kids yet, but I'm sure they will soon! I am becoming angry, jealous and just a horrible person. I've never been like this. I'm very close with my mom but she just doesn't understand, she keeps telling me it's okay, don't worry about it. So she doesn't even know half of my struggles. I wish I had people ask me how I feel and talk to me about it, first I thought no one cared but I think everyone is just scared to ask. I wish I had the will power to stop thinking about it so much and just relax, enjoy life...I'm only 27 by the way...I feel like I shouldn't be so depressed about this. My husband has been very good overall, he actually really wants kids, but he doesn't show his emotions like me, so he doesn't understand why I can cry at a drop of a hat.
I'm sorry about this long post, it just feels good to tell my story! I want to stay positive like all of you! Hopefully I'll be able to be happy again soon.