LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

Hey Haffy- I know what you mean of wanting to give your in laws and parents a grandchild. My mom supports whatever decision we decide to make, but my MIL on the other hand is very oppiniated, and says it's best we don't have kids cause they bring parents too much pain!! I was in shock when she said this to me, but I feel I can't argue with her since she's not my mom (I didn't tell my hubby about this, so I wouldn't cause any problems).
I hope everything comes out positive for you and your able to get your little bean soon!! Good luck, and remember communication with your husband is what will get the two of you through everything. I've learned not to care what others think of me (sometimes, because sometimes comments will hit me the wrong way). I've also learned that my husband doesn't mind us going through all this as long as we are financially able to. So good luck Haffy, and remember your not alone in this.
@wtbmom_tx It's great that your mum is so supportive, thank God because through all of it you need that one unwavering source of support. Very surprised about your MIL's remark.. I really don't know quite what to make of it. I hope she'll realise how such affect you.. All of this is hard enough as it is. I admire your reasoning for not telling your husband about it (how blessed your MIL is!!)

Thank you for your wishes, so kind of you. It's so good to be here with others going through the same. I read your comment about your situation, you really have endured a lot. It's just amazing what women go through! Do keep us updated on what happens with you. God willing all your patience will pay off!

You're right about communication, my husband has been away for a little while & I think I've just had more time to think about all of this & I've just got more consumed by it all so I think I should tell him about this when he gets back

I hope you and your DH get what your hearts desire

Thank you for your comment & kind words. We're all struggling together & it really does help to talk together because others don't know the true pain of all this
Hey ladies, and welcome new ladies.
Sorry to hear about your struggles, I hope you find comfort in this little group we have and get your positives soon. It is crazy hard staying positive and I have no idea what I would do if we had multiple negatives with IVF. That would be heartbreaking.

For those that haven't read all the way through a bit about me ...
Married and trying since June 2011. Stopped birth control, the pill, years before that. Never had a positive pregnancy test, never been pregnant.
Have done most of the medical tests needed for a referral to a fertility specialist and all is clear and good, have been on a waiting list for over a year and have recently moved provinces so will have to go on another list .... Yay.

I have tried acupuncture, yoga, soy, vitamins, pre seed, moon cups, vitamins and am currently in fertilaid. His and hers and fertility tea.

Last month my af was FOUR days late. I did not test, however I did buy one to try after seven days. I never got to take it :(

Right now we are living with my parents, sister, her two twin boys and trying not to kill eachother while we wait for august 18 and the movers to get us into our new home. I am so crazy stressed right now it isn't funny, thinking about starting to drink in the day just to make it through this living arrangement lol.
Awww Myshelsong, I'm sorry it's so stressful living there, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I've been sort of toying around with the idea of starting an infertility/pregnancy loss blog. I like to write, and I think it would be therapeutic for me, but I also think it's important to start breaking through the stigma of IF and loss. I can't begin to tell you the amount of callous remarks I've heard people make about IF and loss - I'm sick of it, and I think it's time to start putting these people in their place. Infertile people are no less deserving of building a family than fertile people.
Hey ladies, and welcome new ladies.
Sorry to hear about your struggles, I hope you find comfort in this little group we have and get your positives soon. It is crazy hard staying positive and I have no idea what I would do if we had multiple negatives with IVF. That would be heartbreaking.

For those that haven't read all the way through a bit about me ...
Married and trying since June 2011. Stopped birth control, the pill, years before that. Never had a positive pregnancy test, never been pregnant.
Have done most of the medical tests needed for a referral to a fertility specialist and all is clear and good, have been on a waiting list for over a year and have recently moved provinces so will have to go on another list .... Yay.

I have tried acupuncture, yoga, soy, vitamins, pre seed, moon cups, vitamins and am currently in fertilaid. His and hers and fertility tea.

Last month my af was FOUR days late. I did not test, however I did buy one to try after seven days. I never got to take it :(

Right now we are living with my parents, sister, her two twin boys and trying not to kill eachother while we wait for august 18 and the movers to get us into our new home. I am so crazy stressed right now it isn't funny, thinking about starting to drink in the day just to make it through this living arrangement lol.

Myshelsong I definitely have found comfort here. Before I came across any ltttc posts, I was feeling quite alone & felt there were hardly any others like me.. Reading the ltttc success stories is a real hope boost too. I'm sorry that you're struggling & going through these hardships, it's the worst feeling ever. I hope you get to see the fertility specialists sooner
If you don't mind me asking Myshelsong, of all the tests you have had so far, what have the outcomes been? I really haven't got any experience with the Dr's when it comes to this yet as I have only recently been. May I ask about what tests you've had?
On our end, everything looks fine. I ovulate, tubes are good, no PCOS, no endo. So we don't know what is wrong.i am heavy however the dr has said that is not the cause. Hubby has good sperm, so no reasons right now.
I remember going through a long ltttc post (prob this 1) and someone advised that for women who have unexplained infertility issues, to ask for tests regarding clotting of the blood? Apparently this seems to get overlooked. Does this ring a bell to anyone?
Blood clotting issues was something we were going to be tested for but it would be done due to recurring mc rather than fertility. Hopefully my present lo will stick and I won't have to go through anymore tests. My FS did discuss this with me tho as an explanation as to why between pregnancies it took longer than average to catch, so I guess clotting could be a fertility issue as well.
Hey Ladies,

First of all, thanks for all the great sharing. I just took a LONG time to read through your stories, and I have never felt so understood by complete strangers. Reading some of your stories was as if I was reading my own. So comforting in a time when I am feeling quite alone.

So me.

My husband and I have been together for about ten years, and married for three. We started NTNP in about Spring 2012, and then more actively trying in August 2012. We both waited until we felt absolutely ready to have a child, and so, at this point two years later we feel desperate.

At this point our infertility is unexplained. I did have a very early loss several cycles ago. I am very close with my family and friends, however, this has caused a loneliness I have never experienced before in my life. In a room full of the people I love I feel no one really understands me or my feelings.

I know some of you have been trying for so much longer than I have, and have already been through so much more. I admire your strength! Each and every month the heart ache makes me think "I can't do this any more" and then SOMEHOW the hope comes back even stronger for the next cycle.

Anyway! Thanks for giving me a spot to introduce myself and share a little bit. And for letting me read your stories!!
Blood clotting issues was something we were going to be tested for but it would be done due to recurring mc rather than fertility. Hopefully my present lo will stick and I won't have to go through anymore tests. My FS did discuss this with me tho as an explanation as to why between pregnancies it took longer than average to catch, so I guess clotting could be a fertility issue as well.

Thank you for enlightening us on that Flou
Hi Steph & welcome

I'm sorry you're going through these struggles, it's just so draining and difficult, we know. I hope though, that you'll find some comfort here as we all understand each other's pain. My hope actually gets boosted alot when I read of a ltttc'er finally getting a BFP- I pray that'll be us some day too. We have to keep going
Hi Sammy I am so sorry for your loss :hugs:

I can identify with the feelings of loneliness and feeling like noone around you understands. I found a lot of comfort through the lttc threads and the ttc after loss. It took us 19 months to get our first bfp to mc at 6 weeks. Took another 12 months to conceive again to mc again at 6 weeks. As you can understand I really did wonder whether I had the strength to go on and when we hit the three year mark ttc I did seriously doubt whether we would be parents. Anyway 7 months after after my last loss I got my third bfp. And I am now just over 7 and a half weeks pg. I'm so anxious about this pg and keep wondering if I am going to have lose this one. I had an early scan and saw the heartbeat which was amazing. I just hope this is my rainbow and if they are I know they will be worth all the pain me and my dh have been through. I hope you get your rainbow soon!
Hi Flou,

I am so sorry to hear about your losses. Mine was also an early loss at about 6 weeks. So hard, and like you, after so long trying and not seeing a line, just so devastating.

I am THRILLED to hear though that you have a bfp and am wishing you a very happy and healthy pregnancy!!!
Hi ladies,

I was here briefly awhile ago and I've been stalking since. But, I think it's time to come out of stalking mode.

Here's a little about me. My name is Ella, I'm 30, and DH and I have been married for 7 years. I've been TTC #1 since June 2011. I fell pregnant 6 months after we started trying, but lost it at 6 weeks. Fast forward two years with no luck and we finally qualify for help. Started the whole battery of fertility testing, HSG, blood tests to look at progeterone, FSH and AMH, and DH got an SA. At the end of it all, we were diagnosed as unexplained infertility. The FS suggested IUI and we were keen to try anything. We had a BFP, but I suffered another early loss (twins). Then three cycles later, I got another BFP, only to lose that one as well.

So, now we qualify for recurrent miscarriage testing, only we're moving back to the US and so we won't get the results before we go. I've got a hysteroscopy later this month to look at the shape of my uterus and I gave 10 vials of blood back in July to look at karyotyping, other anti-immune diseases, and the clotting disorder. Hopefully we'll be able to get the results sent to us or something and we'll be able to pick up where we leave off in the US.

DH is hesitant to sink more money into IUI since we did get pregnant naturally last time, but we've decided that if we go 6 more months without success, we'll give IUI another try...Well, if we've saved up enough money for it after spending a ton of money on this move.

But that's me and TTC in a nutshell. I'd write more, but my internet is playing up. So I'll end with a :hi: ladies! :)
Hey ladies, I want to scream today. I pulled my back out again and I am so freaking angry. I know I have a herniated disc and had been recovering slowly since the new year, but all I did was pick up a dining room chair! WTF. This is not fair. This is going to take months to get back to normal again. Which means that trying is going to have to wait because of the pain medication I am on. And we are moving in two Weeks. Ahhhhhh

How are you doing?
Hi Dbz, welcome back
I'm sorry to hear about your back, Myshelsong. My father had the same thing for years, and it was always a huge hassle at best.
Hey ladies, and welcome new ladies.
Sorry to hear about your struggles, I hope you find comfort in this little group we have and get your positives soon. It is crazy hard staying positive and I have no idea what I would do if we had multiple negatives with IVF. That would be heartbreaking.

For those that haven't read all the way through a bit about me ...
Married and trying since June 2011. Stopped birth control, the pill, years before that. Never had a positive pregnancy test, never been pregnant.
Have done most of the medical tests needed for a referral to a fertility specialist and all is clear and good, have been on a waiting list for over a year and have recently moved provinces so will have to go on another list .... Yay.

I have tried acupuncture, yoga, soy, vitamins, pre seed, moon cups, vitamins and am currently in fertilaid. His and hers and fertility tea.

Last month my af was FOUR days late. I did not test, however I did buy one to try after seven days. I never got to take it :(

Right now we are living with my parents, sister, her two twin boys and trying not to kill eachother while we wait for august 18 and the movers to get us into our new home. I am so crazy stressed right now it isn't funny, thinking about starting to drink in the day just to make it through this living arrangement lol.

Good luck with the move and getting a doctor.
I'm on a waiting list for a GP and it gets me so depressed sometimes. I just wish I had a consistent physician to get a medical dialogue going.

That's a busy household...hang in there!
Hi everyone, I was wondering if I could join your group too please? :blush:

I'm sorry if this seems a bit rambly ...

I'm Emily, 30 and severely overweight (embarassingly so). We've been ttc on and off since 2010.

In 2011 I went to the Dr and was tested for pcos (not very thoroughly I might add) and referred to the nurse for weight management appointments once a week. We went on holiday in 2012 and when we got back I was meant to make an appointment to get us going again, but I never got round to it and got swept up in wedding planning as we were getting married the following year. All we do know is that my weight affects my cycles (cd 110 and counting) and I'm currently working on trying to get the weight down via Slimming World.

I'm very stubborn and am so embarassed at being in the same boat as I was back in 2012 and have it stuck in my head that I will not go back to the Dr until January at the very earliest. Yet my heart is saying I should go back asap even though we won't be able to get any fertility help because of my weight :dohh:
Hi Emmy, I hope you find the support you are looking for in this thread. I understand weight issues, I myself am a plus size and find this journey super hard as I struggle to keep myself in check. I wish there was a pill to make it all go away but I have tried those and they do not work!

Count down to new hose is now five days!! Seven until the movers come but getting excited now seems like a good idea. We finally had the house to ourselves for a day here, got some serious relax on. It felt great. Got one shot in before ovulation so fx.

How are you ladies holding up?

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