LTTTC #1 - Support Group *Please share your story

So just got the call: all 3 fertilised:happydance::happydance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin:

Getting 1 transferred and the 2 other ones will be developed into day 5 blasts and then they'll see if they're good to freeze. Going in at 10:15 AM Danish time for my transfer. I didn't hear what grade the embie that will be transferred is as I was so super excited to hear all 3 fertilised since I was afraid we might be told none fertilised:blush::haha:

I will update when I get back (evt. this post if no one else posts anything after). Trying to fill my bladder now which is a daunting task as my bladder is a bit crappy:wacko:

UPDATE: Transfer went fine although I'd drank too much water so really had to pee so they let me "take the edge off":haha: Once the speculum went in I felt like peeing again though and they could see my bladder was completely full:wacko: At one point I was afraid I was gonna pee on the RE:wacko: They very quickly and easily got the embie in and I got to pee right afterwards although DH found it highly amusing so he laughed his head off:growlmad: I don't know why he chose today to be annoying but I bit his head off at bit.

So now comes the wait:coffee: Go in for a pregnancy blood test on December 10th:thumbup:
So just got the call: all 3 fertilised:happydance::happydance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin:

Getting 1 transferred and the 2 other ones will be developed into day 5 blasts and then they'll see if they're good to freeze. Going in at 10:15 AM Danish time for my transfer. I didn't hear what grade the embie that will be transferred is as I was so super excited to hear all 3 fertilised since I was afraid we might be told none fertilised:blush::haha:

I will update when I get back (evt. this post if no one else posts anything after). Trying to fill my bladder now which is a daunting task as my bladder is a bit crappy:wacko:

UPDATE: Transfer went fine although I'd drank too much water so really had to pee so they let me "take the edge off":haha: Once the speculum went in I felt like peeing again though and they could see my bladder was completely full:wacko: At one point I was afraid I was gonna pee on the RE:wacko: They very quickly and easily got the embie in and I got to pee right afterwards although DH found it highly amusing so he laughed his head off:growlmad: I don't know why he chose today to be annoying but I bit his head off at bit.

So now comes the wait:coffee: Go in for a pregnancy blood test on December 10th:thumbup:


Everything crossed for you.

Myshelsong really sorry to hear about your crappy month. Having a cry helps t get the tension out
Looks like it's not my month - bfn this morning at 14dpo without even a hint of a line! Just got to wait for AF!
Sorry wanna that is the worst.
The cry was great, hubby and I had a couple days of high tension that really needed to be released.

Got all the Christmas lights up outside, which is pretty nice. The neighbours around here have gone Griswald status and looks like they are all competing to be the best house in Canada. I have no part in that, but think ours look cute and perfectly simple.

Starting to feel better, going to put up a tree later this week. Decorating always makes me feel better.
Sorry wanna:hugs:

Sounds good to keep yourself distracted that way. I kinda miss seeing houses decorated like that, it's not the thing in this country really:shrug: And we live in an apartment so can't decorate it much on the outside.

AFM only 3dp2dt so not much going on. Managed to clear out the Crinone Gel build up, sorry if TMI:wacko: I was told to do that every few days.
Good luck Kat! Hope you have a bfp!

:hugs: to the other ladies still trying. It's hard but you'll get there eventually...

As for me, I inseminated yesterday even though I wasn't even seeing a + opk yet, I had to do it early as my "donor" was leaving town and this was the only time we could go for it and we missed my peak last cycle when we tried... I don't think I'm gonna get it this cycle, and I'll just get ready for next cycle while tracking the opk this week to help me plan better for next cycle in terms of figuring out when to meet up.
wanna - booo im sorry :( i was really hoping for you!

Kat - sending lots of sticky vibes your way!!! Really hope its a nice sticky baby, can't wait to look on the 10th to see your test.

Waiting for my follicle scan on Wednesday fingers crossed!
FXed for you swimmy:flower: Hope you get good news for your scan!

AFM only 4dp2dt so still nothing to report. Been feeling tired but that could also be the Crinone 8% Gel so not reading anything into it at all:shrug:
Good luck everyone, with insemenations and everything else.

Kat just don't test early whatever you do. Technically there is an embryo and you are on so many hormones, I feel awful for those that test and figure out they are chemically pregnant but it never implants. Best to wait!

Going to a meeting with a home study lady today. Nothing like talking with a social worker for .... Two hours about things lol
Good luck Kat! Hope you have a bfp!

:hugs: to the other ladies still trying. It's hard but you'll get there eventually...

As for me, I inseminated yesterday even though I wasn't even seeing a + opk yet, I had to do it early as my "donor" was leaving town and this was the only time we could go for it and we missed my peak laist cycle when we tried... I don't think I'm gonna get it this cycle, and I'll just get ready for next cycle while tracking the opk this week to help me plan better for next cycle in terms of figuring out when to meet up.

Deafgal - fx for you Hun.

Swimmyj - thank you.

I realised today at work that the end of Dec marks 6 years TTC for us :cry:
Good luck Kat! Hope you have a bfp!

:hugs: to the other ladies still trying. It's hard but you'll get there eventually...

As for me, I inseminated yesterday even though I wasn't even seeing a + opk yet, I had to do it early as my "donor" was leaving town and this was the only time we could go for it and we missed my peak laist cycle when we tried... I don't think I'm gonna get it this cycle, and I'll just get ready for next cycle while tracking the opk this week to help me plan better for next cycle in terms of figuring out when to meet up.

Deafgal - fx for you Hun.

Swimmyj - thank you.

I realised today at work that the end of Dec marks 6 years TTC for us :cry:

So sorry wanna:hugs::hugs: Those type of anniversaries always stink. I know I haven't been trying nearly as long as you but know when I hit 1 year and more recently 2 years it made me very sad. Maybe treat yourself in some way? Like a massage or a manicure or spa treatments or a little weekend getaway? Something that makes you happy. I will be so having my FXed for that it soon happens for you:hugs:

Myshel: Hope the meeting went well :flower:

AFM haven't heard from my childish friend since her birthday party on October 31st. No asking about how things have been going with our IVF cycle and I don't want to bother SMSing her updates because she didn't answer the 2 times I did update and she'd asked herself for the updates:nope: But she always gets like this once she has a boyfriend and is either studying or working (she's 33). Although the timing of her being extra distant is rather interesting. I don't know if it's because she now fears having a similiar issue to us as she's always said she wants 2 kids: 1 boy and 1 girl, preferably in that order:wacko: She actually also wants to TTC now but feels she needs to wait until she's finished up her education which is in 1-2 years depending on if she fails any more courses and gets held back in that sense.
Quick reply here - scan shows 2 mature follicles with a possible 3rd depending on when I ovulate for sure. Fingers crossed this cycle! Also can't wait to talk to the genetic specialist.
FXed for you swimmy :dust:

AFM still haven't gotten a letter about the 2 embies if they made it to Day 5 and were deemed good to freeze or not:wacko: Afraid this is bad news but DH says he thinks they said we'd get a letter either way and they're just taking their sweet time sending it:shrug: It'll stink if none were viable for it and we'll be forced to do a 2nd fresh IVF cycles if it's a BFN this time:nope:
Kat keep us updated I really hope they froze perfectly! Maybe give them a call? Looks like I ovulated last night. Worse ovulation cramps ever! This is gonna be a long tww
Kat keep us updated I really hope they froze perfectly! Maybe give them a call? Looks like I ovulated last night. Worse ovulation cramps ever! This is gonna be a long tww

Thanks although I've pretty much lost hope since we haven't heard from them:nope:

I can't call as the phone line in the mornings are the secretaries and you're not allowed to call unless you got AF and need to schedule a day or you need to reschedule an appointment, are running late or something like that. They have no clue about your actual case and only know basics like if you're scheduled to start short protocol or FET or the like. The phone number in the afternoon are to the nurses but it's blood test results only that can call in that ½ hour the phone line is open. So calling is not an option at all:nope:

Good that you Oed, here's hoping :dust:
Sometimes I feel like I'm on this journey alone and my husband is just the sperm donor. We got in a huge fight this morning because he's been being "mean" to me all morning in a jokey way and I asked him to stop because I'm not in the mood. So he's now got the hump and just stomping fund the house, telling me I'm not fun anymore! I tried to explain I'm feeling nervous, apprehensive about seeing my friends new baby niece today and it all kicked off. Apparently, it's not the new mum or her babies fault! I get that but I've just gone through my fourth miscarriage - he may be over it but all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry all day. Why don't men get it? Now I'm feeling even more stressed than I was before and totally on edge
Sometimes I feel like I'm on this journey alone and my husband is just the sperm donor. We got in a huge fight this morning because he's been being "mean" to me all morning in a jokey way and I asked him to stop because I'm not in the mood. So he's now got the hump and just stomping fund the house, telling me I'm not fun anymore! I tried to explain I'm feeling nervous, apprehensive about seeing my friends new baby niece today and it all kicked off. Apparently, it's not the new mum or her babies fault! I get that but I've just gone through my fourth miscarriage - he may be over it but all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry all day. Why don't men get it? Now I'm feeling even more stressed than I was before and totally on edge

So sorry wanna:hugs: I think men just don't feel it quite as much as we do since everything happens to our bodies. Also I think men have different ways of coping than women do which leads to these types of arguments. E.g. my DH went and scheduled an appointment with his bank for Thursday which is the day I need the car since I'm going in for my beta test early in the morning (and getting my answer in the early afternoon). I got so riled up about it, like it didn't matter as much to him so he forgot and set up that appointment.

I think our DH's are a bit similiar since mine can also get a bit mean with his jokes and laughing things off. I don't think they mean to be mean. I don't think your DH is necessarily over your MC, he's just dealing with it by being flippant. Maybe have a talk with him and say how you feel when he jokes around like that and say you find it hurtful? Maybe something like "When you say things like (insert example here) then it makes me feel (insert feelings here)." I think it might be good to share feelings, especially if you have no support network among friends or family that understand. My DH and I lean very much on each other during these past 2 years of infertility and always share any feelings we may be having. Infertility is considered a strain on a marriage and it can either strengthen your marriage or destroy it, depending on how both parties handle things. I think communication is key here!

I hope you work things out with him:flower:

AFM nothing much. Been having some slight cramping on and off for a number of days but it could be the Crinone gel:shrug: I've heard it can make you feel pregnant, even if you're not, so trying not to read anything into it but sometimes it's hard:winkwink: Will know for sure on the 10th:flower:
wannabemummyb - you are not alone in going through this :( i'm so sorry. Last mc I didn't even want to go to work because we have a lot of pregnant women and it was hard to see. DH didn't understand that at all. It's ok to take some time for yourself and be sad. You've had a loss and that is heart breaking. *sending you lots of hugs* I don't know how you feel about therapy but it really has helped me after my last MC.

Kat - my fingers are soooo crossed. I mean technically you are pregnant so hopefully that little bean is super sticky!!!! Have you heard anything about the other embryos? that has been driving me crazy that you can't get anyone to give you any information.

AFM - got my cross hairs today can't believe I ovulated on CD 14 I've never ovulated that early. I was wondering if you gals know if its possible to ovulate eggs a day apart?? I'm sure i dropped an egg the night of cd14 but then i still got a +opk in the morning and again bad ovulation cramping like super super bad cd15 afternoon. with another temp jump. hmmm very confusing. Very nervous this tww idk if i can take another bfn ....
wannabemummyb - you are not alone in going through this :( i'm so sorry. Last mc I didn't even want to go to work because we have a lot of pregnant women and it was hard to see. DH didn't understand that at all. It's ok to take some time for yourself and be sad. You've had a loss and that is heart breaking. *sending you lots of hugs* I don't know how you feel about therapy but it really has helped me after my last MC.

Kat - my fingers are soooo crossed. I mean technically you are pregnant so hopefully that little bean is super sticky!!!! Have you heard anything about the other embryos? that has been driving me crazy that you can't get anyone to give you any information.

AFM - got my cross hairs today can't believe I ovulated on CD 14 I've never ovulated that early. I was wondering if you gals know if its possible to ovulate eggs a day apart?? I'm sure i dropped an egg the night of cd14 but then i still got a +opk in the morning and again bad ovulation cramping like super super bad cd15 afternoon. with another temp jump. hmmm very confusing. Very nervous this tww idk if i can take another bfn ....

Thanks swimmy, no nothing yet. I'm still going with the assumption that they weren't deemed viable for the freezing process.

As to Oing 2 eggs 1 day apart: I'm not entirely sure but I think it's possible for that to happen.

AFM I'm starting to feel a bit more negative and don't think this round of IVF worked, don't ask me why, it's a total hunch:nope: I think the only thing keeping AF away is the Crinone gel at this point. Hopefully I'm wrong, will know for sure on Thursday when I go in for my beta:shrug:

Been having a generally bad couple of days. Yesterday was the birthday of the wife of my narcissistic brother and I wrote her a birthday greeting on her FB timeline (she has 3 birthday greetings total on her FB timeline, mine was the 1st one she received). She neither liked or commented it (although she liked and commented one of the other's greetings) but liked my most recent post instead. So almost the same wall of silence that my brother gave me on his birthday.

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