Ok that's just bizarre that they scheduled your scan for CD10 when you triggered CD10 last time

They really should've had you in before, like CD7 (or something like that) and go on the assumption that you'd need to trigger the same day or a bit before/later. Perhaps they should also have you trigger 24 hours before the IUI instead. That's what I had to do this time as I'd already Oed when I went in for IUI #2 which was scheduled for 36 hours after the trigger and they prefer you not to have Oed before the IUI. Which was a good thing because I was in the process of Oing when they where about to do the actual IUI so definitely shouldn't have had my IUI later than those 24 hours after trigger
So yes, it makes total sense to move the scan to tomorrow

But wow, that's just messed up they didn't schedule the scan for before CD10 based on what happened last time

They can't go by the rule "CD10/11 is the day for the scan", they need to change it if a patient doesn't fit into that pattern. I'm sorry that the they're being so impossible, going through assisted conception is stressful enough without them making it even more so by not being able to make a good "game plan" for you

I hope that despite their amateur way of handling things that you do reach the IUI before you actually O
Thanks, Kat.
Yeah, my first IUI was with a totally different clinic and I'm definitely missing them right now. They were so good and so on top of things.
I've stuck with this new clinic because the doc is willing to test for lots of different things concerning my rmc and is generally knowledgeable. Which, is why I'm a little surprised his nurse was trying to be so rigid about my scan. If I have to do it again, I'm definitely insisting on going in earlier.
You're so right though. The doc knew my history and the IUI process I went through. We talked about it before and I gave him all of my paperwork from the IUI. It seems silly now that he even suggested seeing me on Day 11, especially since I could have easily ov'd on that day. Hopefully we'll be better prepared if there is a next time.
DZB How did your scan go?
I agree that is weird she would be mad at you, maybe she just has bitch voice? I had a client like that once (I am in insurance) and half way through the convo I was like "look are you mad at me? it sounds like you are yelling at me for no reason, and I just met you."
I'm so glad, Myshel!! I'm so happy that you and your DH figured out a way to get better results out of him and with a back to back IUI, I feel like your chances are better than ever this cycle! My fingers are crossed tightly for you!!
As for the nurse..if she normally had a bitch voice, that'd be one thing, but when I've talked to her before on the phone, she's been pleasant and really helpful. Maybe she was just having a bad day or something? Or maybe she thought I was some kind of crazy woman trying to take control of my treatment...lol.
It was so strange and then when I saw her yesterday, it was like she thought the day change was her idea. lol. I'm hoping our future phone calls will go better, seeing as I was right about needing to get in.
Stine- How are things going with you? Still stock-piling those eggs?
Just had my US (CD 12 today) and it's not good. I have 1 egg (10mm) that might be promising and a lot of tiny ones that he didn't even bother measuring they are so small. Also, my lining (7mm) isn't growing and he said "doesn't look promising". He ALSO found an endometrial cyst that he is "going to keep an eye on". He is already talking about getting more aggressive next month because my body clearly isn't reacting the way he likes with the Femara. I have to go back in on Monday (CD 17) for a repeat scan. If the one egg and lining grows enough he will have me trigger and they will proceed with the IUI but nothing is set in stone yet. I am so heartbroken and feel like "what more can/could I do to help make things better/grow in there".
Hope you ladies have better news. I could use some good news right about now.
Oh, Stine,

There's nothing you can do to make things better in there right now. It's just a waiting game. I hate that we don't have more control over our bodies sometimes.
I'm so sorry to hear your scan didn't go as well as you hoped, Stine. I'm hoping that on Monday, you'll see a lot of good growth in those follies and in your lining.
When he says more aggressive, does you doc mean injectibles or just higher dose of femara? Maybe a little bit of both is just what you need.

It's so hard not to get discouraged, but you're doing what you can right now. I really hope it all works out. Maybe your body hasn't responded yet but maybe it will step things up and surprise you soon.