LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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17 weeks tomorrow!! And I only freak out the worst at the 20 week scan. I'm going to try everything I can so I don't have stupid high blood pressure again. (with Claire it was like 170 something over 100 something. Calmed down afterwards but still jeez!) I also have come to more sex for us. I'm pretty sure it's just round ligament pain and for the most part isn't bad unless I walk too much or have sex. We DTD last night and I lost a few hours of sleep cause of the pain afterwards. Reached an 8 out of 10 on the scale of pain for me which is pretty impressive. Only other time my pain reached high was labor XD This morning the pain is down to a 4/5. It's the worst when walking. Hopefully I can stretch it out and it'll go mostly away by mid-day. Usually the pain is just a 2 mainly cause of the discomfort.

Glad to hear that the twins are moving around like crazy, mowat!!! Sorry about the aches though. Good news is 15 weeks max to go if that's any compensation lol. Yikes on you not liking your doctor. I've only had my doctor minus one meeting with Claire with a different one. I hated him too. -_- He was such a jerk. Barely had any time for me, was late (by about 30 minutes and there was only no one else there for him to check.) He almost made me late for my blood draw for the GD test. Rushed in, rushed out. If there ever is a reason I can't have my doctor I will do everything in my power not to have that guy again. I'll even go to a female before him. (Which says a lot cause I prefer male doctors, my preference).

nimbec, Exciting!!! So glad to hear you're starting IVF! I hope the first one will be all that you need! And of course I'll keep everything crossed for you! Praying and hoping that the first one will work!
So excited for you Nimbec! Can't really think of any tips. I enjoyed the whole process---weird, I know. It was all just so fascinating! I didn't even mind all the needles too much!
Scan went really well! Baby A is measuring right on and baby B is a week ahead. She wouldn't tell me about cervical length, but she implied it looked good.
What are those Dang Babies Mowat!!!!????? :oneofeach: :twinboys: :twingirls: ???? I gotta know!! :haha:

Becky how exciting for IVF I think my DH is thinking we might go that route if we can find a Dr that will work w RMC!! :)
He's realizing it's probably our bad eggs and sperm causing these losses so it might help to have them picked out form the pact!! ;)

I'm ok ladies best I can be after seeing lots of family announce they where PG last night for new years :nope:
I had a bad sharp pain last night after 12 and today my test is super faint which was a shock since yesterday's was still pretty dark!! :shrug:
I've gained another 10lbs w this long Rollercoaster so I'm back on diet meds and going to them gym as soon as I'm able!!! I need to get healthy so I can carry the twins I dream of !!

Amy hope I got that right GL w the scan it will be great no worries !! :)

Barb hope u and that Lil Peanut r doing well he's such a cutey!! :)
Yep you got that right, sis. I don't know how you ladies remember everyone's names X_X Then again I'm just bad with names unless you're a dog XD Then I remember all dogs names lol. Took me 3 1/2 years to remember my neighbors names. I kept calling them Buster's family (their dogs name).

Glad your HCG is going down though. Hopefully IVF will be what is needed to get rid of bad eggs/sperm and then you'll have your rainbow baby right away!

2 weeks roughly until scan. Two long weeks...gah! I even bought the first onesie for this baby XD It was on clearance for 85 cents! So I had to get it. It's a X-mas onesie that says, My sister wished for a puppy, instead she got me. XD Not the best saying but honestly for 85 cents it's a great saying lol.

Mowat, glad to hear the babies are doing so well! And yes it's killing me to know what they are too XD
Sounds super Cute to me ... I'm horrible I have a closet full of baby clothes almost ALL Girl of course :haha: and 12-18 mos stuff cuz I bought it for my Neice when she stayed w me!!

I also have a Coach diaper Bag cuz DH bought it for me !! Hopefully I will be able to use them soon I'm getting to old for this BS!!! :nope:
I will be honest---I did try to sneak a peak at the gender at the scan! I thought I saw boy parts, but then I realized it was a foot!
Aww I really do hope you get to use those outfits and diaper bag sooner than later! *hugs*

Mowat, I cracked up XD Oh it's a it's a ...oh a foot. XD On the plus side you're getting closer and closer to counting down the weeks before babies are here!
Will they NOT tell u gender or do u NOT what to know I would be insane in the Brain if I were U !!! :rofl:

I will make another appointment w the other FS and we r looking into adoption we have thought about adopting from the beginning , it just seemed so hard but nothing is as hard as the journey we have endured !!! :shrug:

The other FS is On Vaca from 12/18-1/5 WTF who does that in Fertilty that makes me worry about the availability !! :nope:

Hope 2015 is our year!!!
And now I have the song, Insane in the membrane, stuck in my head. Give me a little bit and I go random lol.

I know adoption was talked about with us too. The biggest thing we didn't want to is around here it's about 30-40,000 dollars to adopt. I don't have that kind of money just laying around. :/ I hope it isn't as pricy in TX to adopt.

Of course you know I'm going to be hoping and praying this is your year, Sis.
Great, now it's in my head too!

They will tell us the gender Sis, we're just going for the surprise! I'm starting to get impatient though!
I don't see how u guys do it I'm such a planner I gotta know ASAP!! ;)
I'm a huge planner too! So I was SO hoping my SIL would be able to sneak me in for a sneak peak by now but I don't think that will happen. Boo :( But what I have come to realize, these next two weeks (not even) should fly on by. After today, only one more Sunday to go. Then after Monday only one more Monday, etc. All the way up until Friday the 16th XD So I'm sure time will fly by for me. I still have a feeling this baby is a boy but I could be wrong.
Hi Ladies!
As you can imagine, I've been so busy & exhausted. Sorry to have abandoned you all. I still update my blog every so often so that's the best way to see what I'm up to.
Owen's doing great. He is finally cot sleeping and that means we get to sleep some too. Breast feeding has been a challenge...He has bruised my nipples and they've cradked. I have bawled because of the pain. I'm seeing a lactation consultant and have been using nipple shields (they are great but super annoying to use) and some times have pumped to give the girls a break. Ive increased my breast milk quite a bit from pumping which is nice. And gives me a break to sleep while DH has been doing feedings and changings.
Owen also developed Jaundice & we spent the day/night this past Friday back in hospital for phototherapy. I've been sick with worry. Hate it. So by Saturday his biliruben count went down so we went home but next day spiked back up. And as of today started to go down again. Back on Wednesday for lactation consulting and to draw bloods again. Fingers crossed going forward he numbers keep going down which means it's leaving his system. Another reason for pumping was to increase my milk so he could flush the Jaundice out. Its been an intense past few days. Will be happy when I'm feeding normally again.
Owen is a cutie pie and we cant get enough of his cuteness!
I am having internet connection issues but will update w/photos asap.

I hope you're all doing great. Amy & Alyson I can't believe how far you guys are!!!

Nimbec & Sis, have my FX...hope you guys have a 2015 miracle.

I'll try to pop in more often. I may lurk more....just hardly have time to myself these days!!!

So nice to hear from you Barb! Sorry to hear about Owen---jaundice is so common! I'm really hoping not to have to go through that again. Here they don't let you go home until it's resolved so it can be torture! Breastfeeding was hard for me too, but after about a week (maybe two) it was super easy and rewarding!
I'm looking forward to easy & rewarding on the BF front. We had two BF sessions today which were tolerable so fingers crossed.
I know how common Jaundice is. It's just scary for me...any sort of health issue.
I hated seeing him in that incubator for 8 hours. Torture! And it reminded me a lot of my daughter. Which brings me to a different issue. I am absolutely riddled with fear that Owen will die. I have felt a bit of a disconnect to him as a protecive measure. There should be no reason for this but I'm obsessed with the thoughts. I'm so afraid for his life. I'm no sure how I can get past it.
Totally understand your fears---hope it gets a little easier with time. I have those fears too and I don't really know why. I still remember the first time my DS slept through the night and I woke up in a panic assuming he was dead! Of course I burst into tears when I saw he was breathing.
Hope the BF gets easier Barb I had a horrible time w DS1 cuz he was in NICU for 2wks and I didn't even try w DS2 since I had a Csection and needed pain meds!! I really would like to try if I ever get a Rainbow!!

I've heard the cream works well HOH!!

AFM still get very faint ++ today's was even a tad darker so IDK WTH is going on probably mind games or something!!
I mean is it possible to ovulate w very low HCG in your body!! :shrug:

Only 9 more days until scan day right Amy??! :)
I honestly don't know if one can ovulate with low hcg. I think it might be possible but not sure.

Post is going to be quick the cold/sore throats have hit my house hold. Boo.

Anyway to be exact the time of this post, I have 7 days and 23 hours until scan. XD
Countdown is on Butterfly! Can't wait to hear your news.

I've finally gotten over (mostly) a cold I had for 4 weeks. Never thought it would go away it just kept changing symptoms over and over. Though I was going to give my self a hernia with all the coughing!

Get keys to our new house tomorrow! Then we have to move---boo!
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