LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Oh I got a fruit/cracker basket for our Anniversary from my MIL so I took the Pineapple & cut up the core for implantation! Why the heck not. Can't hurt to throw them in my smoothies after ET.

Hey Meg!

Oh I hope your job is safe. That would be brutal.
So I am assuming your boss is terminal then huh?
Best you can do is see what happens & take it one day at a time.
I'm so sorry for everyone. It's terrible to be laid off.

How are you feeling?
I had a horrible evening. I'm not sure if it's the double dose up of the meds or some bug but I was just so incredibly exhausted & then I felt really nauseated all evening. I had this terrible, overall feeling of 'unwell'. I didn't feel that great this morning so opted to stay home today.

Thanks Barb.. one day at a time indeed

Im sorry your night was so crap and that you are home today, that sucks esp after being off for xmas break :( You are probably right about the double meds dose... its natural that your body would have some reaction to all these drugs in your body! I hope you feel much better today. xx
Oh I got a fruit/cracker basket for our Anniversary from my MIL so I took the Pineapple & cut up the core for implantation! Why the heck not. Can't hurt to throw them in my smoothies after ET.


Yumm!! I love gift baskets haha
Ugh Meg I imagine that's awful just waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak. Sometimes the waiting can feel even worse than the actual event even as crappy as that is. Hope your job stays safe. What's the worst case scenario? My friend got laid off when she was pregnant with her DD1. She was a music teacher and they were eliminating arts stuff in her district. :( Then she got a job at a cute little shop, not really using her degree but ya know it was a job, and she got fired b/c she wouldn't lift stuff heavier than her OB told her she should lift, wth. Anyway, it really really stunk at the time, but she decided to try staying home. Things are definitely tighter than they'd like, but it has turned out to be a good thing for them. She's decided to stay home at least until her girls are in school. I realize though not everyone could do that, and that kind of thing isn't for everyone anyway. Just hoping and praying no matter what happens, it turns out to be the best possible thing in a really crappy situation.

Barb so sorry you were feeling lousy. I hope you're not getting sick on top of it all, but I imagine all those meds would take a bit of a toll at some point. Hope it's a restful day at home.

I didn't even know that pineapple for implantation was a thing. Sounds yummy and if it helps...even better!

I'm gonna take my clomid dose this evening. I think I'm going to put an alarm on my phone for 7pm for five days. I feel like I can't push it any later than that b/c I'm supposed to start on CD5 but today is 5-6ish. Wasn't comfortable starting it last night though b/c I do think that would have been too early. I'm sure I'm over-thinking this, like a few hours shouldn't make or break anything. But at least taking it at 7, if I really become miserable, I can just go to bed and have DH deal with getting DD to bed. ;)
Hope your days goes better than expected Meg :hugs: one day at a Time sounds best!!

Barb sorry u are feeling yucky I usually get I'll w the Trigger so It prob is the Double dose!! Hope u feel better real soon!!

Eye hope u don't get any of the Nasty SE and get your BFP!! GL

Happy Friday to All hope everyone else is doing well!!!
Thanks ladies! well I'm glad that I know I'll be stopping the meds probably Sunday or Monday so I'll be home this weekend if it's the meds. I was SO tired it felt weird. Anyway we'll see if it repeats today.

Erin, the pineapple core has Bromine. This helps with implantation. Apparently! It's got anti-inflammatory properties which are good for implantation. So I took the core, cut it up into 5 pieces for each day starting on ET & I'll just put it in my morning smoothies. The pineapple was THERE so I figured, why not eh?
Everyone reacts different to the Clomid. Some people are moody even. We have so much to go through as woman so I just say 'sorry if I'm a bitch but deal with it!' lol. Anyway like I say, I only had hot flashes. Mind you that was not comfortable. Sleeping at night was a challenge with the flashes. Now I know what my future holds. I hope by the time I'm going through Menopause, there will be more options to deal with the symptoms!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Barbs i really hope its not the meds making you feel iffy but in away i hope it is....not cos i'm a bitch but it must mean they are working :) not long to go now only a few more days then the count down is on....omg i'm soooooooooo excited for you!!!! LOL on the menapause just imagine if we are all still chatting and complaining about it hehe

Meg gosh i hope your day goes ok and i agree 1 day at a time sounds like a good plan...ugh life can be really frustrating at times fx all will work out right in the end. How are you feeling? when is the scan? not long now i guess??

Eye i really hope you don't get the for the days and timing don't panic too much - people taking them on a variety of days....i'm not sure of he reasoning behind all the different options but a few hrs certainly won't hurt. 7pm sounds like a great time to me - let us know how you get on! I'll be joining you in few days.

Sis hope your ok :)

Nat are you ok? i hope you are just busy! and still excited about the start of your new ttc journey :happydance:

Well i had a lovely evening with DH :happydance::happydance: a great time and a good chat too! He was worried about me taking clomid again because it made me soooooo emotional last time and boy he's not wrong....I'm not aloud to take femara due to my pacemaker so clomid is my only option....Anyway after lots of talking we decided to give it a go and hope i get pg quick before we need a divorce haha! Without it i previously didn't 0 at all and seemingly since harrison not strong enough to sustain a pregnancy. I didn't have blood test last cycle but i'm guessing it was the same as the last 5 or so.... Barbs sorry just realised i didn't answer your question, we never really stopped trying after Harrison was born as we knew it took sooooo long first time around so i started charting about 8 weeks after he was born and had a few really dodgy length cycles etc then a bit of regularity so started doing OPK's to see if anything was happening - cue excitement as i thought I was 0ing as i got a pos - only for a blood test to reveal i had the surge but no egg release but hey its better than last time haha. So i temped last cycle and as you guys saw it showed a shift but still not sure if it was just the surge or actual 0 as i didn't have the blood test.....So we have been timing sex for about 3 months this will be the 4th. As I say not at all long enough to complain yet! I'd just like to make sure all our efforts are not in vain ie i need to be oving or all the sex in the world wont work haha! Blimey i've been waffling!!!!

hope everyone is ok!!
Hey nimbec!
I hope it doesn't take you as long to get preggo. How long was it with Harrison again?
Did you have ovulation issues in the past too?
I hope it happens soon!!

And yeah symptoms are sorta good. I am feeling fine today so perhaps it was more of a food related or big related thing. I'm not complaining. What ever it was.

How's everyone else doing & what you all up to this weekend?
I'm just chilling. No plans & I think that's how we are leaving it. We may go to. Brunch Sunday & other than my clinic Sunday AM, nada.

Natalie where you today Hun?! Miss you! Xo
Hi Barbs, 4 years to make Harrison :0!!!! Sounds like you have a lovely weekend planned - the easy going ones are usually the best. I'm off to visit a friend tomorrow 250mile round trip she is having a really hard time with her ex husband and dating new men so i'm off to cheer her up bless her.....Jon is having Harrison for the day which is nice too as its honestly only the 3rd time he will have had him since he has been born so some Daddy time :) He plays with him lots but never really does any of the 'hard' work haha! We filled 2 massive skips today with stuff from the house renovation and emptied the back shed was absolutely hilarious as jon had not been in it for over 10yrs and there was lots of his ex's stuff in there inc underwear etc but the FUNNIEST was when he was going through a box and found a tube of Ann Summers 'slide & ride' hahahahaha his mum was stood right there!!! cue hysterics ...shortly followed by finding chocolate body butter so so funny! Also lots of piccies from when he was 17...well before i met him...really interesting!

Anyway i'm off to bed, well feed Harrison then bed. Nos Da xxx
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here I am :hi:

Gawsh...what a couple of days iv had....not really good news tbh.:(

When pete and I got home yesterday morning we had a nice brunch and then things turned sour :(
Prior to going to visit our gp about starting the fertility ball rolling we BOTH (well me more lol) desided to "keep this part of our life private"
I didn't want the added pressure from family and friends knowing about our tests and them all waiting anxiously for "a " pregnancy or not at the end of every month,
Also we wanted to have a lil privacy when it came to what we actually"up to " at the doctors.
BUT,,,,,,Peter is renowned for his "big ole gob" and as soon as we wnt to pick Harry up he opened his huge mouth and told his mother everything...fak! kind of REALLY pissed me off....but I let it go -sort of reminded him that we were supposed to stand united on this matter and then left it there.
But as the day went on Peter had a cob on....
Again I tried to ignore him but it was almost like he was spoiling for a row :(
I bit my tongue for quite a while but then when my step dad phoned and I was too busy to take the call Peter answered for me and I ov heard him discussing our apt ....
This made me flip my 2ltr fizzy lid.(shaken and NOT stirred) lol....

We rowed :( ...I told him how let down he made me feel and that it was plainly none of anyone's business and that he needed to respect that...but he was having none of it...I would have let it go if I knew he was only saying it through excitment but he wasn't :(
I went to bed crying last night:(
So what had started off as a exellent day ended up totally shite!:(
Then this morning Peter had to get up at 4:30 for work...and he asked me to phone him in his first snack/rest I did.....I found MYSELF oppolagising and he was really arrogant about it.gah! Him!.....why was I even saying sorry in the first place.ok ok bc I hate to argue with him but he was such a pug about it :(
When I went silent on the phone to him (trying to hold back MORE tears ) I think he startedf to feel sorry for me and op polished back to me and stated I shouldn't have been saying sorry in the first place it was him.
But I couldn't shake that crappy feeling for the rest of the afternoon:( ...and it's been tears on and off all day...when he got home from work tonight he gave me a big hug and made me feel sooo much better and said he realises how I must have felt when he told everyone "what happend at the doctors) ....
So today I officially re name January as arguary! Lol

Anyways...hopefully pete and I can get over this and look forward to next week when the bloods are drawn and officially begin this new journey - which btw I have to reskeduel for a different time of day as I received my MRI for next Thursday today and guess what?'s the exact same time as my bloods. Lol typical eh .:)
Looks like i am going to have to stamp my feet at the snobby receptionist to get her to re book me in for the same day at the doctors for bloods...haha I WILL get my own way lol

Cycle update here...cd3 af is ALREADY tapering out...just spotting already!...not not me at all....wonder what's happening there?
Stocked up on beet root today...I got the pickled stuff as I don't like it fresh...kind of's a good antioxidant and also something to do with lining and oxidising blood flow to overys .

Meg :hugs: ....I am sooo so so sorry to hear about your boss awfull:(
What a strong woman your other boss is tho for taking on the work load and sorting things out on his behalve.
I think it's a good sign if she has asked you to come in for "that " chat and she discussed the downsizing with you before it actually happens....I think she wants you on board love..:)
I hope it all has gone well for you today at the office...I truley hope you and still "in"
That's the last thing you need right?....hang tight love.:hugs:

Ohhh barbs :hugs: how awfull your meds may have made you feel so sick and tired last night....I hope you are ok today.not long now Hun and it will soon be egg shopping :) :happydance:
Can I ask tho? they mark all meds up with...please consult your doctor if any unwanted side effects occur whilst taking this medicine .....
Have you discussed this with your re? worry that maybe your having a adverse reaction....and that would be soooo not good.
But it's like you said this first round is seeing how well your body reacts to spectra in dosages and meds isn't it.
So your apt for that just another CM?.....good luck Hun:)

Becky ...Yaye...hubby's back on board with the chlomid.:happydance:
Barbs is sooo right..l am the same lol...."I'm a woman...we go threw enough thanx- deal with it...and a teensy sorry in advance for the bitch that's may unleash herself lol...."

Erin...weeee chlomid tonight :thumbup: I hope it goes well love.:)
Tell us how you get on won't you.:)

Sis...chart is looking good Hun...any symptoms yet...oh yeah...I can't ask that bc the trigger covers up the genuine stuff dosent it...ooops sorry lol...are you going to test put the trigger this time?...when do you plan to test?
Good luck sweet.:flower:

Ok so this has turned into another mammoth essay lol but the whole entire time I have taken to type this I have eaten an entire packet of foxes chunkie cOokies...omfg..:( I feel so sorry for myself lol

Well I'm off to get my hair did tmr so I can get some me time and then I am coming home to cook a sausage casserole.yum yum :)
Haha roary is sat beside me looking at me like"where's MY cookie bitch!" Pmsl :rofl:

Hope to beck on tmr in a better mood ladies :)
Excuse my Debbie downer again lol

Natalie xxx
Hey :hi: Nat!!!!
Sorry u had a Crappy day yesterday hope everything works it's self out!! :hugs:

AFM..... No trigger No Meds No IUI this go!!!!
Been having sharp pain around my left ovary and keep passing out for 30mins around 4Pm prob not use to gettin the Boys to school yet Again!!:haha:
Thanks for sharing your expertise, ladies.

I took my first pill at 6:45 this evening. So far, so good. :-P Then again it's only been a little over two hours. ;) But I'll take what I can get. I've heard a few places now that the real crazy can happen after O.

Becky, I don't remember your chart, but as I understood it, you can get your LH surge and then not O. But if you get the thermal shift, that should confirm that you ovulated. Might be too "weak" an O (I'm wondering if this has been my problem since I'm a slow riser), but an O nonetheless. Glad you had a good evening with your DH. :-D Enjoy your mini road trip.

Barb glad you were feeling better today! :-D No big plans for me this weekend. I work on Saturday (my weekend is Sunday/Monday). But it's looking to be a pretty normal and relaxed couple of days.

Hi Natalie, sorry you've had a rough couple of days. :hugs: I know what you mean, you don't want people looking over with their stopwatch right??? I did ultimately tell some family members (ok my MIL) what we were going through so she would stop saying unknowingly hurtful things (about having another). She doesn't know about the Clomid though. I've only told my mom and a few close friends about that. I probably wouldn't have even told my mom but she knew something was up b/c she watched DD when I had my last Dr appt. Anyway, sorry about what happened, and it is absolutely without excuse, but hopefully some little bit of good will come of it in the form of people being respectful and not saying the kinds of things you don't want to hear. Glad you made up though, hopefully the rest of January won't be Arguary after all and it will be smooth sailing! <3

Also, my AF is basically gone too and I'm on CD5...way unusual for me! Maybe with all the bleeding throughout my LP last cycle I just got a head start. But gooodness so weird. Not complaining though!

Sis, GL this cycle! It would be so awesome if you got your bfp on a natural cycle. ;) I don't know your back story so is it okay to hope for that???

Have a great weekend ladies!
Nat, Really sorry about the argument that you had with Pete! It sounds like things are on the mend, but these things do happen, you're right. It's especially hard when you're dealing with something so sensitive like going through testing like this, because your nerves and feelings are already at High Point, and anything that agitates that only makes things worse. I hope that things are much improved and that you're feeling better Hun xx

Barb, it sounds like you have a great low-key weekend planned. I have the same planned as I sit here sitting on my couch LOL we went for dinner last night to the keg with DH parents and that was nice. They are heading back to Florida for four months today so we won't see them for a while. DH wanted to tell them last night about the pregnancy but I didn't feel comfortable with that it's just too early. Tonight we're just going to stay in and watch a movie.

Barb, how are you feeling with the meds today? Any better?

Erin, I hope that you have very minimal if not any side effects to the Clomid that you're starting, really hope that this doesn't magic trick for you soon!

How is everyone else doing? It's a rainy day here today, but much better than the deep-freeze that we've been experiencing for days on end, so I'm definitely okay with the rain!

I am 5+5 today, feeling alright still. Just a bit tired but that's really it, it's almost making me nervous LOL, of course right?

Yesterday was a very long and hard day at work. I had to, along with my boss, tell the entire firm that their jobs are being terminated and that we couldn't guarantee who's going to have a job and who isn't, although we did tell certain people that they could expect to be rehired. That being said, I really don't know how plausible all of this really is, and I don't know for sure that I'm going to have a job at the end of my termination., Which is February 14th. I wish I knew now what the next several days and weeks will bring, but hopefully I will have some more clear answers next week sometime. It's very nerve-racking having this happen at this point in my life, because it messes with the possibility of maternity leave and all of that. But like I said, I'm going to take it one day at a time for now and hope that I will have a job until August LOL if I don't, but I will figure something out. It wont create a crisis for me at home, we're in a really good place now, but it would be nice to keep going with the momentum that we have been for the last while. Rather than depleting financially. But hey, at least I know I have a paycheck for the next five weeks right? LOL oh man.....
Hi all sorry I've not been on today the witch knocked me flat out the bitch!! I'm in agony :( been struggling today so didn't manage to get to my friend so hoping to go tomorrow as long as I'm in less pain ugh who's twisted idea was it anyway to make women bleed and be in pain every 4 weeks?!!! Bah hum bug!

Hi nat so sorry you've had a rough few days and rowing is horrid esp when it's over fertility and telling people I know the feeling well!! It's a mixture of emotions I know I felt it was private between me and oh (and forum friends) and he wanted to tell people it used to make me feel like others would think I was a failure (not the case but that's how emotional I was over it) and also I didnt want the questions all the time and of course their expert advice on lttc - naturally they got preg the 2nd month trying so I should just relax and it will happen...right? Eeeeer hello NO!! So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's totally normal to feel how you do and totally normal for the man not to understand!! Hopefully you will get that bfp and not have to worry about it!!! So pleased you made up. How are you now?

Sis oooh wouldn't it be lovely to get your bfp this cycle!

Eye so I guess you will have had your 2nd clomid...hope u r still ok? I'll be joining you tomorrow with tablet no1 - watch out ladies by this time next week I should be signing upto a loony establishment haha lol!

Meg I think it was about 6-7weeks when my sickness hit so you have time yet I'd make the most if feeling 'well' the tiredness is a great sign that you are growing a gorgeous bean inside!

Barbs how are you feeling now? I think you stop mess tomorrow? When do you have another appt? I know transfer is next week...

Right I'm off to sleep night all xx
Okay, NOW it's my weekend. ;)

Hehe Meg I can understand being nervous, but for now try to count it as a blessing. ;) But yeah, it could still hit in the next couple of weeks. ;) I don't wish morning sickness on you though...I hope it stays away!

Sorry about your hard day at work, that just totally sucks. I don't think I realized before that everyone is getting terminated, then some are being rehired??? That kinda makes it scarier even if the end result is supposed to be the same. I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible. For everyone. Sounds like taking it one day at a time is the best anyone could do. Glad you won't find yourself in a major crisis no matter what.

Becky, oh no, that evil :witch: (why is that stupid emoticon smiling, makes me think she's mocking us :growlmad:) Sorry AF got you, maybe this will be her last visit for a while. We can hope right! Hope you still get to go see your friend tomorrow. It's one thing for AF to show up and another for her to mess up plans!!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:


AFM, still doing okay with the far! No problems yet, but I know if it's going to hit, it'll probably hit later. I'm realizing if I get my bfp this cycle, I'll have to get pretty creative getting my continuing education in b/c the conference I was planning to attend to get the rest of my hours is right before what would be my due date. BUT I'd be awfully lucky to get a bfp on my first round, so I'm not getting ahead of myself!

Only weird thing that happens.... If this is even a thing. Maybe a minute after I take it, I get this warm tingly feeling through my arms like when you take a drink of alcohol (well at least me since I don't really drink, so whenever I do drink I feel it, lol) but...just through my arms. I don't see how I could actually feel anything that quick, so last night I thought it was in my head. But it did it again tonight. It just lasts a few seconds and then it's over and I'm back to feeling normal.
Hiya ladies.:)

Sorry I been Mia...just trying to get my act together here...been an emotional mess lol.
Peters work colleague died on the way to work yesterday morning :( a horrific car crash :(
Peter and all his colleagues are pretty thrown by it all :(
To top it all off the boss is being a numpty at work them all a hard time.

So it's cd5 here tests turned up yesterday so I have them safely tucked away :thumbup:
Temp has dropped nice and eastrogen is doing her job already and getting to work on them eggys :)

Meg...glad you been resting up with hubby this weekend love...I'm sorry you been sooo tired Hun....hayyyyy maybe my premonition a couple of months ago was about THIS Pgy...makes much more sense.:)
I hope that ms stays away sounds like you are having no problems with eating Hun so I think you could be in the clear.:thumbup:
Usually an issue with certain kind of foods is the warning sign that sickness may kick in.:)
I hope you continue to enjoy your weekend Hun:)
Tuesdays your scan right ?.eeeeekkkkkk:)

Barbs...back to the re today right?.....what will you be doing there today? it to review all in all?....
How are you keeping this weekend?good I hopes .:)
I can't belive this time next weekend you will be having them eggys out/in...:wohoo:
It's going so fast now :)
Barbs you are in my thoughts love.:) glad the chlomid is treating you well Hun.:)
I hope it continues too aswell.:thumbup:

Becky soo sorry the (smiling) witch got you...what a bitch!....did you manage to jump in the car and get going today?that is so nice of you to drive all that way to help your friend who is in a crisis right now.
You start the chlomid today too right.
Let us know how that goes :) are you doing love?good I hopes.:)

Well ladies...I am off to my moms today so I will be back on again later.
Then it's home to make chicken fajitas tonight...ooooooo super yumalishus.:)

Hope your all ha I g a great Sunday ladies....catch up again tonight.:)

Natalie xxx
Hi ladies just a quick post from me awful day. Witch is causing me to be in severe pain & very nauseous and then my mini chuihuaha has dislocated his shoulder so had an emergency dash to the vets :( we are all feeling pretty sorry for ourselves - Harrison esp as he has a bad cold again bless him.

Nat I'm so so sorry about hubby's friend that's absolutely hurrendous !! Can't believe his boss is being a dick how inconsiderate!!!!

Speak later ladies x
Hey everyone!!!
Sorry been Mia.
Nat I'm sorry Pete & you have such a row. Like you, I am very private about our Fertility. There are a few people who know & that's it. I would be infuriated if Nathan behaved that way. So I get it. Xo

Meg your ultrasound is coming up!!! Whoooo!!!! You excited?
I bet nervous too right?

AFM, I am ready for retrieval on Wednesday!!!
Took last dose today of my meds. I'm irritable today & not feeling great. I'm getting to the point where I'm so sick of the drugs and appointments. Blurt.
Anyway I'm nervous because I've read bad things about ET recovery. How painful it is and the recovery is a few days. Man, it's like my surgery all over again. I hope this is the last time I need to do this.
I'm going in tomorrow for cycle monitoring. Doctor will do the ultrasound.
I should get the HCG trigger shot some time and then I'm not sure.
The doctor made a comment how there is lots going on! He hasn't told me how many follies are growing but sounded like a lot.

That's all for now. Ninbec so sorry about your pup!!! Wishing a quick recovery xo
Hello All sorry been feeling a Lil Yucky and tossed and turned Last Nite Prob the cause of my Temp Jump!!! :shrug:

GL w your Us meg!!!:happydance:

GL w ER Barb I'm sure U will bounce back quickly but I can understand your concern it's so much harder on everyone when we don't feel ourselves !!! :hugs:

Nimbec sorry about your pUp!!!

Becky sorry about AF!! :hugs:

Eye hope the Icky stays away!!!

Nat hope your getting your Eggs in a Basket!!! :haha:

Hope I didn't miss anyone not feeling myself today and movin in slow Mo!! :nope:
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