Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here I am
Gawsh...what a couple of days iv had....not really good news tbh.
When pete and I got home yesterday morning we had a nice brunch and then things turned sour
Prior to going to visit our gp about starting the fertility ball rolling we BOTH (well me more lol) desided to "keep this part of our life private"
I didn't want the added pressure from family and friends knowing about our tests and them all waiting anxiously for "a " pregnancy or not at the end of every month,
Also we wanted to have a lil privacy when it came to what we actually"up to " at the doctors.
BUT,,,,,,Peter is renowned for his "big ole gob" and as soon as we wnt to pick Harry up he opened his huge mouth and told his mother everything...fak!.....it kind of REALLY pissed me off....but I let it go -sort of reminded him that we were supposed to stand united on this matter and then left it there.
But as the day went on Peter had a cob on....
Again I tried to ignore him but it was almost like he was spoiling for a row
I bit my tongue for quite a while but then when my step dad phoned and I was too busy to take the call Peter answered for me and I ov heard him discussing our apt ....
This made me flip my 2ltr fizzy lid.(shaken and NOT stirred) lol....
We rowed

...I told him how let down he made me feel and that it was plainly none of anyone's business and that he needed to respect that...but he was having none of it...I would have let it go if I knew he was only saying it through excitment but he wasn't
I went to bed crying last night
So what had started off as a exellent day ended up totally shite!
Then this morning Peter had to get up at 4:30 for work...and he asked me to phone him in his first snack/rest break....so I did.....I found MYSELF oppolagising and he was really arrogant about it.gah! Him!.....why was I even saying sorry in the first place.ok ok bc I hate to argue with him but he was such a pug about it
When I went silent on the phone to him (trying to hold back MORE tears ) I think he startedf to feel sorry for me and op polished back to me and stated I shouldn't have been saying sorry in the first place it was him.
But I couldn't shake that crappy feeling for the rest of the afternoon

...and it's been tears on and off all day...when he got home from work tonight he gave me a big hug and made me feel sooo much better and said he realises how I must have felt when he told everyone "what happend at the doctors) ....
So today I officially re name January as arguary! Lol
Anyways...hopefully pete and I can get over this and look forward to next week when the bloods are drawn and officially begin this new journey - which btw I have to reskeduel for a different time of day as I received my MRI for next Thursday today and guess what?.....it's the exact same time as my bloods. Lol typical eh .
Looks like i am going to have to stamp my feet at the snobby receptionist to get her to re book me in for the same day at the doctors for bloods...haha I WILL get my own way lol
Cycle update here...cd3 af is ALREADY tapering out...just spotting already!...not not me at all....wonder what's happening there?
Stocked up on beet root today...I got the pickled stuff as I don't like it fresh...kind of bland....it's a good antioxidant and also something to do with lining and oxidising blood flow to overys .

....I am sooo so so sorry to hear about your boss love...how awfull
What a strong woman your other boss is tho for taking on the work load and sorting things out on his behalve.
I think it's a good sign if she has asked you to come in for "that " chat and she discussed the downsizing with you before it actually happens....I think she wants you on board love..
I hope it all has gone well for you today at the office...I truley hope you and still "in"
That's the last thing you need right?....hang tight love.
Ohhh barbs

how awfull your meds may have made you feel so sick and tired last night....I hope you are ok today.not long now Hun and it will soon be egg shopping
Can I ask tho?.....here they mark all meds up with...please consult your doctor if any unwanted side effects occur whilst taking this medicine .....
Have you discussed this with your re?...li worry that maybe your having a adverse reaction....and that would be soooo not good.
But it's like you said this first round is seeing how well your body reacts to spectra in dosages and meds isn't it.
So your apt for Sunday...is that just another CM?.....good luck Hun
Becky ...Yaye...hubby's back on board with the chlomid.
Barbs is sooo right..l am the same lol...."I'm a woman...we go threw enough thanx- deal with it...and a teensy sorry in advance for the bitch that's may unleash herself lol...."
Erin...weeee chlomid tonight

I hope it goes well love.
Tell us how you get on won't you.
Sis...chart is looking good Hun...any symptoms yet...oh yeah...I can't ask that bc the trigger covers up the genuine stuff dosent it...ooops sorry lol...are you going to test put the trigger this time?...when do you plan to test?
Good luck sweet.
Ok so this has turned into another mammoth essay lol but the whole entire time I have taken to type this I have eaten an entire packet of foxes chunkie cOokies...omfg..

I feel so sorry for myself lol
Well I'm off to get my hair did tmr so I can get some me time and then I am coming home to cook a sausage casserole.yum yum
Haha roary is sat beside me looking at me like"where's MY cookie bitch!" Pmsl
Hope to beck on tmr in a better mood ladies
Excuse my Debbie downer again lol
Natalie xxx