LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Ok am back from my apt. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh this is so exciting.:)

Firstly I would like to say thankyou thankyou thankyou to all you fantasimos for your brilliant info :flower:

So ok- ...he explained that firstly he cannot send us to the "specialist" untill he sends our basic test info he discussed with pete about SA....he has to phone through next week to request a home kit and then rush his cute ass up to the fertility dept at our hospital on the same day to hand it over.:)

He has requested bloods for me to check...E2 ,FSH , LH , and inhibin B , prolactin and TSH , ASA....
this is booked for cd9 ...kind of threw me a little but that's what day (preficular testing) he wants to do....then I have to go in on cd23 bloods to run a progesterone check.
I'm very happy with today's apt...and he oppolagised for the "little" he could do for today but he assured me that these tests are a nessesary first step to get us registered at the local clinic...which I have just researched and not only are they great but they are now performing iui :happydance:
I think this is the route we may be getting guided down her :)
For now too we are just running a few tests to to see if there is anything causing an infertility issue.:thumbup:

Well ladies what do you think?....
I am sooo happy we are finally on the right path...:happydance:
I just have my fingers crossed that all is well...or something minor comes back that is fixable or treatable.:thumbup:
He even made a bet with we will not get as far as "extensive" testing.bc couples tend to relax more with ttc and that we bets we come back very soon and announce our if only that becomes true lol...we will see I suppose.:)

Thankyou all so much for helping me get my crazy ass into gear lol...I couldn't for the life of me organised about it all

Love to my honey bees :flower:

Natalie xxx
Nat! So glad to read your update about the Dr! Sounds like there is a great plan in place and action being taken! You sound really happy with it, and I am happy for you! WHOOP!! That's such fab news... :) Cant wait to hear how it all progresses and he is probably right about the BFP before you get done with tests haha....
Yay Nat sounds like he is a proactive doc !!!! great news how exciting :) !!!!! Can't wait to hear the updates! yipeeeeeeeeee!!

I had a lovely evening with hubby last night so i'm feeling much happier :) knackred as harrison is now 10 months and still awake 3 times at night UGH any suggestions most welcome haha he's a big bot and genuinly hungry :(

Hope everyone is ok and having a great day!
Hey Nat! I enjoyed that ramble so don't apologize haha.

I would come prepare to the doctor with as much history as you can. Ie how long it took with Harry , any intervention or Tests you had done then and what were the results, tell him about the MC, about what you have been doing to ttc this time (
Supplements, opk, etc), your average cycle length over the last year and anything else that may help him decide what to do for you. I quite about cycle monitoring to get things started with investigations.

Can't wait to hear how it goes Nat! Be a fierce warrior! Haha xo

AFM, quite the day today .... I found out my boss (I have two and they are spouses - the man and our senior lawyer) has cancer and although no prognosis yet, it doesn't look good. He had been suffering with back pain for almost a year now, and all this time it was cancer and they just found it. Really sad…. Anyways so I had a meeting today with my direct boss, his wife, and she told me that the company is going to make some very drastic decisions over the next couple of weeks, they're going to be downsizing a.k.a. firing about 75% of our job is safe but I feel bad for all of my coworkers were going to be losing their jobs. Going to be making a lot of really big decisions about how to run the company from here forward, so it's going to be a very interesting and difficult year I think.

My boss did make the comment that she knows I would be planning on starting a family soon, and given everything that's happening I was honest and told her about the fact that I'm pregnant. She knows about the miscarriage from before, so wasn't that big of a deal, but selfishly I thought it might give me a little more job security at the same time. At the very least it avoids me making excuses for upcoming appointments and potential sickness… I don't want any hassles. So that's that. Big day for sure.

Now it's 9pm and I'm lying in bed going to put the TV on. DH has a friend over so they are in the other room chatting.

Oh my I'm so sorry to hear about your boss.
That's just awful. And why the downsizing, do you know? That's devastating. The whole thing.
I wouldn't blame you for trying anything to secure your job. Last thing you need now, pregnant, is to loose your job. Oh wow. Big things going on. :hugs:
Hi! Oh goodness I keep starting a reply and then I don't get to finish before the thread keeps growing! That's awesome though! I know there are new posts now since I started this one, so I'll have to catch up again!

Ahhhhh that wedding story. Becky I'm so sorry that happened. On one hand, it's a super important day that you only get to live once, so it tooootally sucks that that happened. But on the other hand (not making light of the suckiness though!) you have a lifetime to be married, so wishing you a beeeaauuutiful marriage. <3 Sorry about your BFN. :hugs: How was dinner? Oh you may have posted about that by now. :dohh: I'll catch up I promise! (Oh, and girl you have nothing to be embarrassed about. The BIL is the one who should be embarrassed. Just a shame it sounds like he doesn't have the good sense to be embarrassed!)

Ok so I think I was confusing. I don't have endo(metriosis). I just found I'd passed a few chunks of endometrium during my period. Just the uterine lining that is shed during a period...but it came out in a couple of bigger pieces. Which is maybe kind of weird but I've always been told it's normal to happen from time to time. So it didn't alarm me and I don't think it's any fertility issue???? It just brings up bad memories b/c of the somewhat similar appearance. :-/ (And thank you Becky!! ;) It must be true that I will have a shiny, plush uterus just begging for a baby to burrow in and be comfortable for 9 mos now right???? ;))

Meg, oh man I was like a narcoleptic in that stage of pregnancy with my daughter. It's a great sign though to feel pregnant! It's a lot of work to grow a human! <3

Who was it that asked when I'd be taking the Clomid? Becky? I'm going to be taking it days 5-9. So I'll take my first pill on Friday. Did you have bad side effects? Barb the (generic) Clomid only cost $19 (USD) full price, pretty sure that's no insurance or discount or anything. I know of people who have gotten it a cheaper, but I went to a more expensive pharmacy for the sake of convenience. I guess even that's not SUPER cheap for just 5 lil pills, but considering what people can spend on infertility stuff, it seems like a bargain! Good job with your jabs. ;)

Haha I started this post at lunch time and now it's 11:00 pm and I'm about to go to bed.
I'll catch up on the rest later. <3

Good luck with Clomid! I just wanted to Chime in & tell you that the only side effect I had was hot flashes. But they were not comfortable. I felt like I was going through Menopause :haha:
Anyway, great score on the meds. OMG I'm spending upwards of $4K for meds right now so yeah LOL...gah!!! But, I have insurance that covers all of this. Thank GOD.
Thanks Barb.. the downsizing is because of the Illness.. we are a law practice and have to consider what we will do with the practice and our clients. So lots of stuff going on.....

We will see how the next few weeks go! But for now, im not at risk. Just feel badly for my colleagues.
Hello Nat!

I'm really happy for you! And glad you're excited.
The first appointment is always about too much information & lots of blood work. I also did an ultrasound on my first appointment, did you?
Anyway sounds normal protocol for first go. They start off some where you know? And you'll go from there. So I"m a bit confused. This is not a Reproductive Endo that you saw today? It's a fertility clinic, no?
Anyway, good stuff lady!!!

Sorry I was away & couldn't give you some advise.

Well, today went in & things are progressing well. I got a bit of a higher dosage on my Repronex. Well, double. Don't know why. But anyway...keeping on with the injections until Saturday. Sunday morning I"ll go in for Cycle Monitoring again & he will know then if I do Egg Retrieval on either Tuesday or Wednesday!
Hi everyone

eyemom i'm not the best to ask about side effects it made me into an emotional wreck...cue crazy bitch hence why hubby is so worried about me being on it again- tonights job is to persuade him to try it for one cycle....i'm then going to be on very best behaviour! I also had the flushes and a few headaches but all i can say is it was 100% worth it to make Harrison!!! I'm sure i'm just one of a very few that had those side effects so i bet you'll be just fine yay how exciting not long now till you take it!

Meg ugh what a situation at work :( FX you get to keep your job now - they can't let a preggy lady go....surley!!

Barbs wowsers thank goodness the insurance pays for it - blimey!! crickey moses! Is there a limit on the insurance? not that you will need it i'm sure!!

As for me big temp dip today so AF should be here tomorrow - come on witch lets get on with it & it would also be everso kind if you could mke me 0 at a sensible time rather than waiting to CD 26 pleaaaasssseeeeee!! oh and at the ebd a BFP would be loverly haha hehe
Barbs eeeek thats so close now!! how exciting eeeeeeekkkkK!!!!
Ok ladies, slow day at work so let's see if I can actually finish this post before I go to bed in oh, 11 or 12 hours, lol.

Meg, that's sooo great that you have a good appetite! I never got sick (thank God), but it's awful when you're really hungry and yet at the same time, the thought of food is just sooo disgusting. I hope this is as bad as it gets!

Natalie, haha how often are we like, "oh yay AF your timing is really spot on this month yaayyyy." ;) But really that is great. Sorry I didn't show up in time to offer any help about the Dr appt but sounds like you didn't need it anyway with the other ladies' expertise and an awesome Dr (sounds like!) It sounds like you have a great plan set in motion now! Definitely do the SA because that's a whole lot easier for him to do first before you proceed too far with things on your end.

Oh Meg the work situation...that just sounds like a really sad situation all around! Glad your job is safe, but my heart goes out to your coworkers and your boss(es). I don't blame you for telling her that you are pg. Sounds like she brought the topic up anyway. And yeah it will be easier for them to know anyway with your upcoming appts and such.

Becky so happy you had a lovely night with your DH. :) Sorry your DS isn't sleeping. :( Has he ever been a good sleeper? My DD went through a major sleep regression stage at ~10 mos which had me exhausted. In our case, it was a combination of teething and developmental stuff. She was nursing so I did feed her because it soothed her but I doubt she was super hungry, but who knows? I don't have any advice :( but I hope it passes soon. In our case it got a little better before her 1st birthday. But for those few weeks I felt like I had a newborn again. :(

Wow Barb it seems like everything is happening so fast now! :happydance: I don't know if it feels that way on your end though. ;)

Hi Sis! *waves*

Tomorrow is Clomid day! Should I take it in the morning! At lunch? Before bed? I'm sure I'll give y'all an ear full of how it goes for me, lol. (I don't actually say "y'all" IRL, but for some reason I like to type it....) Thanks ladies for sharing your experiences. I've never taken anything like this before, but in the past, anything I take (besides antibiotics and otc pain relievers) make me bat poo crazy. So poor DH is realllllllyyy dreading this before I even take the first pill, lol. I'm hoping it won't be toooo bad or if there are side effects maybe I won't take it out on him????
Ohhhh Barb egg retrieval! That's hot!!!
Nat so glad your Dr went well .... Yay for getting things rolling!! :happydance:

Eye mom I would take the meds at nite so if u do get SE u won't feel them so much!!

Becky have u tried Femara tants what I was taking and only got a headache every now and then !!!
I've been to,d by ladies that Took Clomid and had issues Femara was a Dream!!

Barbs GL w ER yay!!!

Hope everyone is well!!
Yep my eggs are going to the Prom....*sniff* proud. LOL

It's so nuts. We will have embryo but it wont be in my tummy. Weird.
Hi everyone

eyemom i'm not the best to ask about side effects it made me into an emotional wreck...cue crazy bitch hence why hubby is so worried about me being on it again- tonights job is to persuade him to try it for one cycle....i'm then going to be on very best behaviour! I also had the flushes and a few headaches but all i can say is it was 100% worth it to make Harrison!!! I'm sure i'm just one of a very few that had those side effects so i bet you'll be just fine yay how exciting not long now till you take it!

Meg ugh what a situation at work :( FX you get to keep your job now - they can't let a preggy lady go....surley!!

Barbs wowsers thank goodness the insurance pays for it - blimey!! crickey moses! Is there a limit on the insurance? not that you will need it i'm sure!!

As for me big temp dip today so AF should be here tomorrow - come on witch lets get on with it & it would also be everso kind if you could mke me 0 at a sensible time rather than waiting to CD 26 pleaaaasssseeeeee!! oh and at the ebd a BFP would be loverly haha hehe

LOL love your reaction! Yes I have coverage & thankfully we switched Carriers as of January 1st & its unlimited. No cap. Our old insurance was $4K Lifetime each. Which is good. As long as we don't need too many IVF sessions.

I hope this cycle is successful for you! Sorry your temp is dropping.
How long have you been trying, again?
Erin, you're right - it doesnt seem like it was quick so much lol
Actually the last three months were OK. Doesn't seem like it was this long when thinking back. time's flying but I can't wait to be testing day & find out if I'm pregnant :)
i've not been TTC for three months & it was weird!!!!!!!
Erin, you're right - it doesnt seem like it was quick so much lol
Actually the last three months were OK. Doesn't seem like it was this long when thinking back. time's flying but I can't wait to be testing day & find out if I'm pregnant :)
i've not been TTC for three months & it was weird!!!!!!!
Well I just meant since I showed up in this thread, which truly wasn't very long ago, haha. I'm sure it felt like forever getting to this point. Time may seem to go in slow motion again when you're just waiting to test! GL!

I bet it was weird not TTC. I remember when you were about to go in for your HSG b/c it was just after mine and that already feels like forever ago. I've been TTC long enough now, it's like I can't even remember what it's like to just DTD whenever we feel like it.
Yes...time has now started to slow down. You're so right!
Yep I know the's Two years now that we've been actively trying.
The only sex we can have now is to DTD & not BD but I feel stressed & so my sex drive isn't that great. Too much has gone on lately to really feel 'sexy'. I don't feel sexy at all!!!
Well I have come into work super nervous today.... rumor is they will be doing the mass layoff today. I wonder If it will really happen today or not. I am just totally freaked. Will I have a job until mat leave? No clue... It is so up in the air until I know more.... The timing could not be worse with pregnancy but what can you do... no one knew this was coming. I know I have been told that my job is safe but if we sell off the firm then I don't see how that can be true for long... Best case I have a job until August! AHHHH
Hey Meg!

Oh I hope your job is safe. That would be brutal.
So I am assuming your boss is terminal then huh?
Best you can do is see what happens & take it one day at a time.
I'm so sorry for everyone. It's terrible to be laid off.

How are you feeling?
I had a horrible evening. I'm not sure if it's the double dose up of the meds or some bug but I was just so incredibly exhausted & then I felt really nauseated all evening. I had this terrible, overall feeling of 'unwell'. I didn't feel that great this morning so opted to stay home today.
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