LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Here is that lovely dose I just took ;)

Ganirelix belongs to the class of medications known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists. It is used to prevent premature ovulation in women undergoing ovarian stimulation as part of fertility treatment. It blocks the effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

GnRH controls the secretion of another hormone, called luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone that starts ovulation (release of an egg) during the menstrual cycle. Ganirelix allows the release of an egg to be controlled so it is released at the best time for pregnancy to occur.


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@ Barb wowzers that's crazy!

And I totally understand re one embryo.... I wouldn't want twins either
Haha....classing it up....I love that :)

Awe :blush: thankyou for the pretty I can say is thank gawd for straighteners and make up lol...:)

Well I had the sweet chilli chicken wrap....I had like 2 was
I am now starved!

We was going to go to a nice Greek restaurant out of town but babysitter cancelled on us and we figured Harry wouldn't really like Greek style and by the time we all got home it would have been wayyy pass bedtime routine hour.:)
Booooo lol....

Barbs soooo excited about next week ....I could just burst with happiness for you.:)

Meg...what are fruit loops? it like fruity Cheerios?
I'm sooo curious what they are...

So cycle update....16 dpo....:) ...
Tested for shits and giggles this morning.( had a lil feeling in the back of my mind- how AWSOME would it be if there was a slight chance I could get a late bfp today- on my birfdee) nope!....bfn lol
Tmi but I just went to the loo and when I wiped I had the pinky cm...almost could have missed it it was sooo slight...this is GREAT bc I see dr G in two days and hopefully he can squeeze me in for cd3 bloods on Friday ...woop woop...
This seems to be working out just great timing so far...fx it stays this way lol
Any way....come on witch! your darn worst !.....hit me as hard as you like you cow bag bc it's the last time I will be kicking your ass out of my life (for nine months lol)
The war is on!....and I WILL WIN!
Natalie - the witch slayer!....take me on- your going dowwwwwwwn! Lol...:rofl:

Tune in next week to see part 2 of the witch slayer-
To be
Ok ok I'm on one here arnt I .lol...

Hope you are all well ladies...thankyou. Sooo much for my birthday wishes...loves ya all millions :flower:

Natalie xxx
Nat! yes you are right - fruity cheerios and they are amazing haha.. a total kids cereal that I have always loved. Here is a link so you can check them out haha:

That's too bad the babysitter cancelled on you! Sounds like you had a good day though - rain check for dinner??

Nat I love your excitement over your apt!! cant wait to hear all about it.. and you are right - if you can get in for CD3 bloods that would be awesome!! Whoop the Witch Slayer 2014 is on like donkey kong :D
OMG! We have NOT GOT fruit loops in the uk....-PISSED!
We really should get some of them over here...I know a certain big kid (Peter lol) who would eat them all day

Yaye...your scan is almost here dh going with you?...
I can't wait to see your very first scan pic.:happydance:

Natalie xxx
Hey Ladies!

I'm glad you had a good night either way. I agree with Meg, you need to do a do-over at the Greek restaurant with Pete. Consider it an excuse for a good date! Just the two of you :)

I"m sorry the witch is on her way. What a total BITCH but I agree with Meg, your excitement about January 9th is great! I felt that way too. That there was a light at the end of the tunnel, I just had to make the journey.

Fruit Loops are super yummy but its like having dessert for Breakfast! Ahem...Meg ;) LOL

OK ladies, getting ready to wrap up for the day & head home with Chloe. Going to dinner there after.

I updated my Blog, btw :)

Love you all!
Have A Great Time at dinner Barb! Tell us all about it! Too funny actually, Mark just called me and said that he wants to go out for Italian tonight so it looks like I'm to be stuffing myself on hot carbs yummy! Perfect On this this freezing cold day.

And Nat, don't listen to Barb LOL, about the Fruit Loops, they are the best any time of day, and don't let anyone tell you different! Haha
Ughhhh ladies I was almost done with my reply and then I accidentally hit refresh. :growlmad: I don't think I have it in me to start all over. :( I was mostly rambling about the insane cold temps and tasty "dessert cereals."

And yes Natalie you looked lovely in your pic. :)

Good luck everyone.

AFM, I picked up my Clomid tonight. I was so happy, it's fairly cheap.

TMI, but I had one of those moments were I passed a decent size piece of endometrium, and now I HATE HATE it. It is too just too similar/reminiscent of the m/c. I know it's not that this time, but it's still an unpleasant reminder for me. Sorry to be gross.
Hi Ladies

I'm so sorry i'm not on here at the moment - things are crazy busy since the wedding with familly etc and i'm back in work and thats super crazy too! I promise i'll do my best to get on tonight or tomorow for a really good catch up the mean time i may have murdered jon's half brother haha big story to tell - he ruined my first dance and wedidng evening....hmmmm will tell u more later.

Nat i'm so so sorry i missed you birthday!!! Happy belated birthday!!! I'm not being a good forum friend sorry!!!!! also sorry for the bfn but as u say it may tie perfectally for CD3 bloods YAY plus we maybe cycle buddies as AF is due for me tomorrow or saturday.

barbs eeeek its all getting close now!!! and well done for that jab....its super hard doing your own!

Sis hope you are ok and you must be starting clomid today?/tomorrow?

As for me BFN as predicted amd now oh doesn't want me on the clomid in Jan....grrrr er are out for dinner tonight so i may bring it up!

catch up very soon lovely ladies!! XXXXXXXX
Hi ladies...sorry to post and run...
But I just checked my emails and had this sent to me (subscribed to a site) ...

Such a cute song....defo had to share this ...

Natalie xxx
Barb - I caught up on the blog last night! Interesting stuff... How was your dinner?

Nat - I will check out the link when I get home tonight :D

Erin - Sorry to hear about the endo issue... never TMI around here though! That would be really uncomfortable :( Sorry you have to experience that.... Good news that your clomid was cheap!!

Becky - No worries we know you are busy! I am sorry your brother in law caused such trouble on your special day.. it seems there is always one family member who likes to do that isn't there? Why doesn't DH want you on clomid next cycle? Let us know how dinner goes xx

AFM, I think fatigue is kicking in... I felt my eyes drooping at 830pm last night and I was like WTF! And sure enough, I slept from 9pm to 7am.... ummmm wtf! And now, at my desk, I feel tired already.

On a positive note DH and I had the best dinner last night... we shared a big Caesar salad, stuffed pizza, and gnocci with meat sauce it was awesome. Twas a good night xx
Hi all

Righteo again so sorry i've not been around!

Barbs its so interesting to hear you talk about all of the drugs and what they do - its so amazing to think how controlled everything is and you deserve a medal for injecting yourself!! When i was younger and working as a nurse in doctors surgery i missed my appt for birth controll injection and i was going on holiday so said i'd take it home and do my self - cue massive hot sweats in the batroom and lots of counting 1,2,3 ahhhh and again i will do it this time, honest, i will, lol! so i don't envy you at all but at least it's all in aid of the best gift in the world! I'm sooooooooooo excted for you!!!! I agree with one embryo too - the thought of twins is terrifying 1 is hard enough!

Happy Anniversary!!!! :flower: are you doing anything nice to celebrate? how many years is it now? I'm off to read your blog shortly!

Meg How are you feeling hun? Do you have a scan date? I'm guessing you are counting down the days....i know i was....i'm sure this is the one for you - it has to be!!! hoefully you will bypass all the morning sickness!

Nat You will win against the bitch of a witch!!!! she can go and harrass someone else for 9 months!! Its about time she gave you a break!! How disappointing about the babysitter :nope: Its so nice when you get quality time with your oh (baby free) and so difficult to have an evenng meal out with them....grrrr did you eat out in the end?

Appologies I can't remember is your appt tomorrow? I'm so excited for you to get the ball rolling! It feels sooooo much better when you start investigating and ticking things of the list!

eye mom Yay for getting the clomid....gosh we get it free over of the very few perks of living in wales lol whcih day do you start taking it? I used to take it CD2-6? sorry if i have missed a post where you explained to everyone! Passing clots is horrible at the best of times and when you have had a loss its even worse as i agree its a reminder but looking on the upside it means you have had a good clear out and will have a brand new shiny lining for this cycle - perfect embedding material :)

Sorry i made an error earlier and addressed your message to sis..:wacko:

Sis how are you?

Hope i haven't missed too much!

Righteo as for the wedding debacle ....jons half brother Glen is and always has been a nightmare he is on benefits, drugs, i'm sure has an illness and is totally inappropriate at the best of over xmas lunch infront of his 9yr old son announces that 'everyone has their hand in the till at somepoint' eeerrrr NO!!! and that prison infact is actually a great place as free food ect errrr helloo! he is now growing drugs......and is a total dick head so naturally i was concerned about the wedding so we had people on 'glen duty' BUT in the middle of our first dance he ran over grabbed jon off me pulled him away ranting alsorts of rubbish leaving me stood alone like a plonker!!! Jon swiftly told him to buggar off and came back BUT OMG i'm FURIOUS!!!! and got worse......He then went on to harrass guests, had to be pulled of me as he would not let go. He started on jon's dad and on jon right up in his face so he was eventually escorted out!!! Then the following morning we where presented with a £100 bar bill he refused to pay in the evening - they only let him have a tab as he was familly - we had deliberately not given him money and couldn't work out where he was getting it from so now we know!

So clearly i was upset, jon was upset etc so when we got home we ended up having a massive row - great way to start the marrage :cry: he then went straight in to work which i knew he had to as we run our own business and then invited friends over for dinner the following night - i was sooooo upset i just wanted some nice quality time together to enjoy the feeling of being married but nope :( instead i was alonne argueing with the venue over the bill - they had overcharged us and billed us for cash back we hadn't had grrrrr. So last night it all came to a head i was in floods of tears - he just didn't get why i was so upset, i explained and explained that a wedding dance is so important to a woman and i cant ever get that back.a i hadn't had an appology and that i expected to at least have a few hrs of quality time together...etc etc His response i'm overreacting and we are going on a honeymoon at somepoint so we can do it then :cry::cry: I lost it!!! told him that it had been utterly shit being married to him & i felt totally gutted and that the whole wedding eve was ruined by his half brother and he seems to just get away with it....added that he will not be welcome in the house or ever have any contact with harrison (Glen not Jon!!) oh dear you can imagine all my feelings came out! In the end he gave me a hug :) and agreed to spend tonight together which we are - and i'm going to try my best to enjoy it but i'm so so down girls :cry: this should be the happiest time of my life and i just feel it was ripped away from me. I spent my wedding eve explaining his behaviour and appologising to guests!

Anyway its done and nothing can be changed so i have to find a way to let it go and not wind me up! At least now jon knows how i feel .....hoping tonight will be nice - he has offered to go out for a meal but we would have to take harrison with us which maybe a nightmare so i may cook for us in the house.....

So sorry to have vented i just had to write it down otherwise i was going to explode. The BFN this morning didn't help lol and i had ran out of FRER so used a digi so it was like a double slap in the face seeing NOT PREGNANT lol lol i know i havent tried long this time but the bfn's still hurt a bit ....not complaining yet tho i know i have not served my time ttc no2 at all!!!! and i'm so lucky to have harrison xxxxx
Allo Everyone!

Nat, that was a very sweet video.
I feel like I need to contribute some how a part of my life to Infertility but I don't know how or where to start. Anyway, I hope my blog helps some woman in the least!

Meg, dinner was great! Had a little of everything on the menu!
Sounds like you had a great dinner too! You have a GREAT appetite. Has it increased or been the same?
Yep the tiredness is just like that. I remember at around 2pm, my head would start nodding off at my DESK! Eventually this will wear off xo
I can't wait for your scan on Tuesday! Yippee!!

Erin, Glad you got some Clomid cheap. Where do you get it at a discount? I'm curious actually how much you pay for it?? I believe I paid $40 CAD for 5 pills. It's not bad. As for your endo, I'm sorry it drudges up bad memories. That's was losses do for ya :(
Have you had your endo checked out to see if that's your fertility issue?

Becky, thanks so much :) It is totally weird to inject yourself right? you instincts say NO!!!! It's just weird. But I did it again this morning with no issues :)

As for the story about your BIL, wow! Just wow. I would feel the same as you.
And I'm so sorry that your wedding night was ruined. You didn't deserve that. You are right however that you can't change it so you need to do a do-over.
I have family who are embarrassing too so I know what you went through ;)

AFM, busy day still at work. Two weeks off will do that to ya!
Tomorrow going in for CM. I'll up date all of you for that.

Becky I am really sorry to hear about what happened... thats awful you had to got through all of that drama.. my best advice is to look forward. Remember how special a day it was outside of all of that, remember your ceremony and your feelings for DH... so sorry you got into a spat, but remember its about his brother and not you two... kiss and make up best you can and enjoy the newlywed feeling :) Its such a special time. Big congrats - try your best not to let one dumb bloke ruin it all. :) xoxoxo
Barb - Appetite has increased.... i am starving so badly when i wake up it hurts lol
Hi ladies....sat here with writers yeah! Me! Right lol....:rofl:
Trying to think of what to ask at dr G's tmr morning....very excited and nervous all at once here.
So here I am with my pen and paper and can I think of anything? Can I feckers like.:dohh:
Any tips ladies.?.....meg barbs Becky?.....what do you think I should ask him....oh dear I can't belive this is actually happening to me

(New) Cycle update 1 ...full on war with the witch here today...altho flow is quite abundant there is no pain....strange for me.
It's worked out perfect timing...bc I will be pushing for cd 3 bloods to get us started.fx.:)
I revised about the test that would be today and the type of things they need to check with cycle monitoring and bloods combined ....ok so I doubt very much I will be getting any scans this cycle but at least I have facts and numbers I can compare my results with when the testing is over this cycle.... thing...I am defo going to ask for a copy of everything when and where available...may not make much sence to me at first but at least I can try and learn.this you have taught me well :thumbup:

So ladies...alot to apcatch up on today....been running around like a blue ass fly again...took roary for his micro chip today my lil fur baby is no officially (proven) mine.:)

Barbs Yaye...more CM tmr :thumbup:
Is that to check on follis?...and how many eggys ?....
How exciting.eeeeek.

Meg...he he too funny...hungry when waking up....altho I know that feeling all to well there a way you can prepare some fruit to put in the fridge the night before so when you wake up you just pop open your container and get munching whilst preparing a proper hearty bepreakfast?
Just an idea...bc sorry to say but if you have an appetite like this already it may be set to stick with you for the first tri and it will only intensify it's self.and being super duper hungry whilst pregnant is a royal pain in the bum when it drains you of your only energy...milkshakes are good "quick" satisfiers...and always keep a biscuit handy in your bag.
I was soooo ravenous ...It actually wasn't funny when I couldn't get what I woman was dangerous if hungry lol...:rofl:

OMG Becky love...I feel soo bad for you Hun.:hugs:
That's an awful bil...he needs a good dose of reality and telling to back the efffff off...I mean what the hell is wrong with this person?- ruining your big day....sounds to me as he didn't like to watch somebody else get the full attention and was quite the jealous one for "loosing" his brother.
And I don't mean to be horrid but he sounds like an idiot!...quite like my lil brother...weed and benefit money drives there entire day! Right?
I hate that....why can't they just get off there behind and work for their money and stop expecting our already broken country to bail them out...
I had a slight similar family "blip" this Xmas about this exact nieces mom decided it was fun to brag to everybody that she had received £900 from the benefits and they were going to "have a good time" with it...and that if idiots like us who work want to make there life's easy they will happily take it.I WENT MENTAL!!!....
I think she forgot I was in the room and as soon as I heard her say it I made a bee line for her and had it out with her!....and let's just say I made HER Look a dare she!.....ok so I'm not quite back to work yet but I fully intend to be very soon..but my oh works sooooo dam hard and I hate to hear about benefit frauds blatantly bragging how life is much easier sitting on there ass taking the hand me outs.fak!....she pissed me off lol.
We struggle to make ends meet..nap and they get everything handed to them on a credits....sick money.....grrrrrrr....
But at least I can go to sleep at night knowing we may struggle but at least we are making an honest living and trying our hardest to provide for our son.
And to think there are genuine people out there who GENUINLY want to work and get depressed bc there is very little work or vacancies out there and they are forced to take benefits...they would chew off anyone's right arm for a job and you get the idiots just taking the piss out of our system.
Haha rant over.
But meg and barbs is right...try and take what you can from your special day and treasure it Hun....and who knows maybe one day you can re new your vows...abroad perhaps bil is NOT there this time :)
Big hugs to you love....I hope you are ok...
And the Barney you had too....sounds like me and pete a couple of months agao...gawsh we let rip into eachother but I still say to this day...he was in the wrong lol....and he WAS!
It's healthy to argue Becky.:thumbup: ...just sux it happened to be on your wedding.:

Erin...Yaye you started the chlomid today! :wohoo:
Tell us how you find it on them...share YOUR experiences with them.:)
Good luck this cycle:)
Looks like it's me and you and Becky and barbs cycle buddies ...woop woop.:)

Well me pat also..I have to dash.looks like my writers block has corrected itself :rofl: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

But still any tips would be great ....:thumbup:
I'm affraid I will forget somthing.ahhhh...and this doc is hard to get in to see he is sooo popular lol...

Anyways...night night for now....
Love to you all....
Can't wait to update with tmrs news....:wohoo:
Natalie xxx
Hey Nat! I enjoyed that ramble so don't apologize haha.

I would come prepare to the doctor with as much history as you can. Ie how long it took with Harry , any intervention or Tests you had done then and what were the results, tell him about the MC, about what you have been doing to ttc this time (
Supplements, opk, etc), your average cycle length over the last year and anything else that may help him decide what to do for you. I quite about cycle monitoring to get things started with investigations.

Can't wait to hear how it goes Nat! Be a fierce warrior! Haha xo

AFM, quite the day today .... I found out my boss (I have two and they are spouses - the man and our senior lawyer) has cancer and although no prognosis yet, it doesn't look good. He had been suffering with back pain for almost a year now, and all this time it was cancer and they just found it. Really sad…. Anyways so I had a meeting today with my direct boss, his wife, and she told me that the company is going to make some very drastic decisions over the next couple of weeks, they're going to be downsizing a.k.a. firing about 75% of our job is safe but I feel bad for all of my coworkers were going to be losing their jobs. Going to be making a lot of really big decisions about how to run the company from here forward, so it's going to be a very interesting and difficult year I think.

My boss did make the comment that she knows I would be planning on starting a family soon, and given everything that's happening I was honest and told her about the fact that I'm pregnant. She knows about the miscarriage from before, so wasn't that big of a deal, but selfishly I thought it might give me a little more job security at the same time. At the very least it avoids me making excuses for upcoming appointments and potential sickness… I don't want any hassles. So that's that. Big day for sure.

Now it's 9pm and I'm lying in bed going to put the TV on. DH has a friend over so they are in the other room chatting.
GL at the Dr Nat super Exciting!!!!

I think everything Meg suggested is good also maybe print out a few of your Charts to take w some Drs like to look at those some don't!!

Maybe write on the carts u bring what u did that cycle so they can compare I'd also ask about Pete gettin a SA for sure!!!

Update us Tom Love!!!!
Hi! Oh goodness I keep starting a reply and then I don't get to finish before the thread keeps growing! That's awesome though! I know there are new posts now since I started this one, so I'll have to catch up again!

Ahhhhh that wedding story. Becky I'm so sorry that happened. On one hand, it's a super important day that you only get to live once, so it tooootally sucks that that happened. But on the other hand (not making light of the suckiness though!) you have a lifetime to be married, so wishing you a beeeaauuutiful marriage. <3 Sorry about your BFN. :hugs: How was dinner? Oh you may have posted about that by now. :dohh: I'll catch up I promise! (Oh, and girl you have nothing to be embarrassed about. The BIL is the one who should be embarrassed. Just a shame it sounds like he doesn't have the good sense to be embarrassed!)

Ok so I think I was confusing. I don't have endo(metriosis). I just found I'd passed a few chunks of endometrium during my period. Just the uterine lining that is shed during a period...but it came out in a couple of bigger pieces. Which is maybe kind of weird but I've always been told it's normal to happen from time to time. So it didn't alarm me and I don't think it's any fertility issue???? It just brings up bad memories b/c of the somewhat similar appearance. :-/ (And thank you Becky!! ;) It must be true that I will have a shiny, plush uterus just begging for a baby to burrow in and be comfortable for 9 mos now right???? ;))

Meg, oh man I was like a narcoleptic in that stage of pregnancy with my daughter. It's a great sign though to feel pregnant! It's a lot of work to grow a human! <3

Who was it that asked when I'd be taking the Clomid? Becky? I'm going to be taking it days 5-9. So I'll take my first pill on Friday. Did you have bad side effects? Barb the (generic) Clomid only cost $19 (USD) full price, pretty sure that's no insurance or discount or anything. I know of people who have gotten it a cheaper, but I went to a more expensive pharmacy for the sake of convenience. I guess even that's not SUPER cheap for just 5 lil pills, but considering what people can spend on infertility stuff, it seems like a bargain! Good job with your jabs. ;)

Haha I started this post at lunch time and now it's 11:00 pm and I'm about to go to bed.
I'll catch up on the rest later. <3
Hi all :) Just a quicki for advise to Nat and i will catch up later!

Good luck today hun - my advise is to tell them everything and INSIST on as many tests / monitoring as you can get in one cycle otherwise they like to do 1 thing at a time grrrr. Assuming all is well in 1 cycle you could do cd3 bloods, general scan, folicle monitoring (if you want that to check they are growing & releasing ok), then 21 day progesterone blood test - this needs to be 7 days after 0 and will confirm ovulation and also give a number which will tell them if you o'd strong enough to get preggy (this is my problem) I'd also get them to book you a HSG for next cycle incase everything comes back normal this one ... sorry so much info i just chucked at you!! Are you going NHS or Private? Also i'd ask them about taking clomid/femera to enhance ovulation if all tests come back ok....get them to explain pros and cons.....

Good luck hun & I can't wait to hear from you!

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