Hi ladies....sat here with writers block....lol yeah! Me! Right lol....
Trying to think of what to ask at dr G's tmr morning....very excited and nervous all at once here.
So here I am with my pen and paper and can I think of anything? Can I feckers like.
Any tips ladies.?.....meg barbs Becky?.....what do you think I should ask him....oh dear I can't belive this is actually happening to me here.lol
(New) Cycle update here....cd 1 ...full on war with the witch here today...altho flow is quite abundant there is no pain....strange for me.
It's worked out perfect timing...bc I will be pushing for cd 3 bloods to get us started.fx.
I revised about the test that would be today and the type of things they need to check with cycle monitoring and bloods combined ....ok so I doubt very much I will be getting any scans this cycle but at least I have facts and numbers I can compare my results with when the testing is over this cycle....
Barbs...one thing...I am defo going to ask for a copy of everything when and where available...may not make much sence to me at first but at least I can try and learn.this you have taught me well
So ladies...alot to apcatch up on today....been running around like a blue ass fly again...took roary for his micro chip today too...so my lil fur baby is no officially (proven) mine.
Barbs Yaye...more CM tmr
Is that to check on follis?...and how many eggys ?....
How exciting.eeeeek.
Meg...he he too funny...hungry when waking up....altho I know that feeling all to well love...is there a way you can prepare some fruit to put in the fridge the night before so when you wake up you just pop open your container and get munching whilst preparing a proper hearty bepreakfast?
Just an idea...bc sorry to say but if you have an appetite like this already it may be set to stick with you for the first tri and it will only intensify it's self.and being super duper hungry whilst pregnant is a royal pain in the bum when it drains you of your only energy...milkshakes are good "quick" satisfiers...and always keep a biscuit handy in your bag.
I was soooo ravenous ...It actually wasn't funny when I couldn't get what I wanted...lol...this woman was dangerous if hungry lol...
OMG Becky love...I feel soo bad for you Hun.
That's an awful bil...he needs a good dose of reality and telling to back the efffff off...I mean what the hell is wrong with this person?- ruining your big day....sounds to me as he didn't like to watch somebody else get the full attention and was quite the jealous one for "loosing" his brother.
And I don't mean to be horrid but he sounds like an idiot!...quite like my lil brother...weed and benefit money drives there entire day! Right?
I hate that....why can't they just get off there behind and work for their money and stop expecting our already broken country to bail them out...
I had a slight similar family "blip" this Xmas about this exact subject....my nieces mom decided it was fun to brag to everybody that she had received £900 from the benefits and they were going to "have a good time" with it...and that if idiots like us who work want to make there life's easy they will happily take it.I WENT MENTAL!!!....
I think she forgot I was in the room and as soon as I heard her say it I made a bee line for her and had it out with her!....and let's just say I made HER Look a fool..how dare she!.....ok so I'm not quite back to work yet but I fully intend to be very soon..but my oh works sooooo dam hard and I hate to hear about benefit frauds blatantly bragging how life is much easier sitting on there ass taking the hand me outs.fak!....she pissed me off lol.
We struggle to make ends meet..nap and they get everything handed to them on a plate....rent..taxes...child benefit...tax credits....sick money.....grrrrrrr....
But at least I can go to sleep at night knowing we may struggle but at least we are making an honest living and trying our hardest to provide for our son.
And to think there are genuine people out there who GENUINLY want to work and get depressed bc there is very little work or vacancies out there and they are forced to take benefits...they would chew off anyone's right arm for a job and you get the idiots just taking the piss out of our system.
Haha rant over.
But meg and barbs is right...try and take what you can from your special day and treasure it Hun....and who knows maybe one day you can re new your vows...abroad perhaps lol...so bil is NOT there this time
Big hugs to you love....I hope you are ok...
And the Barney you had too....sounds like me and pete a couple of months agao...gawsh we let rip into eachother but I still say to this day...he was in the wrong lol....and he WAS!....lol
It's healthy to argue Becky.

...just sux it happened to be on your wedding.:
Erin...Yaye you started the chlomid today!
Tell us how you find it on them...share YOUR experiences with them.
Good luck this cycle
Looks like it's me and you and Becky and barbs cycle buddies ...woop woop.
Well me pat also..I have to dash.looks like my writers block has corrected itself

But still any tips would be great ....
I'm affraid I will forget somthing.ahhhh...and this doc is hard to get in to see he is sooo popular lol...
Anyways...night night for now....
Love to you all....
Can't wait to update with tmrs news....

Natalie xxx