LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Finally got the call! 5/8 fertilized!! YA! I'll get another update tomorrow. I just hope that they all stay fertilized & growing so I can put 4 to freezing. That'd be awesome!
Nurse said it's most likely I'll be doing a transfer on Saturday. Anyway fingers crossed for tomorrow! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I have 5 preggo pops in an incubator! LOL

Wow I must have major emotional/hormonal problems right now because this post made me cry LOL. I am just so happy for you and excited about this for you.... 5 preggy pops!!! LOL Preggy pops are actually what they call the morning sickness candies that they sell for nausea lol (i got some at Babies R Us haha)

Transfer on Saturday? 2 days?!?!!? holy shit this is realllyyyyy coming along now!! xoxoxo
Hi ladies....:)

So tired right now.:)

MRI went well but laying dead still for a whole hour was horrible...I went numb from the waist down and I had to have assistance to get back up again lol:haha:
In five minutes tho I was right as rain again.:thumbup:

So then the bloods came ...(cd9 bloods)
The nurse places the needle to draw the bloods and cocked it right vane ACTUALLY she did the other arm instead.l,much better but she wasn't happy with my low blood pressure so kept me in the room for quite a while while she stopped the bleeding in my first arm and made sure I was "good to go"
We had a very good chat about fertility and she wished me all the luck and said "see ya on cd23 you sweet lil thing " lol
Such a nice nurse- I like her...:thumbup:

So the wait begins...I have to back again on the 30th to review both lots of cycle bloods and see what the "plan of action is" and hopfully we are good candidates for our local clinic.:happydance:
I also found a leaflet about fertility clinics locally so I will shortly research this in a mo.:)
Gawsh I really could find nothing before so maybe I was looking in the right direction before.fx.:)

Started my opks today...ABSOLUTLY nada on them lol....but I worry the radiation may affect egg quality ...(radiation from the MRI)
Does anyone know of this as a concern at all? Can it be a detrimental affect on ttc?

Well ladies...hope you are all having a good day...I'm almost asleep here eyes are getting heavy.

Laterz.:) :hi: :flower:

Natalie xxx
Hi Nat! SO glad you had a good experience today when you got bloods done :) Excited to hear about your results on CD30!

I have had an MRI before and they SUCK! I hated being still too and the sounds that the machine made were brutal. I dont think that would have any bearing on eggs but I really dont know.

Sounds like you had a sweet nurse today! Sometimes that makes all the difference :)

Ok so does anybody know what a good progesterone level is in the twwthanks ladies :thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Hi Nat! SO glad you had a good experience today when you got bloods done :) Excited to hear about your results on CD30!

I have had an MRI before and they SUCK! I hated being still too and the sounds that the machine made were brutal. I dont think that would have any bearing on eggs but I really dont know.

Sounds like you had a sweet nurse today! Sometimes that makes all the difference :)

Awe thanks meg :thumbup:
Lol not cd 30's the jan 30th.:thumbup:
Seems a life time away..this is going to a loooong wait :haha:

Natalie xxx
Ohh Jan 30th whoops! Well like I said we will wait it out together since my scan is the 28th :) like our own little 2ww lol

Sorry I dont know anything about progesterone other than I jam it up my vag twice a day!
They want your P above 10 but ideally while TTC 10-15 best to b closer to 15 ;)

MRI is not radiation it's Magnectic waves and I know people who have gotten them while Prego I think it's actually safer than a X-ray on the whole TTC issue!!

GL hope u have stuff to Pass the time Nat and Meg and Barb!! :)
Ohh Jan 30th whoops! Well like I said we will wait it out together since my scan is the 28th :) like our own little 2ww lol

Sorry I dont know anything about progesterone other than I jam it up my vag twice a day!

Jamming :rofl: :haha: Love it...litterally rolling on the floor lol:haha:

Yes our own tww tee hee...we get eachother through :) :thumbup:
They want your P above 10 but ideally while TTC 10-15 best to b closer to 15 ;)

MRI is not radiation it's Magnectic waves and I know people who have gotten them while Prego I think it's actually safer than a X-ray on the whole TTC issue!!

GL hope u have stuff to Pass the time Nat and Meg and Barb!! :)

Ahhh thankyou shanta.:) (it's alright to call you that right? :) )

And re : the radiation/magnetic's....phew...***wipes brow *** lol ???so glad I am in the clear there then.:thumbup:

Ermmmm passing what to do with myself :dohh:....oh oh'ing Yaye :happydance:...:haha:...

You?....are you ok love?what you up to this weekend dear ? :flower:?

Natalie xxx
Personally I have zero plans so far other than house work and napping! LOL oh its a glamorous life!

I suspect we will have plans either Fri or Sat but not yet.

DH and I are going for dinner tonight to Swiss Chalet - only Barb can appreciate how yummy it is as a fellow Canadian haha
Oooh Swiss....does that include cheese dinners? :)
Mmmmmmm cheeeeeeeeeeeese I could eat a block right now :) non nom.:)

Have a great dinner tonight meg:)
Natalie xxx
Oooh Swiss....does that include cheese dinners? :)
Mmmmmmm cheeeeeeeeeeeese I could eat a block right now :) non nom.:)

Have a great dinner tonight meg:)
Natalie xxx

Haha.. no, their famous meal is rotisserie chicken with this amazing gravy-like dip that is very low in cals actually! and they make the best fries. Now I am hungry lol. You can check them out if you are interested haha - Delicious!

I love cheese though, I could sit and eat a block too lol
Finally got the call! 5/8 fertilized!! YA! I'll get another update tomorrow. I just hope that they all stay fertilized & growing so I can put 4 to freezing. That'd be awesome!
Nurse said it's most likely I'll be doing a transfer on Saturday. Anyway fingers crossed for tomorrow! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I have 5 preggo pops in an incubator! LOL

Wow I must have major emotional/hormonal problems right now because this post made me cry LOL. I am just so happy for you and excited about this for you.... 5 preggy pops!!! LOL Preggy pops are actually what they call the morning sickness candies that they sell for nausea lol (i got some at Babies R Us haha)

Transfer on Saturday? 2 days?!?!!? holy shit this is realllyyyyy coming along now!! xoxoxo

Awwwww :) Well thank you, Meg! And thanks for all your loving support!
I can't wait for Saturday :) I just hope it's a sticky!!!
Yes - I bought those candies once. They didn't do much for me.
Are you having nausea or you just armed?! LOL
Indeed! Swiss is awesome. We dont eat it much b/c DH finds it too salty LOL
The sauce is the BEST!

I am so excited girls & so incredibly nervous. Everything! I just wish it happens on the first go! OH please, Oh please!!!!

Anyway, as far as your MRI, wow - an hour? I did it but was like maybe 15 minutes? It's loud & weird but it wasn't so bad.
As for Progesterone, I went back to my blog to see what numbers I've had & here they are:

My progesterone is 35 on Ovulation day & then need to see a minimum of 30 to not administer Progesterone tablets so I’m doing good!

That was for IUI. However I believe 10-15 is good! Your doctor will tell you from the results if it was good or not! If you don't spot & you have longer than 12 day LP I belive you're OK> You've never indicated anything that would make me concerned you don't have enough P.

I"ve got not much on my plate this weekend either in terms of plans. I should do some light cleaning but if I do my IVF transfer Saturday I think I"m meant to take it easy. I"m ok with that :) Maybe read, keep knitting....really not much going on. And I'm OK with that :)

Indeed! Swiss is awesome. We dont eat it much b/c DH finds it too salty LOL
The sauce is the BEST!

I am so excited girls & so incredibly nervous. Everything! I just wish it happens on the first go! OH please, Oh please!!!!

Anyway, as far as your MRI, wow - an hour? I did it but was like maybe 15 minutes? It's loud & weird but it wasn't so bad.
As for Progesterone, I went back to my blog to see what numbers I've had & here they are:

My progesterone is 35 on Ovulation day & then need to see a minimum of 30 to not administer Progesterone tablets so I’m doing good!

That was for IUI. However I believe 10-15 is good! Your doctor will tell you from the results if it was good or not! If you don't spot & you have longer than 12 day LP I belive you're OK> You've never indicated anything that would make me concerned you don't have enough P.

I"ve got not much on my plate this weekend either in terms of plans. I should do some light cleaning but if I do my IVF transfer Saturday I think I"m meant to take it easy. I"m ok with that :) Maybe read, keep knitting....really not much going on. And I'm OK with that :)


Brilliant barbs :thumbup: thankyou for sharing that.:)
I'm not too concerned about my progesterone but as I am h a ing this test after ovulation ( cd23) I wanted to know the "normall range" when we discuss the results...I don't want him to bamboozle me lol...
He knows I know a lot but I got a feeling he will pull out "his" complicated words to "do one better" :haha:
I been reading up about "what's next" got me in a kind of muddle and then I had all sorts of emotions about it all....scared excited nervous
I will have to cross that bridge if and when we get there.:thumbup:

I'm soo excited for you too love about Saturday.:happydance:....and when I read megs post about getting emotional I too felt that rollercoaster feeling of elatedness....kind of teary too...such a happy feeling to know you are on a great journey here.:thumbup:
So your 1dpt?....are you going to wait till 10 dp? test it out?....or sooner? the good ole times eh...looking forward to seeing your tests.:happydance:

Ugh yeah the was kind of scary...I didn't like being closed in...:haha: made my breathing almost funny - like almost hyperventilating lol...but I kept it cool...the horrid part was that when I put my gown on I was horrified when I looked at my legs.....:dohh:I didn't de fur them :haha: hahahahaha....I was soooo red with embarrassment.its wasn't that bad but with the cold weather I been wearing trousers so I didn't think to do it when I jumped in the shower this "stupid am" lol...luckily it was only 4/5 growth - still gross tho lol....
The nurse offered to show me hers (bc they were worse apparently) ...I was like naaaa your keep your self warm my love...her arms were a fright so imagine her legs bahahahahahahaha:rofl:

Knitting and lots of rest with a book sounds good barbs...make sure you do get them feets up love.:thumbup:...lots of snuggles with Chloe sounds just the ticket.:)

Thinking of you :flower:
Natalie xxx
Girls. My mind is still so muddled.
I was like 'gee...did I even tell them anything since my procedure other than the news of my eggos?!' and low & behold I did. Wow. HAH!

Anyway I made a post on my blog if you are interested in a more detailed version of yesterday!
Hey Nat!

The P numbers I just read differ if its a natural or medicated cycle.
You want to see over 10 but more close to 15. And I got this information too:

1. Progesterone > 30nmol/l – ovulation has occurred and the corpus luteum is producing sufficient progesterone to induce adequate secretory changes in the endometrium to assist implantation.
2. Progesterone 3-30 nmol/l &#8211; ovulation has occurred > 10 days ago or < 5 days ago, or if ovulation did occurr 5-10 days ago, the level is probably not adequate to sustain endometrial growth for satisfactory implantation.
3. Progesterone >120 nmol/l &#8211; two or more follicles have been recruited
4. Progesterone < 3nmol/l &#8211; no ovulation in previous 14 days.

Yes, those chambers are weird & can make you claustrophobic. I believe I just closed my eyes. And the machine i was in had a mirror strategically placed so I could see my feet & out of the machine. That's a smart move! But I felt fine.
As for your legs - I can't tell you at some point during Monitoring I gave up & didn't bother to shave LOL. I didn't shave my legs for yesterday's ER except I did tidy things up 'down there' LOL.

My cycle will be that if I go in for ET on Saturday then Sunday I'll be 1dp3dt. One day post three day transfer. "Technically" you could say I'm 1dpo today since yesterday was my "ovulation" day. :D
Barb - No nausea lol just armed haha. Hope I won't need em
Whew this thread moves so quick, I always feel so behind. ;)

Barb, I'm so glad you got good news today! Yay, so exciting! So weird that you kind of have babies but they're not in you! (Yet!) So happy you feel (at this point, felt, since it's already late now) good today. Hope the progesterone treats you well. I'll make a point to check out your blog post soon. It's past my bed time. ;)

Natalie, glad the MRI went well. It does sound like a miserable experience. I've not had to do one for anything yet, but seems like most people have to do one at some point so I guess I have it to look forward to for someday. :P Oh and don't worry about your winter coat, LOL. I'm sure it wasn't that bad. ;)

Meg I looked up Swiss Chalet and it looks awesome. I am sensitive to salty things though so IDK. ;) I ate Swiss cheese tonight though on my turkey sandwich. Which really has nothing to do with anything right. :haha:

Who was it who mentioned the Target OPKs? Must have been Shanta you're the only other in the US right? I can't BELIEVE I didn't know about that. I went through Target today for some other stuff but looked to see if they stocked the OPKs...and they DO! I'm stocked up for now, but I'm totally buying those next time (God forbid there's a next time though I'm halfway expecting a next time).

Otherwise, every-other-day BD began yesterday and shall continue until the +OPK and/or I just really feel that ov is imminent, at which time it will become every day. :P I did do an OPK tonight, a little over 48 hours after I took my last Clomid pill, and it was absolutely negative. So at least I know it's not picking up LH from the meds. Looking for a positive sometime in the next 3 days hopefully.

I feel like I missed some important stuff, but I gotta call it a night. I don't know if it's this cycle or something unrelated but I have no energy lately.

<3 to you all
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