LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Blimey ladies i'm away breifly and i've missed sooooooo much! :flower:

Barbs massive congrats on the 5 eeeek thats amazing news i'm soooooooooo excited for you and for transfer tomorrow eeeeeekk eeeeeekkk YAY!!!

Nat i'm so sorry you had that awful ordeal in the MRI scanner yuk I havent had one as i have a pacemaker but i had a CT scan which is very simular but you are only in it for 20mins or so. Hopefully you will get good news on the results fx! Barbs has the info right on the progesterone levels hun but the 21 day test (23 in your case as you have longer cycles) is different to the test that checks to see if you have enough progesterone after ov to sustain pregnancy. Unfortunately i know waaaaay to much on this as i've had LOADS of both tests and now read my own results....the gp's given me permission haha. So the cd23 test is checking that you ovulated and at an amount that can sustain preggy. It needs to be over 30 as barb said. This then only proves you have o'd correctly you would then need a second progesterone test later in the cycle to determine that there is enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy as if there is a problem the progesterone level drops off. Hope this makes sense, i originally thought they where the same thing but then i was having 2 tests haha soooo confusing! Anyhow as Barb says hopefully they will come back as normal and i'd also be surprised if you had a LP problem with progesterone. I hope you get preggy this cycle and no longer have to worry hun!!!!

Meg I'd concour the challet looks amazing !!!

hi eyemom & sis :flower: hope I haven't missed anything important!!!

As for me i've had a right nightmare at the docs today - had to move practise as we moved house and at the old practise they prescribed me the clomid again after looking through my notes and it clearly saying that I don't Ov without it so i had a script for 2 lots and repeat prescription for the other 4 (6 rounds in total) So i went for appt at new office today to ask for the next 2 lots as i'm at the end of my first lot - i told them i'd taken 2 lots and had none left as i thought we may have an issue and BOY we do. They told me they will not prescribe it without a letter from my fertility consultant...even though i'm half way through a course AND to top it off i would have to pay to see him privately as their i a 6 month wait!!!

So i have got home - FUMING!!! and called the secretary from the consultant who was actually very helpful and remebered me :thumbup: a great start and has kindly said she will ask him to call me - give him the notes to read and go from there BUT she thinks he will have to see me as otherise he won't be able to legitimately prescribe me the drug. Oh and the best news of all - because i've moved he is now 1.45mins drive from me happydays! grrrrrrrrrrrr
Hello ladies just wanted to say a quick Hi been busy trying to get a water softner Installed and got New Mattresses Last Nite :happydance:
Poor guys been here for 2 days trying to find our Water Main :nope: he's lucky the Grass is 1/2 dead or he'd have to deal w this crazy Cajun ..... Poor guy!!! :haha:

Sleeping in this weekend and MON MLK Day in my new FLUFFY Bed ..... IT'S SO FLUFFY!!! ;)

Can't wait for a Update Barb how exciting!!!
Meg and Erin hope u are feeling well !!!
Becky how's your Lil man??? Hope better!!! Sorry about the Dr it's so frustrating to be in our shoes and they Act like its no Biggy :hugs:

Nat I've had a MRI Several times on my back I have Sway back and a slight lean!!
They really need to make that table a Lil comfy my back curves to much so laying Flat can hurt really bad I had to do my MRI twice last time cuz I was having spasms and started to fall asleep at the end cuz the buzzing was making me ILL :nope:
Hope u get good news all the way around!!
Hey Everyone,

Just a quick one today! I am going in for ET tomorrow morning! YAH!
I got no updates on how the embryo are doing. The nurse said there was no update.
Bummer. But great news :)
Hi Everyone :)

Sis yay on the mattress - hopefully it will be right in time for you to be comfy with your BFP :) how are you feeling? when do you plan to test? Sorry if i have missed where you have told us.

Barbs YAY wishing you the best of best of best of luck for tomorrow EEEEEEEEKKKKKK This time tomorrow you will be PUPO :)

Harrison is still really poorly - hoping we wont have to do a hospital visit over the weekend FX. The antibiotics are helping a bit i think and the inhalers make a slight difference - i can't wait for him to be well again!

I've calmed down from earlier and managed to get them to prescribe - i used my i'ma nurse card and i used to work at the hospital that consultant is at so managed to spk to them and they just told the docs to get on with it hahaha so yay i've got more clomid - although i'd like to think i wont need to use it!!

Hope everyone is ok x
I hope I will implant & be pregnant for nine months tho!! :)
I'm excited as all hell. And nervous too :(

I"m sorry Harrision is so poorly & wishing a speedy recovery! XO
Oh Barbs i can't tell you how much i hope for that for you too!!! I'll be on tender hooks waiting to hear.

Thanks hun i'm sure he will be fine its just going to be a time thing.

So what time difference do we have - ie when tomorrow will you be having ET .....I'd like to be thinking of you....
ACK ! BARB! ACK!!!!! That is all I can say... so cool!!! ACK!!! xoxo I will be thinking of you all day!
GL Barb hope that Lil one digs in real nice!!! Exciting!!

AFM Becky been testing BFN had some cramping this Am thinking AF will show this weekend :(
Oh no sis i really hope the witch stays away! grrrrrrrrrrrr fx
Becky - Poor Harrison, honestly I cant imagine what you are going through.. how awful. Is it an infection of some kind? That is just unfair :( I really wish him well and hope that he recovers very soon xx
Shanta, FX for you that AF bitch stays away~!!
Hiya ladies....:)
So I'm a crap mate lol...been Mia for wayyyy too long here ok....sorry I havnt been around enogh to be as supportive as the rest of you lovelys.:flower:
I havnt even updated my journal lol...oooops...
I have been run off my feet and I am soooo tired too....I swing from one to the other....tired and want to sleep ALLL the time(altho a chance would be a fine thing lol) or I am wide awke for nights and nights on end going crazy with

Anywayz......barbs.....I think we are 4/5 hrs apart Becky around 2pm our time tmr our lovely barbs will be getting "up the duffins"
MAJOUR fingers crossed here.,.like bone braking fingers crossed.i am crossing everything apart from my legs...coz I need them right now if ya know what I mean lol :winkwink:

Shanta....oooh a nice new matteress...can't get any better than that can it...:)
My momma always said...chose two things in life VERY Wisely....your shoes and your bed....bc if your not in one- your in the other.:)
I hope you enjoy your new matteress love.:)
I hope your cold is gone now Hun:)

Becky so sorry to hear Harrison is still poorly Hun...I hope them inhalers do the trick for him...Harry has alergy related asthma too so I know just how you feel about's horrid not be ing able to help as much as you'd like too isn't it.:(
I wish him all the best love and I'm sure as he has his lovely brilliant mommy with him he will bring back his smiles soon.:)
Glad you got your chlomid too love...I would have been the same....kicking up a stink lol....but how dare they fu k it all up for you tho....nice move tho part lol:thumbup:

Well ladies...I am super duper hungry here....I wish I could summons the kitchen to me as I am waisting away to a pathetic super noodle lol...

Sorry if I have forgotten anybody petals...I'm sure when I get something to scoff I will feel right as rain- was going to go for the healthy option as it is late here but I'm think fak it- I would eat anything right now lol- a scabby burger would even go down a treat lol ewwwww lol

Love to you all my fellow ttc titans :flower:
Natalie xoxo
Excuse my language here ladies....
I can't mo effing sleep here ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...***bangs head repeatedly till sense has been knocked in against wall!!!!!!***

This is just crazy...I am so tired a crazy person
So very tempted to phone dial a bear and order a bottle of voddy and knock myself out bahahahaha...jk jk :) I have graced you all with my nonsense I shall try to close my eyes once more lol

Night night gals...
Natalie xxx
One flew over the cuckoos nestM -THATS ME, is worse that Japanese torture...I need my melenonin...

Ask me? How many sheep I have counted?....go on ask? many sheep do you have to actually count before you give up think I may bp start counting how many negative ic's I have had instead lol.last least I won't run out of numbers lol....
Ok ok I am how crazy I am right now...faking nuts or
Oh well atleast I'm not mad at myself no more...

Ok ok I will sleep now..really I will.:)

Natalie xxx
Hi ladies, gonna try to type up a speedy reply though not as thorough as I would have liked! It's 10:30 pm here, I'm already exhausted, and we still have to DTD. ;)

barb ahhhhh I can't believe tomorrow is the day! Good luck! Praying for a sticky one.

Becky sorry you had the ordeal with the Dr's office but I'm happy you're getting it lined out! Hope your lil guy is feeling much better soon, poor thing.

Shanta woot woot that's exciting about the new mattress especially! :) Hope AF stays away though!!

Natalie hope you managed to get some sleep. <3

Sorry I feel like this isn't a very good reply.

No news on my end. OPKs still negative though I didn't really expect a positive yet. DTD anyway though. :)

Hi everyone :flower:

Barbs today is the day EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! so excited for you - i can't wait for your next post!

Nat oh lovely i'm so sorry you couldn't sleep its TORTURE grrrrrrrrrrr so blooming frustrating - if you where not ttc i'd say take some nightnurse it will knock u out but i'm not sure if it would affect the whole ttc thing and we don't need anymore complications the witch is a tough bitch to see off at the best of times. I so hope u managed a little lie in...... Sorry to hear you lo suffers from allergy related asthma that must be hard :( Harrison has Bronchitis a nasty chest infection but my worry is that he swings from one to another poor lil boy.

Eyemom ugh its horrid when your shattered and still have to DTD....seriously horrid i hope you managed to find some energy and get BDing ;)

Thanks for all the well wishes for Harrison ladies!
Hi laides....:)

Haha...what on earth happened to me last night eh lol?...

Thankyou ladies for your well wishes.:)

Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed what an exciting day it is.....barbs good luck huni.:flower:
We are all thinking of you.:)
Baby in your belly day woop woop.....pupo this afternoon :)

Can't wait to hear from you...I can barley contain myself....I dont even care that I am

Well ladies...cd11 here....about to do my mid morning opk....not expecting at all that it will be positive yet but I do expect to see some sort of progress at least.i hope so anyways lol....
Will let you know how that goes soon.:thumbup:

Ahhhhhhhhh I could scream with excitment here ....I bet we all could.:)

Natalie xxx
Yaye.:happydance: got progress on the opk this mid morning.:) are you today?....

Natalie xxx

Nat sorry about your insomnia ! I hope you weren't up late playing words with friends !! I will play when I get home from grocery shopping in a little while.
DH and I fell asleep so early last night LOL at 930! Then we woke up at 330 and were up for an hour and then went back to sleep for a couple hours lol. Ah well

I am feeling good Nat! Just fatigue and sore boobs still! Not a lick of morning sickness yet but I know I'm not out of the woods by any means.

Exciting day for Barb! It's so great. I really hope it's a lucky first try for you Barb xoxo!! Ok girls I gotta head out and put some food in our fridge it is awful how little food we have haha.

Becky thinking of you and little Harrison ! How is everyone else's little ones doing? Nat? Shanta? Erin? Xx
Hello Girls! I'm Ba-ack!!!

I wrote a really nice post on my Blog so I hope you check it out for full details. I also have an ultrasound image on there!

Everything went well! The proceedure was very much like IUI. Painless & quick. Although my appointment was for 10:30 to which instructions were to arrive with a full bladder & my proceedure was at 11:30am! So I peed 'just a little' like 3 times in that hour. Brutal! There were some timing issues with some ladies getting their eggs retrieved. But that's fine! I did spend about an hour talking about how much I had to pee though LOL

All 5 Embryo survived so I'm very happy! I'm just sat on my couch & I'm planning to couch surf ALL day. Hubby took dog to the park so I'm going to start watching a movie :) He's been super sweet & not letting me carry anythign more than 5lbs even though the instructions say nothing more than 20lbs for the next two weeks. But that means, he's doing laundry :) Oh and he's cooking me up some Curry! YUM :) TEE HEE.
Anyway it was an amazing experience for us both! and we saw the image under a microscope of our embryo - that was like WOW!

My ass hurts - both cheeks - the Progesterone shots are brutal. I feel massive hard, swollen lumps under my skin & it is very painful. I'm running out of space on my ass to stab. Nurse today said this is normal & to massage it, use heat & if it's too bad I can take a break for a few days with suppositories. If I'm pregnant, I'm going to ask to switch to suppositories for the remaining Trimester because I can't deal with this!!!

Nat, I'm sorry you're not sleeping well hun. Is some thing bothering you at all?
Yay, you're almost at ovulation! Glad you guys are DTD lots! I loved your comment about what your hubby said about 'well that should get you knocked up'. My husband said a few comments like this too after sex LOL
I remember on our 3rd or so month trying he was like "yup, that was the one. that got you pregnant" yeah because you just 'know?!" lol

Meg, so happy you're still feeling well. You may never get nausea. Or maybe you'll have it a few times throughout your pregnancy. Or never! I hope never. I don't think I could get past not having it. I'm sensitive as it is to these drugs & I had horrible nausea with my last pregnancy. But I have a prescription at hand in case ;)

that's all folks! Thanks you ladies for all of your support. It means the world to me that ALL of you are so supportive, cheering me on & waiting for my next update!

Nimbec, I hope Harrison is doing better & he feels better soon!

Shanta, all the best this cycle. Fingers Crossed! Keep us posted. I'll be watching for your post if you got a BFP!

Erin, have you gotten a positive OPK? I may have missed a post. Good luck!

Talk to you ladies later. I finally get to be in the agonizing TWW after 3 months of rest. How lucky. Yes actually I am but you know what I mean ;)
I'll be buying tests on Monday & testing some where around Thursday or so.

Love to all!
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