Blimey ladies i'm away breifly and i've missed sooooooo much! 
Barbs massive congrats on the 5 eeeek thats amazing news i'm soooooooooo excited for you and for transfer tomorrow eeeeeekk eeeeeekkk YAY!!!
Nat i'm so sorry you had that awful ordeal in the MRI scanner yuk I havent had one as i have a pacemaker but i had a CT scan which is very simular but you are only in it for 20mins or so. Hopefully you will get good news on the results fx! Barbs has the info right on the progesterone levels hun but the 21 day test (23 in your case as you have longer cycles) is different to the test that checks to see if you have enough progesterone after ov to sustain pregnancy. Unfortunately i know waaaaay to much on this as i've had LOADS of both tests and now read my own results....the gp's given me permission haha. So the cd23 test is checking that you ovulated and at an amount that can sustain preggy. It needs to be over 30 as barb said. This then only proves you have o'd correctly you would then need a second progesterone test later in the cycle to determine that there is enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy as if there is a problem the progesterone level drops off. Hope this makes sense, i originally thought they where the same thing but then i was having 2 tests haha soooo confusing! Anyhow as Barb says hopefully they will come back as normal and i'd also be surprised if you had a LP problem with progesterone. I hope you get preggy this cycle and no longer have to worry hun!!!!
Meg I'd concour the challet looks amazing !!!
hi eyemom & sis
hope I haven't missed anything important!!!
As for me i've had a right nightmare at the docs today - had to move practise as we moved house and at the old practise they prescribed me the clomid again after looking through my notes and it clearly saying that I don't Ov without it so i had a script for 2 lots and repeat prescription for the other 4 (6 rounds in total) So i went for appt at new office today to ask for the next 2 lots as i'm at the end of my first lot - i told them i'd taken 2 lots and had none left as i thought we may have an issue and BOY we do. They told me they will not prescribe it without a letter from my fertility consultant...even though i'm half way through a course AND to top it off i would have to pay to see him privately as their i a 6 month wait!!!
So i have got home - FUMING!!! and called the secretary from the consultant who was actually very helpful and remebered me
a great start and has kindly said she will ask him to call me - give him the notes to read and go from there BUT she thinks he will have to see me as otherise he won't be able to legitimately prescribe me the drug. Oh and the best news of all - because i've moved he is now 1.45mins drive from me happydays! grrrrrrrrrrrr

Barbs massive congrats on the 5 eeeek thats amazing news i'm soooooooooo excited for you and for transfer tomorrow eeeeeekk eeeeeekkk YAY!!!
Nat i'm so sorry you had that awful ordeal in the MRI scanner yuk I havent had one as i have a pacemaker but i had a CT scan which is very simular but you are only in it for 20mins or so. Hopefully you will get good news on the results fx! Barbs has the info right on the progesterone levels hun but the 21 day test (23 in your case as you have longer cycles) is different to the test that checks to see if you have enough progesterone after ov to sustain pregnancy. Unfortunately i know waaaaay to much on this as i've had LOADS of both tests and now read my own results....the gp's given me permission haha. So the cd23 test is checking that you ovulated and at an amount that can sustain preggy. It needs to be over 30 as barb said. This then only proves you have o'd correctly you would then need a second progesterone test later in the cycle to determine that there is enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy as if there is a problem the progesterone level drops off. Hope this makes sense, i originally thought they where the same thing but then i was having 2 tests haha soooo confusing! Anyhow as Barb says hopefully they will come back as normal and i'd also be surprised if you had a LP problem with progesterone. I hope you get preggy this cycle and no longer have to worry hun!!!!
Meg I'd concour the challet looks amazing !!!
hi eyemom & sis

As for me i've had a right nightmare at the docs today - had to move practise as we moved house and at the old practise they prescribed me the clomid again after looking through my notes and it clearly saying that I don't Ov without it so i had a script for 2 lots and repeat prescription for the other 4 (6 rounds in total) So i went for appt at new office today to ask for the next 2 lots as i'm at the end of my first lot - i told them i'd taken 2 lots and had none left as i thought we may have an issue and BOY we do. They told me they will not prescribe it without a letter from my fertility consultant...even though i'm half way through a course AND to top it off i would have to pay to see him privately as their i a 6 month wait!!!
So i have got home - FUMING!!! and called the secretary from the consultant who was actually very helpful and remebered me