Becky, sorry your DS is sick.

Poor lil guy, hope he gets better quickly. I hope that's true that no symptoms now means no symptoms later! I mean I guess I have really mild, barely detectable cramping, but I only really notice it if I'm thinking about it. I'm curious if I'll get o pains more than usual (usually when I feel it, it's really mild).
Okay I wasn't told by my obgyn not to use the CB digis. I didn't get any specific instruction on brand from him. I usually use internet cheapies, but for a while recently I was using Answer brand b/c I found them on clearance ($2 for a 7 pack, so I bought a few boxes). I've also used the Walmart generic of the CB
not-digital just when I've forgotten to order more ICs. I found that the Answer and the generic CB
were actually much easier to read, so I'd had it in mind to at least supplement with those now that I'm on a medicated cycle and the stakes are higher.
Anyway, I discussed this with a friend who was on Clomid for a while (before she ultimately conceived her DD on Femara and again after she had her DD...they've put ttc for #2 on hold now though), and I asked her if she used OPKs and how she did with them. She said she used to use cheapies until she happened to mention it to the nurse at her RE's office, and apparently the nurse just about flipped. She was told to use ONLY the CB
not-digital kind. I don't really know why because 1) I didn't get this instruction directly, and 2) I'm not totally clear on how the digital OPKs work. But having a very rudimentary understanding of how the digital hpts work compared to the pink line type ones, if they're kind of the same, I can see how it might make sense. Personally I've never used the digital ones, so I'm fine with sticking with what I'm comfortable with.
It appears though that CB only sells the digital kind now anyway? So I just picked up the generic CB. I might stick to the cheapies at first unless it's hard to read, then use the better ones to determine the ones that are kinda borderline. We'll see. Don't want to miss the window. But I think we're going to start every-other-day BD tonight anyway...just in case.
Barb, wow for being Druggy Magee, you sure type sober. Glad you're recovering well overall. Hope you can take it easy and you are feeling good in no time. Sorry you didn't get as many eggs as you had hoped, but hopefully it'll be just what you want/need. That'll be so exciting to get the updates! I hope you get great news each day.
(edited for clarification)