LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hi ladies ...busy day but just wanted to pop in to wish you luck barbs...thinking of you dear :flower:

Back later ladies ok - have a great day :)

Natalie xxx
Hi Ladies sorry i've not been on Harrison is really poorly - on steroids and inhalers :( but remembered it as an important day for Barbs so just to say i'm thinking of you!! GL xx

Catch up later ladies - hope you are all ok x
Hi all :flower:

Technically i should be working right now but DH has popped out of the office for a coffee with a friend so i thought i'd be naughty and catch up with you all :)

Meg YAY i LOVE your piccy how exciting!!!!!!! eeek 2 weeks will be here before you know it!!! I remember being really suprised in the size difference - so excited for you.....and my guess BOY but i'm no good at guessing so maybe totally wrong!

Barbs how exciting tobe testing trigger out and watching hoping the lines come back :) I so so so so hope this is your time nobody deserves it more than you! Hope your not too poorly after transfer fx!

Nat gosh you are having a rough time :( sending you a massive virtual hug :hugs: If it helps on the back front aout 10yrs ago i was told that i would need major surgery and would be on strong painkillers daily within 1 year....I'm now still ok - take the odd pain killer here & there and when really bad i sometimes have to take Diazepam for a few days but then i'm right as rain so what ever they do tell you remember they are generalising and you'd be suprised what determination can do for you so don't you worry you will be running round after the kiddiwinks for many years to come :)

eyemom yay for last clomid and no symptoms. I think i remember from last time that the girls who had no flushes etc had no post ov clomid effects either so i really hope that is the case for you! Are you having 21 day bloods to confirm 0? I was interested to hear you where told not to use CB Digi ov tests when taking clomid......i wonder why that is? I only ask as i have been using them both this & last time.

Sis i'm pleased you are trying to be a bit more positive - I think your temps still look good it is still high....there is still time but i do understand your uneasyness i would be exactly the same. fx for that BFP!
Hi Girls! Busy day here too but wanted to wish Barbs the best today and we are thinking of you in this exciting time! :)

Becky good to see you! So sorry that Harrison is sick, I hope hes much better soon the poor boy! xo
Hi everyone! Druggy Magee here :)
Actually I'm a tiny bit groggy but feeling good. I have bad cramps when I walk around. Got home about an hour ago. Just finally got to eat some food!
I was totally drugged so I don't recall much but I did have moments when I felt pain. DH said the gave me more drugs when that happened. I don't remember anything else. I even awoke at the recovery & said "where am I?" Haha. I walked back to recovery & do t remember it.
I got 8 eggs retrieved. I was hoping for so much more. But I just hope I can have a few to freeze. I'm a bit nervous about that!
I will get a call tomorrow and each day for embryo updates. So weird. They are at a lab lol. Little buggers :)

Meg nice ultrasound! So exciting!
So how often will you have ultrasound? Will you be with the RE until 12 weeks?

Everyone else, hello & thanks for your well wishes!
I am too tired to write much more. I'll follow up tomorrow. Xoxoxo
Becky, sorry your DS is sick. :( Poor lil guy, hope he gets better quickly. I hope that's true that no symptoms now means no symptoms later! I mean I guess I have really mild, barely detectable cramping, but I only really notice it if I'm thinking about it. I'm curious if I'll get o pains more than usual (usually when I feel it, it's really mild).

Okay I wasn't told by my obgyn not to use the CB digis. I didn't get any specific instruction on brand from him. I usually use internet cheapies, but for a while recently I was using Answer brand b/c I found them on clearance ($2 for a 7 pack, so I bought a few boxes). I've also used the Walmart generic of the CB not-digital just when I've forgotten to order more ICs. I found that the Answer and the generic CB were actually much easier to read, so I'd had it in mind to at least supplement with those now that I'm on a medicated cycle and the stakes are higher.

Anyway, I discussed this with a friend who was on Clomid for a while (before she ultimately conceived her DD on Femara and again after she had her DD...they've put ttc for #2 on hold now though), and I asked her if she used OPKs and how she did with them. She said she used to use cheapies until she happened to mention it to the nurse at her RE's office, and apparently the nurse just about flipped. She was told to use ONLY the CB not-digital kind. I don't really know why because 1) I didn't get this instruction directly, and 2) I'm not totally clear on how the digital OPKs work. But having a very rudimentary understanding of how the digital hpts work compared to the pink line type ones, if they're kind of the same, I can see how it might make sense. Personally I've never used the digital ones, so I'm fine with sticking with what I'm comfortable with.

It appears though that CB only sells the digital kind now anyway? So I just picked up the generic CB. I might stick to the cheapies at first unless it's hard to read, then use the better ones to determine the ones that are kinda borderline. We'll see. Don't want to miss the window. But I think we're going to start every-other-day BD tonight anyway...just in case.

Barb, wow for being Druggy Magee, you sure type sober. Glad you're recovering well overall. Hope you can take it easy and you are feeling good in no time. Sorry you didn't get as many eggs as you had hoped, but hopefully it'll be just what you want/need. That'll be so exciting to get the updates! I hope you get great news each day.

(edited for clarification)
Thanks Erin!
I hope I will get what I need in one round too :)
Fingers crossed now.

I always found the cheap IC to work very well.
I've used digital and it works by picking up two lines but they have to be strong lines.
I've opened them up but that's confusing because there is Leah two lines lol
Not confusing at all. Anyway it does work best first day or day period is due.

Nimbec sorry Harrison is poorly. Hope he recovers soon xoxox
Well, just talking OPKs here. I'm a big fan of cheapie hpts, but the OPKs I've had some good batches and mediocre batches. Maybe it's just the kind I've been getting??? (from Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's a +opk or just getting close. Like sometimes the test line is faint in some places and dark in others. I can usually get a pretty good idea of what's going on anyway, but right now I want to be REALLY sure!
I uses that site too.
I will test twice a day and when I'm almost close I test a third time later that evening.
Why so t you try that? There has been instances where if I didn't test the third time later that night I would have missed it.
I uses that site too.
I will test twice a day and when I'm almost close I test a third time later that evening.
Why so t you try that? There has been instances where if I didn't test the third time later that night I would have missed it.
Really? I've only missed my surge once just taking them once in the PM. (Well, I did catch my surge technically, but it was on the same day that I not enough of a heads up had I not been DTD anyway. In that case it would have done me good to test at least twice a day.) But my issue isn't so much missing the surge as much as just weird looking test lines. At least weird(er) after I got used to the name brand ones. I usually do mine around 9-9:30ish. How early do you do your first one? I know some people do them in the morning but I didn't think it was supposed to be as good.

Edit: When do you ladies think I should be good to get reliable OPKs? I know the Clomid can cause +OPKs b/c it tricks me into making more LH. My Dr said start CD12, but since I occasionally ovulate as early as CD12, I wanted to start sooner. But too much sooner and I'll just pick up on LH from the Clomid. I guess it doesn't truly matter as long as we're BDing enough anyway, and I'll know from the temp shift when I've ovulated, but I'd just be curious to know.
Barb is pretty much our resident expert on the OPK's Erin! I would take her advice.

I never tried the digital OPK's so I cant chime in there, but I too often tested 2 times a day with my OPK and sometimes 3 if I was unsure. If I hadn't tested 3 days early in December I would have not seen my surge came so early that month... so you never know. Good luck!!!!

Barb - My favourite drug addict! Put those feet up and have yourself a good cozy night hun :)

To answer your question - yes I will be with RE until end of First tri... they want me to have an OB recommendation in 2 weeks or they will give me one. Need to talk to my family doctor first.

I don't know how many Ultrasounds I will get but I think every two weeks until 12 week scan... next one is Jan 28th. COME ON ALREADY! lol
Hi everyone :)

Barbs so glad you are feeling ok! 8 could be a good number lets hope they are all top class and you have lots to choose from and freeze! Hope you get an early night.

Eyemom & everyone on the opk thing , thats really interesting as i have always used cheapies until lines get darkish then used the CB digi (with the smiley face) to confirm 0 when i'm not sure on the lines....All of this when on clomid as without it i don't o at all - interestingly i never had the LH show up - maybe i'm just a weirdo hahaha so i will do both again this cycle .....i must just love poas lol!!! Oh and i also test twice daily until lines are darkish and then 3x when its nearly positive :0

Thanks for all your well wishes Harrison is a poorly boy bless him - we are back to docs tomorrow as they said if he wasn't better they may need to admit him :( Really hoping he is a bit better in the morning poor thing its heartbreaking to see them poorly!

Hi Nat & Sis hope you are both ok.

Catch up properly tomorrow ladies :) Nos Da x
Erin I would wait a few days after stopping the Clomid as I would get a +++ CD8 after taking Femara Cd3-7 then it would fade and come back!!!
I only use the Cheapies I get the ones at Target I like best they are 20 for $15!! GL

Barb so glad u are feeling best u can at the moment and how exciting to know exactly what those Buggers are doing every day!! :happydance:

AFM .... Feeling better but have had my PreAF headache all day I think :nope: think FF is off by 2 days guess we will see what The Am brings!!!

Nat how are u was your MRI today hope everything is Ok!!!

Becky hope Your Lil man feels better real soon DS1 was in and out of the Hospital during the winter until he turned 4 it's super hard on Him and Mommy I know .... Hope he turns it around real fast and feel better!!
Really Target has cheapie OPKs!?!?? I just assumed they'd be more expensive so I hadn't even checked there.

Thanks, I wasn't going to do one tonight b/c I just stopped the clomid yesterday. Do you think I could do one tomorrow and trust the results?
Hi ladies...sooo soo sorry I wasn't around much yesterday..didn't get home untill late the time I got some housework done and the dinner cooked I was shattered...ugh!...haha I slumped my ass down on the safe and then I woke up at 12:30 last did that happen? Lol
Now I'm up at stupid o clock- sipping on my breakfast tea yum it's actually not that early right now but I have been away for 2hrs already...I hate stupid o

Barbs...Yaye 8 eggs....:happydance:
And how exciting/nervous you must be about the phone updates you will get everyday on their progress.:)
Yes yes- you did yto every well on your recovery :thumbup:
I hope you are feeling well my love.:)

Meggy :) how are you feeling today:)
Sis...:hugs: I hope your headache is ok and away today.:)

Becky :hugs: I'm soo sorry to hear about your poorly boy...I truley hope he made a speedy recovery over night.:) fx crossed for you hear down south :)

Erin...I really cannot advice on the bc digits...never used them- they seem to confusing to me lol....but I will add I also test 2 daily on fertile days and 3 times when close...also would have missed my surge if I hadn't.
I don't test till mid morning and then I test again early (ish) evening and then when close about 1/2 hrs before bedtime.:thumbup:
Good luck Hun I hope your opks go well....
I start mine today.:) (just to be on the safe side)

Well ladies...afm...I am 9 dpo.:)
Have my MRI and cd9. Bloods today...well actually got my MRI in about 2 hrs...ERMMMMMM nervousness dot com.:wako:
We have a massive ice storm hee I hope the traffic isn't bad today I can't bare the thought if being stuck I. That- impatient lol

Well back again sometime this afternoon.:thumbup:

Barbs...thinking of you...good luck with that phone call today- hope you feel well.:)

Natalie xxx
I'll prob have to stick to evenings anyway bc there's no way I could do it at work. But I could prob do two in the evenings. Except I try not to drink much in the 2 hours before the opk, so to take two I don't know if I can go all night without fluid intake. I'll do my best with the opks but I'm not overly worried bc we're going to be DTD anyway. ;) I've used them maybe 25 cycles between now and trying for DD, so I feel like I am ok with them really (just the one cycle I would have missed had we not been DTD anyway). Just on a medicated cycle and the stakes are higher, I'm going to over-think everything. I have a issue with getting bogged down with the's not just opks, lol.
Nat! Today is CD9 bloods and MRI day! Glad it is finally here on both accounts.. hope you get on well and let us know how you do! I assume you wont have results on either for a little while so check in with us when you get back!

Drive safe out there in the ice storm! xx
Hello Nat! Yay, let us know how things go today.
I'm sure it'll be a while before you get the MRI results.

Yes, I'm very nervous. Everything goes through my head & then the "gasp, what if none of them fertilized?!"...I hope that's not the case. Anyway I'm really anxious to get that phone call! I just want the best outcome. Fingers Crossed!
I'll let you guys know once I get that call!

I feel good today. I'm a bit bloated & tender to the touch but otherwise I feel fine!
And I'm glad I'm off those drugs, my head/stomach feels better for it. Mind you we'll see how the Progesterone goes. Second dose this morning!

Finally got the call! 5/8 fertilized!! YA! I'll get another update tomorrow. I just hope that they all stay fertilized & growing so I can put 4 to freezing. That'd be awesome!
Nurse said it's most likely I'll be doing a transfer on Saturday. Anyway fingers crossed for tomorrow! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I have 5 preggo pops in an incubator! LOL
Finally got the call! 5/8 fertilized!! YA! I'll get another update tomorrow. I just hope that they all stay fertilized & growing so I can put 4 to freezing. That'd be awesome!
Nurse said it's most likely I'll be doing a transfer on Saturday. Anyway fingers crossed for tomorrow! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I have 5 preggo pops in an incubator! LOL

:happydance: 5 EGGIES ...:happydance:
Praying praying praying hard for you barbs.:thumbup:
So glad you are feeling much better now too.:flower:
That bfp is just around the corner.:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
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