Sorry about the bfn too HunHaha Natalie there was another thread where the ladies were asking, but I was going to hold on...but then I see you tested, and there went my resolve.BFN here too. I don't know, it's probably not good to think this way, but these early BFNs just kinda help me get used to it by the time I'm more dpo and it's reliable. I wouldn't mind one bit, and for the most part I still don't this early on, but I just heard from another woman on here who got a squinter at 9 dpo and now I want one too. ;P
Andabout the MRI...hope it's not as bad as you fear. Hope you hear something soon and it's not hanging over you all day and night.
Erin, same. I am numbed by the bfn that by Saturday I'll shrug it off that my bloods are negative. No big blow. LOL Balls.
Hang in there, Nat. You're a strong woman & a fighter.
I give you all the strength this year! XO
13dpo & bfn for me too![]()
Ok girls! I am back.. scan went great, measuring 3 days ahead at 8+3, heart rate was a bit high but I am going back again in a week for my next scan
here is my more advanced blob haha...
I also gave them the name of the OB i want to be referred to, and filled out paperwork for the Panorama blood test... I will find out the sex in like 2 weeks! lol its crazy...
ok girls! I am back.. Scan went great, measuring 3 days ahead at 8+3, heart rate was a bit high but i am going back again in a week for my next scan
here is my more advanced blob haha...
I also gave them the name of the ob i want to be referred to, and filled out paperwork for the panorama blood test... I will find out the sex in like 2 weeks! Lol its crazy...
Hi ladies just popping in quickly to say hi I'm having a lovely honeymoon![]()
Meg yay I love your blob how exciting!!!!! Hopefully you can relax a little now although I remember all to well that actually it's always a worry but hopefully the excitement can balance out the worry now! Wow and finding out the sex at 10 weeks? Gosh the earliest we can find out here is 16wks if we pay and 20 if not :0 how exciting !!
Barbs I'm so sorry about the bfn truly it sucks totally totally suckshow soon can you try again? It's shit about not getting money for frosties. I'm so sorry!!!!
Sorry about the bfns eyemom & nat they suck big time !
Sis hope your ok.
As for me I ovulated so I'm now officially 3dpo however I think we cocked up the bd timinghaha just read that back oooops could have done with more cock up time hahaahahahaha
Hi ladies,
Would it be ok if I joined?
We've been ttc since Dec 2009 (4 years), we had an early loss in July 2010 then waited until May 2013 for our next. That baby we lost in June. Ironically, the bleeding started whilst in the doctors reception waiting for an appointment/check up. I was hysterical and the doc said she would book me into the epu and did some blood tests which she put a rush on and confirmed i'd lost the baby. We had to wait for a day for the results which was awful. Ironically, it was confirmed the Thursday before fathers day
After the misscarriage i thought i was doing fine, but totally went off bd, especially around the time I could be ov'ing. I realised that i was terrified of getting pregnant again. So from this month we are ttc again, we are also on a diet and hoping that will help both our sex drives and chance of a successful pregnancy.
Our EDD past on the 17th, so i feel better about ttc again.
Hi there wannabemummyb
Welcome love.![]()
Oh gawsh you have had a rough time my love...I'm so so sorry for your loss last year...
So you been ttc for 4 yrs your a worrior too...
I totally get the feeling of being afraid to be pg after such a loss and also the loss of labido's takes some time to feel normall again my dear...
Glad youb are feeling better after the edd too...I was like that last year with my edd...I was sooo down about it looming and then a couple of weeks after it I felt as tho I was getting back to me again...
I'm glad you have found us wbm...hopefully we can all be a part of helping you through your journey and down times.
Btw...we all go by our real names....would you like to share yours....I'm Natalie![]()
It's ok if you don't want to yet I understand
Good luck Hun and keep us up to date with your cycle won't you..
Baby dust to you too.![]()
Natalie xxx