LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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ooh Happy Birthday Erin i agree what an amazing gift!!

hi meg :)

Well as for me happy do dar day i'm spotting again at 10dpo i just knew there was something wrong 2 cycles in a row is no coincidence must be the clomid! grrrrrrr :(

going to drown my sorrows with a mars bar and a hot chocolate! and when AF arrives a blooming big glass of wine!

:rofl: drown sorrows with Mars bar :haha:....I did that with a kitkat chunky (or two) last night lol....

Boooo for the spotting love...same heee now two cycles I a third day for spotting.quite worrying.:nope:

Sorry about the bfn Becky...with the others and I say fx it's just to early.
Still rooting for you my petal.:flower:

Natalie xxx
Nat I love your new profile picture!!!

Well I'm CD1 today. I'll likely go in for CM on Friday and meet with our RE with a new plan. I am still just feeling deflated and not terribly excited. I question my chances of a successful round.
Number so sorry your spotting love. What are you plans for the next cycle??

Erin, did you get your beta?! I didn't read far back so maybe I missed it.
Thanks ladies

So sorry about feeling deflated barbs I cannot even imagine what you are feeling and I just so hope this is your turn!!! Hopefully as you have 'given up' so to spk you will get a wonderful surprise this time :)

Nat sorry about your spotting too it's infuriating isn't it! Grr I just wish we knew why and wish we could get some sodding help erm maybe sometime this yr grrrr damn NHS!!!!

I'm really confused as what to do next cycle...I was having a break due to CT scan but it may fall before dtd time depending on what day af actually arrives, so then I have to decide whether to take clomid or not...pretty sure I'm not as I think it's the culprit but I'm torn as my body is shit without it...I'm 99% sure I won't take it and I'll try to get a private app to find out what's going on! Again 2 late for this one but hey ho! Oh and I may have to rob a bank in the to plan my strategy hehe :0

ooh Happy Birthday Erin i agree what an amazing gift!!

hi meg :)

Well as for me happy do dar day i'm spotting again at 10dpo i just knew there was something wrong 2 cycles in a row is no coincidence must be the clomid! grrrrrrr :(

going to drown my sorrows with a mars bar and a hot chocolate! and when AF arrives a blooming big glass of wine!


Becky, I am sorry to hear that ...:hugs: Big hugs to you love...

Hey i always drowned my AF sorrows in a big glass of wine - that always was something to look forward to! hehe :wine:
Nat I love your new profile picture!!!

Well I'm CD1 today. I'll likely go in for CM on Friday and meet with our RE with a new plan. I am still just feeling deflated and not terribly excited. I question my chances of a successful round.

March March march that fertilized egg right into Barb's womb!!! COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

I want this SO badly for you :hugs:

Hi barbs looks like we cycle bubbles to the day this time...cd1 here too...the witch just hit and I am pleased bc I can just wave fook off to this crappy asss cycle for good...:thumbup:

Natalie xoxo
Becky sorry about the spotting, how frustrating. Good luck with whatever you decide about the next cycle. <3

Mmm, chocolate. Excellent therapy.

Unfortunately for me I guess, I don't like wine.

:hugs: Barb. I'm keeping my hopes up over here, but it's understandable that you're not really feeling it right now. :hugs:

As for my beta, I think she said it was 102. I can't believe I can't remember it with certainty, but I'm pretty sure that's what she said. Progesterone was 51 (!!!). I do my 2nd beta tomorrow, so it'll probably come up what my first beta was, so I'll try to take better notes this time.

Natalie, sorry AF got you. :(

:hugs: ladies

AFM, not much news. Generally feeling pretty good and normal. Can still eat, yay! Just tired with increasing boob soreness. Seems the boob soreness is always less in the mornings, which was freaking me out, but now it seems to be a pattern. Tomorrow is my 2nd beta. Which I'm nervous about. First beta I wasn't as apprehensive about b/c I knew I was pg, and if my P was low they'd just supplement. This is the one that will be more telling. Please pray for good numbers tomorrow!
Erin, 102 is a good number! I have fingers crossed it all works out for you. I dont remember, did you say you'll go on Progesterone?

Thanks Meg! I hope this is our month as well. I want it so badly.
Would be a nice birthday gift to Nathan & I :)

@ nimbec, yeah rob a bank or sell an organ eh? LOL
It's all a small fortune. I hope it all works out for you xo
Thanks Barb <3

Unless something changes, I don't think I'll go on progesterone. My number was pretty high actually. I think I've read that typically the upper limit for first tri is 47?? Not that higher is bad, just not the usual "normal."

I really hope you get the best bday gift ever. :hugs:
Quick update since my laptop battery is about to die.

Beta doubled exactly from 102 to 204. First prenatal appt is on March 31.
YAY Erin thats fantastic news!!!!!! Whaaaa hoooooo

Hope everyone else is ok?

As for me BFN and spotting so i'm 100% out and today am calling to see if i can get a provate appt as I haven't a clue why all of a sudden this is happening :( I'm not taking clomid this cycle just to see plus i can only have so many doses so don't want to waste another one :(

Feeling deflated and frustrated plus an arguement with DH last night didn't help :( Its Harrison's 1st Birthday Party tomorrow tho so lots to be happy about!!!!

Morning ladies....:flower:

Becky so sorry about the bfn again...
I think you have a good plan for next cycle...:thumbup: a plan is always good...keeps up focused and gives us something to work with and aim for.
Big hugs to you Becky.:hugs:

Erin...that's fantastic...your numbers doubled to the dot!.:happydance:
Any more preggo symptoms yet?
Are you still waking at ridiculous o clock lol I hope not.:thumbup:
So I forget to ask....but have you told dh yet? How did you tell him? Or how are you going to tell him?
Do tell us.:)

Barbs...thinking of you my 1 of CM today right!....I hope DR B has a reassuring plan for you both.:flower:
Can't wait to hear back from you.:) almost gearing up for o day now right?...I hope so Hun...:flower:

Shanta...I saw your journal...about the strep...oh dear your poor boy.:hugs:
I hope he is well again they have a antibiotic plan for him?....
How are you? :flower:

Well me petals...afm...I'm cd3 already...I hope the tww goes this fast this time lol
Been quite the busy lil bee this week...last night I ached.ugh.
Anyways....I hope to be starting the robitssun by Tuesday...seems a way off yet but it's zooming here...
I'm dreading the increased water bloats me sooo bad and I hate to be running to the loo every five mins...I literally spend my days doing this wacky zoo-loo dance with my legs crossed trying to get on with something whilst not peeing my pants....:haha:

Off to my moms in a n hour...time to bite my tongue...she has been sooo snappy latley and she always brings me down in the dumps...I fully intend not let it get to me today...then it's come home and finish the curry for dinner tonight.

Anyways....I hope you are all well and I hope to catch up again sometime again today...:flower:

Natalie xxx
Yes Nat he started antibiotics last nite he has a very Low grade strain that's why it didn't show in the office so no fever or sore throat really since he doesn't have his tonsils .... Mainly just a irritated BUM!! :haha:
Yes I said BUM that's his tale take sign he has strep!! ;)

Hope everyone is well I'm feeling better just all these meds and vitamins tend to hurt my Tummy but I'll deal w it!!

Happy Friday Lovelies!!!
Becky, I'm sorry. :hugs: Weird cycles just make it all the more frustrating. Hope Harrison's party is a good distraction. Should be fun. Congratulations on a big one year old. :)

Natalie, symptoms are mostly just breast/nipple tenderness which fluctuates a lot through the day. It's mostly less in the mornings. And I wake up earlier (around 5:30 to 6:30, but sometimes even earlier!). So I'm tired but that may just be me waking up so early. Nothing else consistent. Occasionally put off by an odd smell or flavor, but it's still pretty rare (so far). Oh and I may have to give up my hot cup of tea before bed because it now means an extra trip to the bathroom when I'm not ready to be out of bed.

I was so far beyond telling DH in some wonderful way haha. I thought I'd never be able to get away with it because he's always asking me if I've tested and how it turned out. But I'm realizing I could have done something fun because I'd already told him the day before that I was out. I actually told DD before DH came home from work, and told her to tell daddy when he got home. But I'd messaged him something earlier thinking it was something to make him curious when he got home. But he called as soon as he got off (he didn't see the message until then) all worried because to him it sounded like it was something bad, and he was not going for my teasing telling him he'd have to wait til he got home. So I just let my DD tell him over the phone. So far, some family members know (our parents) and a handful of my friends who know the journey we've been on the last couple of years. Will probably start talking about it with more family and friends this weekend. Will wait until I can't hide it to talk about it at work.

Haha oh Natalie good luck with this cycle. I really hope it flies by for you and ends with a happy bfp. Good luck with the robitussin and your pee pee dance lol.

Aw Shanta, sorry your LO is sick. Hope he's feeling so much better soon. Glad YOU are feeling better!

Love to everyone else. <3 Gotta hurry and get ready for work now.
Erin, glad to hear your numbers have doubled! I wish you the best xoxox

Becky, I was in the same place on Tuesday night. Totally deflated & laid into my DH about other shit too. LOL Anyway, I am still deflated & exhausted but getting better.

Yep, Nat I went in for my CM whoop! I hope your mom is nicer to you these days. Good luck xoxo

I am back from our 'what the fuck' appointment. And Dr. B says we still just need to look at this as I have tubal issues. Rather than 'what else could be the matter' because I've been pregnant before so he knows that my embryo can make it to day 5 blast & he knows I can implant. So at this point in the game, he believes that its a numbers game. He did say however that about 60% of woman would have gotten pregnant by the second round. However, there are still that 40% of woman who have not. But because this is our third round, he did say he would suggest a double transfer as long as we're comfortable with the out come. He did say if we end up with both implanting, he'd send us for counseling to help make a decision.
He's not convinced there's anything wrong with me yet. He said he doesn't feel any urgency or that we really need to be taking big risks but that transferring two is very reasonable at this point.
So we are going with that route but I still have time to think about it. But I'm sure it's what I'll end up consenting to in the end. It makes the most sense right now.
So I'm going back either next Thursday or Friday for a lining check & then we'll get our transfer date. As of today, back on drugs. Just estrogen & asprin until lining check & then Progesterone again. But suppositories for this girl. No more needles,thank you.
Erin... great numbers, go glad you have your first appt booked and how sweet that DD told your OH! :) Weeee congrats!! xx

Becky - Happy 1st Birthday to Harrison wow time flies haha.. not that its my kid but I remember when you had him! AHHHH lol.... too crazy.. so sorry about the BFN and spotting though; and I hope you and DH are over your argument.. that never helps anything does it? xoxo big hugs to you!!!

Shanta sorry your LO is not feeling well! I hope those antibiotics do the trick asap xx

I finally got my DNA and chromosomal results today!

I will post the sex later; I asked for them to email me separately so that DH and I could read it together after work...

But the Genetic results all came back at low risk, which is the lowest you can get, across the board, so I am really happy about that.

Will give you guys the much anticipated gender news in a few hours hehe...

Pretty crazy, Meg, that you can get gender results so early in a pregnancy! We should have put in some bets ;)
Do you have an idea of what you think? Still a Boy?
Hi everyone :)

Barbs i'm so sorry you are in this horrrible emotional roller coaster it truly sucks! Great that your medical team are not worried about other issues and i too think that transfering two seems to be the logical thing to do and then see what happens and only worry if you need to. Great news about being able to use suppositories rather than injectables you must have been feeling like a pin cushion :( Looking forward to hearing when transfer date will be :) Sending you huge hugs and tons of baby dust!!

Meg Fab news that you have good results and you now know the sex eeeeeek i think girl......can't wait to hear!!!!! Lovely idea that you and oh find out together!! I know i can't believe he is 1 ...crazy!!! I too remember talking to you ladies well before i was preggy - how time flies!

Nat thank you for your kind words :) I hope you get to ov soon ....i agree i hate the extra water intake it makes me feel like a beached whale lol oh the things we do ttc !! I hope you have a good time at your mums ...i know its not always the easiest. Family can be difficult at times! On that note Harrisons birthday tomorrow will be the first time i will have seen my mum since she 'needed a break' - typically selfish she will be looking at it that there is no way she should miss out on her grandsons birthday regardless of what is happening between me and her. I will just bite my tongue and hope she behaves!! There will be a room full of toddlers and i'll be most concerned about my mother rotfl!!!!!

Shanta so sorry about you little boy hope he gets better really quickly poor lil one :( How are you?

Erin are you still on cloud 9 about your betas?! shame you can't have a drink to celebrate hehe
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