LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Erin I too had the same issue a week ago and now nota so I think it can go either way!!
Hope it let's up soon if not my Dr gave me Zofran and that will stop u up and stop MS!!

Meg so happy for U!!

It's been warm here but raining on and off!!
Hopefully it it will be sunny next week the boys will be out for spring break so it would be nice for them to get outside!!
Amy sorry you're not feeling well. :( Glad the LO is weathering it well. Grats on the weight loss. YAY for beautiful weather! We had a lovely day here as well. Got to get out to enjoy it a bit too. Tomorrow should be even nicer! Then a crap day on Wednesday (Meg since we're not getting it then anyway, you can have it!, then after that it should be nice again, but not as nice as today! Makes me happy though to know that spring is almost here...finally!

Thank you Meg I will go find your thread. I have had a lot of reassurance, so I am feeling better about it. I guess I should be thankful right??? It's just so hard to push back the fear and enjoy. Also, CONGRATS ON TEAM BLUE!!!!! :happydance: So happy for you!

Not much to report here. OH! I finally did my stupid thing I have done with all three pregnancies now. My baby brain thing to do. I missed my house on the way home. :dohh: It was especially bad this time though. Usually I just pass my neighborhood street or something. This time I was coming back from visiting a friend and her little girls, and I was on the interstate. So I went a few miles out of my way, then had to turn around and drive the extra few miles back. LOLOL. Felt so dumb, but on the other hand I was like YAY BABY BRAIN. :haha:
Hi Ladies

So sorry I've been MIA for a few days its been really busy with Harrison's 1st Birthday Party and family down for the weekend. Then its been full on back into work this week UGH YUK!! together with a shitty period yay :wacko: We had a fabulous time for his Birthday tho so it's well and truly worth being shattered !!

Meg YAY CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoop whoop boys are so cool - not that i'm biased at all :winkwink:

Erin how are you feeling, my symptoms where on and off too in first tri but i completely understand the worry - have you thought about asking for an early scan?

Sis How are you feeling?

barbs how is the cycle monitoring going? Do you have a date for transfer yet?

Bex, amy hiya!!

Nat how are you getting on? any sigh of 0 yet? have you started the gyifasin? How did the trip to your mums go?

As for me i decided not to take the clomid this cycle.....just incase that was what was causing my spotting.....I have also booked an appoint,ent for next week with the specialist i saw on the NHS before - however this time i had to pay UGH!! I want to know what the hell is going on with my cycles lol plus i have a really weird pain now like a stitch on top of period pain ....really flow is all out as well will be interesting to hear what he has to say!

Righteo best get back to work before the hubby sacks me!

Hope you are all ok lovely ladies!

I'm good been eating more this weekend and then today YUCK everything smells and tastes Horrid!!! :haha:

My teeth are still achey I hope this doesn't last for 9mos I hate teeth pain it's the worse:nope:

I got a Doppler last nite but haven't been able to find Cupcakes HB yet hopefully it's just early!!

Hope everyone has a Great Day!!
I'm good been eating more this weekend and then today YUCK everything smells and tastes Horrid!!! :haha:

My teeth are still achey I hope this doesn't last for 9mos I hate teeth pain it's the worse:nope:

I got a Doppler last nite but haven't been able to find Cupcakes HB yet hopefully it's just early!!

Hope everyone has a Great Day!!

We didn't get a Doppler until about 12 weeks but I found the heartbeat rather easily at that point. Just know even at that point the heartbeat is more than likely right about your hairline down there.
I found it :happydance: Happy Momma!!!

Cupcake was hiding way low on the left almost in my hip bone Lil stinker!! It very faint so doesn't read BPM all the time but looks to be 125 BPM on average!!
Hey Girls just saying hello :)
HOpe all is well.
I'm super busy this week so I'm a bit MIA.
I have my lining check on Thrusday. I'll update everyone when my transfer date is after my appointment :) xoxoxo
Hoya ladies...:hi:

So sorry I haven't been on much over the last couple of days...

We had a iPad ban last
It was pretty nice to spend "some" time together....
I say "some" bc I had my crazy brother rock up and cause trouble you wouldn't short I had to try and help fix his relationship for 1000 time...
It was one crazy evening.and it exhausted me.

It was a LOOONG day yesterday too....we went into town where I had my routine eye test done and I chose out my new glasses...then we went to a lil coffee shop I found ...
It was called Canadian muffin KNOW I had to pop in this place lol...
And the coffee was delishus ..altho it was kind of ruined with flaming cinnamon sprinkles....yak....I hate cinnamon.
I love the smell but not the taste.barff!. :haha:

So how are all my ladies.....

Amy...congratulations on the fantastic weight loss girl...well done.:thumbup:

Barbs...looking forward to hear what Thursday brings for you :) :flower: sorry the ugly bitch ass witch got you Hun...:hugs:
So glad you had a whale of a time with Harrison's 1st birthday.....such a emotional day isn't it.:thumbup:
Good luck wit your RE apt,let us know how that goes.:)

Bex...wowzers your cupcakes look certainly are very talented with baking...
You could start a lil business with that.:thumbup: :)

Erin....hope you are ok now too. I know how upsetting it can be to be worried in the 1st tri...:hugs:
So when is your first scan love? :)

Meggy.:) ....time is flying now...eeek so excited for you.:flower: is your tooth now love?...I hopes better.:flower:
So so glad you found cupcakes HB...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....dopers are tricky lil things eh...I'm sure your going to have lots of fun with it :)

Who'd I forget? Lol

Ahhhh my short term memory is getting REALLY almost like baby Brian's everyday minus the pgy lol
Can you imagine what I am like when I AM pg??? ditz! :haha:

Anyways end my crazy ass long post I will talk about ME now lol hahahahahaha

Cd8 ...starting the robitsun today...gallons of water...and opks tmr...oh and Pete's second s/a goes in tmr hopefully not much longer to wait for this fertility apt :)
Been a little irritable for a couple of days here but I think that's down to being so tired again...and just getting down right fed up with the AS too...

Anyways...looking really forward to getting on with this cycle...
I wander what my stupid uterus throws up for me this time.:haha:

Anyways ladies...take care...hope your Wednesday is a good one...half way point till the weekend eh .woohooooo

Natalie xxx
Hi everyone!

Crazy storm here... so sick of SNOW!!!! I cant wait to go to Florida! LOL....
And tomorrow, the temp goes up to 6 degrees & rain. I hate this shit!!!!

Alright, AFM:

I am going in for my FET on Monday the 17th! Irish be giving me some good luck please!!! Going to transfer two embryo!!!
I've decided NOT to do PIO ever again & my drug protocol just got more complicated. I am already taking Estrace three times a day. I now have to take Progesterone suppository 4 times a day & Oral Progesterone three times a day. Holy fuck. I start P tomorrow. Long with Steroids for 4 days & antibiotic for the FET. And my Aspirin daily. And Folic Acid. And on, And on, and on.
Blimey Barbs thats a concoction and a half!! Don't blame you on the PIO its seriously painful and can have horrid side effects. Great news that you have a date - lets hope the irish are in luck hehe seriously tho i have absolutely everything crossed for you!!!!!

As for weather here well......its been rain rain & more rain but today the sun is shining and is about 9 degrees it must be summer haha we never see the sun in Wales lol!!! Just been for a walk with 2 dogs and a pushchair (dog sitting for jon's mum as she's on holiday so i have 2 for 2 weeks) It was 'interesting' to say the least! tangled leads everywhere lol!!

Hope everyone is ok, nothing new here CD5 yada yada lol

Becky glad Harrison's 1st birthday was a great time! Good luck recovering. :wacko: :)

Hope you can figure out what's making your cycles wonky. Let us know how it goes next week.

Hi Barb, thinking of you and your appointment today. Let us know how it goes.

Natalie, sorry you had to clean stuff up after your brother. I want to see your new glasses. ;) Since I am an optometrist I am a nerd about this stuff. Good luck this cycle.

A couple of you asked about an early scan. I think my new Dr does a scan at my 8 week visit anyway, so I think I will just wait until then. It should be more interesting then anyway. I'm kind of excited because I've never had anything but the 2nd tri anatomy scan before.

Other than that, nothing really going on here, but I guess no news is good news. If I can stay pregnant through this weekend, I'll be doing better than I did last time.

EDIT: okay I started that post a long time ago before I actually clicked to post, so I see now I am WAY behind. :haha: Hang on I'll catch up.
Barb, dang woman, that's a lot to keep track of. Hoping it pays off for you.

Any hope of nicer weather in the forecast?

Not to brag but it's supposed to be about 18 C (I converted for the rest of the world) here today. And sunny. But spring isn't here yet, it's going to be crap this weekend. On Tuesday we had 24 C then Wednesday morning we were supposed to have snow, but I didn't see it. It was still cold and grey though. Crazy weather.
Thanks Erin! I really hope this time is the charm.
The weather should be improving but winter has been horrible to us this year.
We're going from feels lik e-27 this morning to 6 degrees tomorrow & rain. I just can't keep track of what's going on.
How are you feeling? Any symptoms?

Hey Nimbec! I'd take rain over this snow crap any day! AHHH
Aw, what type of breed are the two dogs?!

And yes, my pill popping is insane. I just hope I keep track.
Thankful for smart phones :)
I'm really not feeling anything. Occasionally slightly sore boob. I still wake up earlier than normal, which is the main thing. But it's less of a thing since daylight savings began. It kind of brought the rest of the country (I guess most of Canada too) on my schedule. I've been pretty tired, but with the time change and weird sleep, maybe that's all it is.
Wowzers Barb hope u get your Lucky Charm Mon!!! I would so forget something I have to take P twice daily and I've come close to forgetting!! ;)

Erin glad everything is good w u I have good days and rough days but for the most part not much going on!!

It's been nice here 67 and windy so Allergies are BAD but the weather is nice!!

Next week will be spring break I go for my scan Mon and we will go to the rodeo Probably Wed and I'm sure I'll have BIGS trying to get in the pool!! :haha:
We will see how long they last ;)
Hi ladies I hope you're all doing alright.

I can't remember if I mentioned before, but a couple of days after I got my bfp, we found out that DH's best friend and his wife (I am friends with them also) finally got pg also. They weren't ttc as long as us, but it did take longer this time and she was getting upset about it. So I was/am very, very excited. It's so special to have babies the same age. Their DS is 2 mos to the day younger than our DD, too. So I was/am so looking forward to being able to experience this together again.

I am worried though. She has been having some bleeding. She said it was kind of a lot on Tuesday, but it has since let up. She's also still sick a lot. She bled at first with her DS too, so I'm hopeful she's fine. But she has a Dr appt at 10:45 this morning and I can hardly stand it. I'm praying so hard that everything is fine. I don't think she could be much further along than me, if at all. So maybe 6 weeks max. So I don't know how much they'll see. I just really hope it all looks fine.

If they lose this one and we get to keep ours, how would I face them. I wouldn't want to hang out with a baby that would have been my baby's age.
Hi ladies I hope you're all doing alright.

I can't remember if I mentioned before, but a couple of days after I got my bfp, we found out that DH's best friend and his wife (I am friends with them also) finally got pg also. They weren't ttc as long as us, but it did take longer this time and she was getting upset about it. So I was/am very, very excited. It's so special to have babies the same age. Their DS is 2 mos to the day younger than our DD, too. So I was/am so looking forward to being able to experience this together again.

I am worried though. She has been having some bleeding. She said it was kind of a lot on Tuesday, but it has since let up. She's also still sick a lot. She bled at first with her DS too, so I'm hopeful she's fine. But she has a Dr appt at 10:45 this morning and I can hardly stand it. I'm praying so hard that everything is fine. I don't think she could be much further along than me, if at all. So maybe 6 weeks max. So I don't know how much they'll see. I just really hope it all looks fine.

If they lose this one and we get to keep ours, how would I face them. I wouldn't want to hang out with a baby that would have been my baby's age.
Sending positive vibes. Hoping the bleeding was nothing though. I know first hand how hard it is to face someone you love dearly when they should have had a baby same time as you. One of my best friends had been due a month after Claire. That baby never made it past 12 weeks. However, to my surprise, she wanted to be there when the baby was born (which she was) and she was helping me out so much during the first few months. In a way it helped her heal she said. However, lets get that out of our heads and pray and hope for the best! Keep us updated!!

Can't wait for Monday for you Barb!

Weather here is so beautiful again! Averaging about 40 degrees now (F) and the snow keeps melting!!! *stabs snow* Die die die melt melt melt! So sick of you ...yes I have a love hate relationship with snow lol.
Anyway we BD once so far this cycle. (on Tuesday). Sucks since I can ovulate anywhere from day 14 to day 28 so two weeks of not knowing for when. Blach! We aren't sure we'll be able to BD as much as we'd like since right now we actually are focusing more on getting healthy. I'm now down to 219.6 (Not down much from Monday but I do believe I gained some muscle since I can now easily fit in my pants instead of sucking it in and laying on the bed to sip them up!) Great feeling. Hoping to be down to 210 lbs by the end of the first month of working out (2 weeks and 3 days to do it). Currently down 5.2 lbs since starting.
However, we do hope to at least BD twice a week.

Claire's cold seems to have gotten worse. Poor girl. She's handling it okay now. She's a bit more fussier but nothing that fully makes me scream. Trying to keep fluids in her and lots of rest when I can get her to nap. She fell asleep this morning in her car seat and it was just so cute. I took two pics but not the best due to lighting in the garage. She didn't sleep the best last night (nor did I since I was up with her trying to get her back to sleep).

Hope everyone else is doing great/awesome.
Thanks Amy. Found out she's doing fine, still pregnant. Actually further along than I had guessed: 7+5 I think. She's due about 2 weeks before me. She got some medication to help baby stick better? DH heard from her DH, so that's how it was explained to him, idk. I've heard of P for bleeding, but I didn't know if there was anything else. Anyway, so far so good. I really want us both to have new babies this fall.

Glad everything went well with your friend though.

Yay for melting snow! I am SO over winter. We've had a lot of lovely weather this week except for that one crazy day. Sunday is the crazy day in the forecast now. Today got to 69F, tomorrow should be 65F then turn rainy later in the day, then SUNDAY it's supposed to SNOW AGAIN with a high of 32F. WTH Missouri. Then 50s and 60s for the rest of the week.

GL getting your timing this cycle, but well done on your path to becoming healthier! :thumbup:

Hope your LO is feeling better soon.

AFM, I'm 5+4. Last time, 5+5 is when I spotted beige. Then red blood 5+6, then passed sac/embryo and placenta right at 6 weeks. I'm still waking up slightly early, and I want to eat Chinese food almost every day. I'm LOLing at myself for saying before that I have good skin when pregnant. Because LOL I wish. Other than that I am absolutely symptomless. And I'm still not sure how I feel about it.
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