Sis i'm with you thats some serious line porn!

how are you are you feeling any better?
Meg hope you are on the mend lovely!
Barbs hope the appointment was as bearable as possible

when do you start the next cycle? Are you just waiting for AF?
Erin OMG i'm shaking for you!!!!!!! so exciting!!!! you and shanta will be really close together......what dpo are you if you don't mind me asking?
Nat I so LOVE your posts you always bring a smile to my face!! How are you my lovely? have you tested again? Hows things in general?
bex Hiya hope you are ok!
Well as for me to pinch one of Nats sayings i'm polly pissy pants today! Yesterday was a SHIT day. I had a spinal appointment with my consultant who i have known for many years i have taught all his kiddies to ride (3 out of the 4 of them!) I can't believe the youngest who i always remeber as a baby is now doing A levels OMG anyway sorry i spine has become more unstable, he wanted to do a CT scan yesterday but i wouldn't let him just incase i am in the familly way

so i have to go back in 2 weeks time. Once he has those results he will tell me WHEN not IF i need surgery

really frightening plus he told me that if i did get preggy again then i would definately have to have another C-section as i would risk more slipping of the vertebra in a natural delivery ....grrrrr. So this means that i have to have next month off trying cos of all radiation and stuff i need. I guess on a positive note it gives me time to book an appointement with the fertility specialist (need to rob a bank too!!) and ask about my lining, clomid etc....
So 9dpo and BFN i had all good intentions not to test and just wait for AF but for some reason i like torturing myself

I know i still have time and its early but i really feel like i'm out. I'm really deflated actually as i feel like i'm quite alone on the ttc process outside here of course, i mean you just can't seem to get any sense out of the medical profession. I also now have to go to a new clinic and i fear i will have to pay for all tests to be done again as they are crap at communicating over here!!! anyways rant over sorry everyone!!
Hope you are all well and Erin you have put a smile back on my face with those lines!!!