Omg Sis I'm so so so unbelievably sorryIts heartbreaking
Sending you HUGE hugs!!!! Are they going to look in to why it happened hun?
Barbs as i said i cannot possibly comprehend how you must be feeling but this just has to be your turn it HAS to be!!!!!! I'm about to go and read your blog lovelyDo you have a test date in mind?
Hi everyone else hope you are all ok!! xx
Blurg, I feel the same as you Nat. I'm not having any expecations this month.
Even with two embies lol
They haven't done or Said much the financial Lady just called me to let me know the cost of the D&C and OMG 500-600!!!
Oh and I might have to wait another 2 wks hello the baby passed 2wks ago I'm not waiting any longer this is messed Up!!
I hope all of u get your BFPs sooner than later I'm not sure if I'll even try anymore this is like a shot to the face!!!![]()