Hi Amy thanks for the update - your still really early tho if i remember correctly? how many dpo are you now? when would AF be due?
Well girls my body is a BIATCH so last few cycles i have had bleeding 8-9dpo we think now due to this cyst and now i have just been to the loo and have pinkish blood what the ***** i'm only 4dpo!! Now the hopeful side to me thinks.....maybe implantation bleeding BUT its too early for that plus i know i have the cyst so i fear i am out this cycle ladies - even got a tiny bit of cramps but this may be in my head haha!!
How is everyone else getting on?
Heya Becky....

I get you are very worried about all this with the cyst.
Sounds to me like you may have had a really strong o and that you may have had a breakthrough bleed with it....maybe from the opposite side of the cyst and that's why it was soooo strong hence the bleed.
It's very common to have a "very mature /large" egg do this to our delicate insides.
I have a good feeling about this cycle for you Becky,

I'm rooting for you love.

Natalie xxx