What? Your body doesn't 'make new eggs'. Every woman has 200 in each ovary. Usually every other month it switches between left and right. Egg gets ready 'ripens' and then goes down.Amy Bigglad u r pushing forward that All we can do sometimes
AFM went for my consult that turned into a U/S and then a SonoHystogram so that was FUN![]()
I got the all clear but he told me to use protection for a month for a stupid reason I think cuz the batch of Eggs can be bad!!
He said u make new eggs every 3 mos so I could still be on the same batch of Eggs so wait a month OK if I wait a month couldn't I still be on those Eggs???
Its not like we get PG easy so whatever Happens happens I say!!
Oh and I have a 21mm follie or Cyst on my Left Ovary I say Follie due to my OPK today!!![]()
Well I'm losing faith that this baby is/was meant to be. I spotted old brown blood yesterday night and stopped. This morning still brown ish but having red tint to it. Clear blue digi no longer says 1-2 but instead not pregnant. So not looking good.
Just a quick reply as I'm stuffing my face and cramping. You have no idea how much better that makes me feeling knowing you overall had the same attitude. I was wondering if there was something wrong with me. ^^;; And Sadly I don't drink, XD However yesterday and today I did not stick to my diet and just having nummy food! I am doing better right now just cramping and blah down there but mentally pretty awesome. Claire is making sure of that too XD She almost stood all by herself today! So close.Fack i typed out a whole reply and it froze ugh hate this site sometimes..
Amy - I am really sorry about the chemical.. its hard no matter what stage you are in but it sounds like you have a great attitude and will get right back to it... good for youI had that same attitude after I gave myself a few days after my Chemical... and I dont mind admitting I hit the wine up pretty fast lol... Hope you are doing ok and your sticky bean comes very soon! xx
Erin - So Sorry you are dealing with this bleeding! I know you know what it is but its still nervewracking of course and stressful.. i hope it heals on its own soon as they often do so you can enjoy your pgncy xo