Barb, I am so excited for you! Congrats!
Hey all sorry I haven't been on. Been really busy! Trying to keep busy too. Really sad that I wont be able to test on my b-day because I haven't even ovulated yet. Good chance I'll be ovulating on my b-day though. However I don't hold high hopes this cycle. My friend seems to be a bit of a psychic and she does not see a baby for me this cycle. She's been right with the last two pregnancies (first one I never asked her and we were just becoming friends).
Anyway going to try not to think about it too much. This Friday is my b-day and Claire's 9 month photo shoot. And then we plan on taking her to the zoo if the weather is decent. Then next Friday on the 9th is her 9 month check up.
I went back into my workouts finally. Not the same ones, but started up yesterday. Hopefully I'll stay true to them again. Been hoping to go for walks in the evening but the darn weather is not being nice. Cool and rainy.
Anyway I hope you all are doing wonderful.