LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Yeah for second trimester Erin! Nice numbers Barb! So nice to see some good news.

Well, I've done all I can before we try IVF. It was nice to have a normal/drug free cycle---seem to be ovulating a couple of days later than normal. DH went away today so no more trying for us. Nothing left but the waiting.
Hi Mowat! Thanks!
And good luck...what protocol are you taking, long or short?
Ummm... dunno! I really don't know much about what we're doing. I'm supposed to start estrogen on Monday. And I finally have a phone appointment/intro on Wednesday so hopefully things become clearer after that. Just got a bunch of my prescriptions today---$4000! Thanks you Mr. Visa! I've looked into a few short-term rentals for when I have to go down for treatment (for about 3 weeks I think), but I'm afraid of booking anything yet. Hopefully when I'm finally ready there is something available.
mowat, where is your clinic?
yes, the drugs are super expensive eh? Mine was around the 3K mark.
It totally depends on your protocol & how much meds you need.
I'm happy that we have medical coverage for the drugs. It helped us a lot.
Hi Everyone

Sorry i have been quiet mrs negative here :( Just feeling quite down sorry ladies !!

How are you all?

Mowat whereabouts are you travelling too? How are you feeling about startingg the IVF journey?

Barbs eeek the days are ticking by....4 days till your scan i so so so hope that you only have the one bean cooking nicely in there! How are you feeling?

Meg blimey talk about the time flying by...hows things with you?

Bex hows things?

Nat hiya love hope your ok and everything is ok with the house! It must be your appt soon?

erin/shanta hiya!

and a big wave to everyone else too :)

As for me i had my private appt today and we have reached the end of the line regarding clomid as this cyst of mine is still there :( :( He has now referred me to the IVF clinic as the next step is a monitired IUI or even IVF as they need to scan me reguarly to make sure cyst isn't growing with the meds - it shouldn't apparently as its been there since january and not changed....well that news has left me in a real dilemma as we have to pay for all treatment here and if the meds do increase the cyst size i could be looking at a 12 month break whoooo errrrrr yes 12 months to get rid of it holy crap!

so my options are (1) iui with clomid monitoring and hcg shot £350
(2) iui with injectables monitoring etc £850
(3) IVF approx £3500.

We haven't exactly got lots of money we could afford the iui, the ivf we would have to borrow and save a bit. My worries are that i may only have the one shot at this and it may cost me money and come out empty handed.....

any advice ladies.....i'm errring towards medicated iui once and if doesn't work save for ivf.......

I have to phone next week to make an appt with them obv they will advise me further too but these are probable options that my guy said today.

If i didn't have the damn cyst it wouldn't be an issue i'd try a few more clomid rounds but for fear that the thing will grow i want maximum chance ugh i'm so confused!!

Anyhow i'm about to have a glass of wine mid cycle which i would never normally do but i feel so miserable.

Lots of stress in work too ladies not just the fertility stuff but its certainly a big factor.

Sorry for the long selfish moany post!!!!!
U need to get the Cyst drained I had a huge one that popped up every time I Od on my left side and my right side is a bumm so didn't produce nice round follies!!

Once u get it drained it shouldn't return mine Didnt well so far but I think I have one on my right side now or one due to the baby IDK I just know something's up!! :shrug:

Also I would ask about Femara it seems to do way better less SE only 2 LRG follies so less chance of cyst and the hCG shot is a must I think that's why I wasn't getting cyst!!

Hey Becky,

Wow hun i can understand why you are feeling down. I'm sure its safe to say we all get like that at times.

I would investigate what Shanta said about the asperation of the cyst.

If you have to pay for treatment, i would personally go with the iui, whilst you save for ivf. Thats my personal opinion and what i would do if i was faced with the choice.

I'm ok, af still hasn't shown, i'm on cd41. Not had a cycle like this in ages! Boobs ridiculously sore and had a bad tummy the last couple of days. CP still high, so doesnt look like af will be here soon! Wondering if i have a cyst! But no point stressing about it.

Hugs to you hun x
Thanks ladies :) I have asked about aspiration but current guy said he wouldn't as not big enough say what?! 3.5cm lol but I will ask the new clinic. I need that appt ASAP so I can at least have a plan to work too! Hope as I'm being referred we don't have to repeat tests etc.

Ugh the long cycles horrid I'm on one too CD22 no sign of ov anywhere grrr. I wonder if yours is just a non ovulatiry cycle? I've had lots of those and ended up having a course of provera to start me again....have you had one this long before? I so hope you haven't got a cyst!!!!!

Thanks shanta that's interesting about the femera etc how are you getting on?
When i first came off bcp my cycles were 69 days +, but after 18 months they settled down, and have not had any more the 40 days. Its annoying but not much i can do about it. If i dont come on by cd70 will go to the docs.

You sound a bit more pisitive, which is good xxx
I'm OK thanks for asking still trying to hang in there and stay positive which is really hard after a Loss!! :(
Not to mention all the Drama around here DH and I seem to be doing better when he's home which isn't much I only got in 1 day of BD before O but my temps are really low so that's why I'm thinking maybe a Cyst!! :shrug:

Who knows who cares at this point!! :haha:

I really think the Femara will work better for u and the trigger is a must it allows even the small follies to burst and I got my BFP from a nonviable follie FYI!! :shrug:
But yea I think the aspiration is a must mine would go up and down from 32-45mm so yours is big enough and it's causing issues so it needs to be done!!

I'm sure protocol is diferent there but if it's causing pain and issues w your cycle it should be drained!!

Man I wish I could do iVF for 3500 dang I'm looking at 6K I think plus meds and if I'm going that route I'm doing PGD which is another 4-6K just for peace of mind!!

Right now I'm not sure we will even do any treatment anymore unless DH has a change of heart so I'm in Limbo hoping for a Miracle!!
You're lucky you have some coverage Barb! I'm hoping we will get something back for the drugs, but I won't know until we try to submit things through insurance. I have a 2 hour flight from the Yukon to Vancouver for treatment. I'm going to Olive Fertility. It's expensive enough already, but I'll also have to take 3 weeks or so off work and live in Vancouver.

I'm quite eager to get started Becky, just nervous it won't work right away, and nervous I might have another miscarriage. Oh, and nervous about paying for it all some day!

Funny they won't remove your cyst Becky---they're saying it's not big enough? Huh.
mowat, I wish you luck & hope it works on the first go.
it's a very expensive route. and even more so if you have to travel.
the things we go through, eh?
HI all

Mowat i know its really odd, maybe the clinic i have been reffered to will think differently!! Its annoying!!

Have you already found a good place to stay? Do you know the area well? Gosh i thought travelling 2 hrs to the clinic here was bad enough....

I have my first appt booked for next wednesday where we will make a plan, i get a US DH has to do a sperm sample to which he was least impressed saying his swimmers are perfect hmmmm i said if i have to go through all of this you can damn well spunk in a pot again for us haha! Then at least i will know what is ahead of me because at the moment i feel like i'm in no mans land.

I like that "spunk in a pot"! My DH finally had to do a sample last week---about time! He has to fly down to Vancouver to spunk in a pot. Pretty expensive trip for what could be a 5-10 minute "visit". Yup, the things we do.
hahaha spunk in a pot...nice. yes thats an expensive jiz in a cup ;)

yes, we're lucky we have coverage through our Health Benefits. It seems to becoming more of a trend to offer in the health plans. If we didn't have this relief I'm not sure we would have been able to do what we have.
Hi ladies glad i made you smile hehe.

Gosh Mowat that is an expensive visit! No pressure on him at all haha. I have a question to ask you ladies on that front - they told us that DH had to refrain for 3 days before the appt - i cant remeber what we did last time does that mean the appt day is day 3 or would appt day be day 4?

Barbs i'm so pleased you had the coverage, we don't get that over here - we have the nhs but they are super slow and don't have the best results on things and also very strict criteria like you may have to wait 3yrs for one round and that is all you are allowd.

Well no sign of my body attempting to O this cycle grrrrrr absolutely knackered and fed up of dtd! Not sure how much longer to bother....what do you think ladies? My opk's have been the same like verging on pos for about 2 weeks now so we have been bd every other day with the occasional 2 in a row if i thought it was going to turn pos. Now last night i really didn't want to but suprisingly Jon wanted to 'just incase' nice that he is fully on board as previously its felt like me saying we have to. I guess the looming financial costs are maybe playing a part ;)

So do i give up dtd or maybe so every 3 days ugh i don't know i'd be geutted then if i got a pos.......

Barbs is tomorrow your scan day? Wishing you all the luck in the world!!!

Hi everyone else hope you are all ok - its quiet on here at the minute

nibec, odd about your opks....I see you're temping as well.
I suppose it's possible you've had an anovulation cycle.
I hear ya about dtd being tiring after a while...every 3 days is good too.
I've read lots where if you dtd at least 3xs a week you're good.

I'm going in on Sunday for my scan. I'm very nervous about it. I'll let you all know how it goes :)

AFM, I've developed mild nausea. Yippee :) LOL
Barbs yay for :sick:

Becky we are always told to clean the pipes the day before a 2 day wait some drs say 3 so basically clean the pipes 72 hrs before a SA then abstain for 72hrs sprem actually regenerate ever 24hrs I think or some crap but I'm sure everyone is different !! GL
Hmmm, not sure about abstaining and the semen analysis. I think when DH went in for his we hadn't dtd in quite a while. Wonder what that did to the results?

Speaking of results, I got the sperm analysis back. Anyone know anything about interpreting the results? Motility is low---his result was 50 and the reference is 80 to 100. Count was high however. His result was 170 and the normal is 50 to 150. Not really sure what this all means. SEems funny we're doing this after 3 years of unexplained infertility and multiple miscarriages. And we have a DS so something must be working.

Yeah for nausea! Yeah for scans! Can't wait to hear your results.
Hiya ladies...

Wow mowat you have to travel that far and temporary move for treatment? Gawsh my love you are "strong like bull"
I see your hubst had the s/a did....them results done sound too bad tbh love,,,,yes there is a criteria but I seem to remember peters being 200 for the motility.llwhich is great but my doctor (altho he's not expert haha) said that they call is "worrying " if it's lower than 50.
So glad your hubster got a good thumbuos up in that for his motility ther is humongous amounts of help for that department...many many sups and even a diet change could help him hugely here.:thumbup:
ZINC! Major force spermys.excellent for motility,bananas...(potassium)
Steer from bacon,..totally male factor killer for sperm.
And of course no smoking,drinking,blah blah blah.( I won't weigh you down with the pep on that patronising crap) lol
Haha when I here that I thinks to myself go stfu! Lol like I don't know that already god daym it! Haha
Anyways my love I wish you all the best Alyson (is that your name lol sorry ? )
Do keep us up to date with your journey :) lovely friend...:hugs:
Bummer ...I hate to see your chart like that.right!...I'm with your girl...:thumbup:
I am hopefully about to ovulate sometime over the next 7 days, so hopfuly some of my good vibes can rub off.:thumbup: :flower: :)
We can perhaps be cycle buddies again.:flower: are you :flower:
You ovulate! Yaye :)
Sorry if you already said but did you do the iui this time?
I've been a bad bnb'er I haven't been able to keep up with every thing too good this week.

Barbs :flower: can't wait to hear about your scan....hopefully some good news of ONE sac is there :happydance:

Well ladies...afm...
Cd 9 here.:)
Started opks to day.robitsun yesterday.jugs of water- barf I feel sick with bloat.:sick:
Been doing the deed every 2 days for now.
It's fertile cm is already very slippery.:thumbup:

Today I went for my regular hair apt date...I usually go for root touch up highlights and a slight trim.
Today however I had it all chopped's a shoulder length blond bob now.
Peter is in for a shock tonight when he gets home from work haha.
I may' I say I may....wrap my scraf over my hair like a bun so he dosent see it's been cut...then tonight when lado is in bed I will jump his bones and pull my hair out and show him that way.wink wink.:)
Ooooooooooooooh saucey tee hee....well enough of me for

Catch as laters ladies...hope you are all having a good weekend,:)

Natalie xxx
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