Heya Erin and Alyson (haha did I even spell that right love ?

OMG Erin your 16 weeks already!? Wowzers Hun that went fast -where did the time go...it only feels like last week I was looking at your test thinking "surely that's a bfp" lol
So it's all going well Hun?....you have a bump coming along yet?...how's your dd with the pgy? I bet she is getting all excited bless her heart .
Alyson wow Hun you are dedicated -mucho respecto from me'o haha...so you have had your first ivf round?...your in the middle of it?
Sorry I am confused here lol.
I wish you all the best love I really do...I accompanied so many women on thier ivf journeys now and I really know how much you have to go through physically and emotionally (less forget the financial side of it all too-ouch lol)
All being well on the 10th peter and I hope to start our journey for iui.we have waited so long to get where we are today....
We didn't have any treatment to concieve our first but we did wait 7 long years to concieve him.
What a lil diamond he is too.
Do keep us updated won't you love...it so exciting too.
Well ladies.....
11 dpo....yesterday I had a feeling that I may wake up with full on uti today.....oh how I peed my lil heart out but "needing" to go to the loo ALL day was not good.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd I was right.....I want to pee on every godam stick in the "she room"
But I can't!......grrrrrrr....
I managed to squeaze a lil dribble and it WAS enough for a stick to soak it up but I only got what looks like a evap to me this morning....so so far 11 dpo....fmu has revealed nothing.BUMMER,.lol
Smu??.?.. We will see .

And you just know I'm a gunna delight you all with my findings...be it bfn or a rager.lol
Ladies....good day to you all....
I missed you all so much lately....need to get it onto Pete's head that some me time is very much needed so I can get online and chat with my ladies.
Natalie xxx