LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Bummer I'm out!

Sorry about the fly by post ladies....absolutely completely totally done in by the weekend....
Hoping I get to grab an hour tmr so I can catch up on everything :)

Take care ladies...:) xxx
Natalie xxx
Sucks that you're out Nat! On to the next month though

I have been so busy the past 10 days blah! But things are finally calming back down thank god!

Anyway day 16 here and boy am I glad I used an OPK today

almost positive. We weren't going to start until day 20 both DTD and using OPK's but something told me to. The past few months I have ovulated 23-28. Guess I have a weird cycle or something *shrugs* Oh well just thankful that we still will have a chance this month.

Hope all you lovely ladies have had a wonderful weekend.
Mowat, thinking of you and wishing you the best. :flower:

Natalie, so sorry you're out. :hugs:

Amy, glad you caught your surge, good luck! :sex:
Blazing positive OPK today. DTD last night and I wanted to again this morning but hubby was NOT in the mood *pouts* So when he gets home from work we'll do it again. Still can't believe I am ovulating this early.

Well how's it going for all you ladies? I don't have much going on today. Have a headache woke up with it -_- Plus it's suppose to thunder storm nearly all day so wont be able to do any yard work. Boo. Wanted to plant some marigold seeds since I didn't get to yesterday.
Had my egg retrieval today. 23 eggs! Not bad for an old girl. Unfortunately because I produced so many eggs I can't have a transfer this cycle as my estrogen levels are showing ovarian hyperstimultion. Will have to wait until near the end of July for transfer. Trying not to be upset. Apparently the success rate is actually higher with a frozen cycle. Yep, kind of bummed, but I'm looking forward to hearing from the embryologist tomorrow to see how my "babies" are doing.
Oh I hope you don't have ohss too bad. Another woman I talk to on here just dealt with that and was pretty miserable. :( Grats on all the eggies though! Hopefully you can rest up and feel ready to conquer the world when it's transfer time. <3
Had my egg retrieval today. 23 eggs! Not bad for an old girl. Unfortunately because I produced so many eggs I can't have a transfer this cycle as my estrogen levels are showing ovarian hyperstimultion. Will have to wait until near the end of July for transfer. Trying not to be upset. Apparently the success rate is actually higher with a frozen cycle. Yep, kind of bummed, but I'm looking forward to hearing from the embryologist tomorrow to see how my "babies" are doing.

Quite a few eggs yay! And look at it this way July is just around the corner! It really is! You'll be counting the days left on your hands in no time until the transfer!

No temp rise today and OPK is now negative so my guess is I'm going to ovulate today and see a temp rise tomorrow morning. We did another BD last night and going to go for another one today. Though not sure if the one today will do any good but will not hurt! I can feel my cervix is starting to close so that's why I'm thinking I have o'd early this morning or as I sit typing this. Only 8 days until I start testing lol
Sounds like you've done all you can Amy---fingers crossed.

They got 23, but I think there were quite a few more that they couldn't get because of the endometriosis in my left ovary. I'm thinking there were probably closer to 30 all together. Horrible night of sleep last night. Incredible pain through my right chest/lung area. Never felt anything like it, but it seems to be better today. Clinic called while I was still in bed. I think they said they fertilized 19 yesterday and that there are 17 growing nicely today. Sounds good to me!

How are you feeling Erin?
WOW Alyson!!! That's a lot! Have they given you any instruction on things like lots of protein and salt? In case of the ohss? Or just wait and see right now?

I'm feeling pretty good, thanks. Had a bit of a scare with a TEENY TINY bit of blood in the last couple of days. But it was like...barely detectable. Probably most normal people would have missed it. :haha: Still spoke with the nurse though and she's totally not concerned. Said something so tiny may not even be pregnancy-related. Other than that, seem to have (most of my) energy back. Feeling the aches and whatnot more than before...being pregnant at 32 is somehow a lot different than being pregnant at 28.... :haha: But doing alright. <3
Hey ladies,

Sorry i've bern quiet....

Nat sorry for af turning up.

Butterfly yay for the positive opk, thank goidness that you tested earlier than normal!

Eyemom glad all is going well.

Becky how are you doing?
Barbs you well?
Alysson wowser thats a lot of eggys.

I'm on cd70 today, had a gush of blood this morning but nothing since. Ironically, the blood happened just after dh and I talked about the possibility of us being preggers! If af doesn't turn up proper will test when we are back from a trip on saturday. Had some funky symptoms i dont normally get with pcos cycles (not had a long cycle in 2 years!)
Alyson that's great! you got lots of eggys. But like Erin says, likely higher for OHSS....drink that gatorade!!!
How many are you transferring back?
Hey ladies,

Sorry i've bern quiet....

Nat sorry for af turning up.

Butterfly yay for the positive opk, thank goidness that you tested earlier than normal!

Eyemom glad all is going well.

Becky how are you doing?
Barbs you well?
Alysson wowser thats a lot of eggys.

I'm on cd70 today, had a gush of blood this morning but nothing since. Ironically, the blood happened just after dh and I talked about the possibility of us being preggers! If af doesn't turn up proper will test when we are back from a trip on saturday. Had some funky symptoms i dont normally get with pcos cycles (not had a long cycle in 2 years!)

Hello! I'm doing well :)
Wow, that's a long cycle! Have you tested?
Hey ladies,

Sorry i've bern quiet....

Nat sorry for af turning up.

Butterfly yay for the positive opk, thank goidness that you tested earlier than normal!

Eyemom glad all is going well.

Becky how are you doing?
Barbs you well?
Alysson wowser thats a lot of eggys.

I'm on cd70 today, had a gush of blood this morning but nothing since. Ironically, the blood happened just after dh and I talked about the possibility of us being preggers! If af doesn't turn up proper will test when we are back from a trip on saturday. Had some funky symptoms i dont normally get with pcos cycles (not had a long cycle in 2 years!)

Hello! I'm doing well :)
Wow, that's a long cycle! Have you tested?

Glad your well. Had some squinters lines on an ic around 10dpo and another squinter cheapie with afternoon pee around 17dpo but figured as it was faint it couldnt be a bfp. Will test on sunday if not come on.
Hi ladies

Sorry for being quiet!! I'm now much better after 4 weeks of total bed rest ahhhhhhh it was like a prison sentence lol! I promise to catch up reading really soon!

Hope you lovely ladies are ok?

Nat sorry about AF what a cow!!! Hopefully this cycle is your turn, if i'm right it ties in with your fertility appt?

Butterfly yay on the pos!! hope you managed to get some good bd in :)

Barbs glad to see you here and wowsers time is flying! how are you feeling?

Alyson blimey that is a huge amount of eggs!! Luckily you will get lots to freeze, how are you feeling? has the OHSS hit you?

Hi wannabe ooooh watching this space!

I'm on a super long cycle of nothingness lol!! I do however have a plan as we met with a new fertility clinic wednesday. I am planning to take pills to make me bleed (whilst i'm in Spain - we go tue for a month!) then on CD2 when i'm home they will start monitoring me and giving me stimms....either clomid or injectibles depending on what my cyst looks like.....if it doesn't grow they will continue to treat me, if it continues to grow they will refer me to the NHS and insist they remove it haha I had already said they refuse to do them under 10cm - her response was that we will order them to do it ....i LOVE this woman!! So just for fun i poas tonight and got a great EVAP line on a cheapie - don't get excited ladies it is 100% an evap. I know i haven't ovulated so there is no way!! So much that i have given up temping and opking as i know nothing will happen now till them kick start my lazy body!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :) xxx
I can't believe you're 10 weeks already Barb! Amazing. How are you feeling?

Survived the OHSS I think. The first night after the retrieval the right side of my chest was so sore I thought it was going to implode! My belly was crazy sore and I felt like I was ready to give birth. Fortunately it seems to have pretty much gone. Still feel like I'm peeing a lot though! Expecting a call from the clinic tomorrow for another update on the "babies". I talked to them on Thursday (retrieval was Monday) and I still had 17 growing nicely so I'm hoping for a good number to freeze. We probably won't be able to afford another fresh cycle (unless we break down and ask the grandparents to donate), so I'm hoping we get lots of frosties.

I feel so sorry for you ladies with the long cycles! Bring on the drugs for sure.
Hello ladies....long time me no post....I sorry.:) Hun ...GRRRREAT retrieval please for you lol.and 17 still going strong too by the sounds of it.:thumbup:
I have my fingers tightly crossed for you love....I REALLLLLLLy want this to work for you.lets hope the first ivf good luck charm ones the trick :) :flower:
Looking forwr to hearing what transfer day is like for you.
Hope your belly is feeling better soon too.

Becky love....OMG! I have missed you...peter decided to put my mobile phone IN yah IN a flaming cup to bring out to the kitchen to me....failed to remove the dam mobile phone BEFORE placing into the flipping sick full of hot dish water! Flaming egit! Lol
Anyways my phone is at the moment still drying in the radiator...haha I'm affraid to try to switch it back on in the morning.,,I was advised to dry it out for 48 hrs before doing so.
So I will reply to your text as soon as I get a chance love.
Oh and have you got i messenger? On your iPad or phone.?
Becky...I'm so sorry your havering such a duff cycle.geeeees why does this happen to the best of us.
But I LOVE your new plan...and your RE sounds like a great woman...and not one to be reckoned with either lol.
I like her already too.:thumbup:
So your off on your holidays eh....Spain?....I'm soooo jealous lol...
Is little Harry going with you? I bet your going to have a great time.:)
When are you coming back? Lol

Bex....awwwww love...such a long terribly annoying for you.:hugs:
You are one strong lady I tell you:)
I would be a nervous hairless wreck by now hahaha....I would be pulling my hair out literally lol...
I'd be peeing on sticks all over the place tee hee....
So Hun when af DOES hit is there a plan? Are you going to have any tests?
I admire your keep it together well :) :flower:

Erin...wowzer 17 wks! Already! :)
Did you say you were going to find out the sex when the time comes...must be nearing the day for that soon?
Do you have your gender scan dates yet?

How are you Hun...I was just thinking of you this morning....wandering how you are and how you were coming along with your cycle.:)
How are things? How are you feeling these days love?

Amy...GREAT opk there Hun...catch that eggie.:) :thumbup: :) . Fx for you.:) :flower:

Well ladies afm....cd7 ...starting the gaufasine tmr...yak time! Yuk.
Peter and I have our first apt with the fertility clinic on Tuesday .....SUPPPPPPPPER nervous here un able to sit sit kind of irritated...restless! That's the one lol.
Anyways....this cycle is my last ditch attempt to get our natural bfp....
The pressure is on....NO STAGE FRIGHT THIS CYCLE MR G!!!! You just dare lol

I fully imagine that next cycle (if no bfp) there will be the first round of evasive tests...
I do wander what the first port of call will be....(if any one of you spill lol)
So next cycle will most likely be a no goer.bummer!.
Oh well...big guns an all...what will be will be quay c'rah (:haha:)

Ok...crazy ones aside...I'm nervous here ladies...I'm laying awake thinking...pinching myself even as how far on. This journey I am once again finding myself on...toying with the idea that this is another heart breaking hike along a tough journey I am famille our yet already exhausted by...emotionally I want to throw the towel in...but my shear determination and my inner hidden strengths seem to be enough to be able to pull myself through from one cycle to a next...gawd knows how I am doing it but I am...
I just feel tired you know...
I have only ever had two boyfriends...both long term relationships...previous relationship lasted 7 years...5 of which we (sort of tried-didn't prevent) ended with no child between us...peter and I took 7 years to concieve our little Harry and now here we are another (almost ) three years into ttc and without any luck.

That's 14 solid years of trying....tiring is an understatement for sure.
Now we embark on the beginnings of iui....
And to be brutally honest... I hope this works...bc I will feel as tho after (what with no money) that becoming pg on our own will be some sort of miracle ...I'm heading for the wrong side of 30 now...not that that is a problem but the statistics sucked when I refreshed my research last night.

Anyways... .appolagies for the long as

Love to all my ttc trogons...and my preggo elites :flower:

Natalie xxx
Becky ahhhh glad you are back! Welcome back to the land of the living!??? Sounds like you have a lot on the horizon, wishing you the best!

Alyson, glad you're doing okay :thumbup:

Natalie, yup, 18 weeks tomorrow. Finding out the sex at our scan on June a week from tomorrow! I can hardly wait!

I admire your perseverance with the guaifenesin. :) I wish you could get it in pill form...that's the only way I think I could stand it. ;)

You must update us on Tuesday!!!! I hope you come away feeling very encouraged! So sorry you are feeling weary. :hugs:

Love and hugs to everyone else. Sorry I'm hopelessly behind here. Hope you're all doing alright.
Becky ahhhh glad you are back! Welcome back to the land of the living!??? Sounds like you have a lot on the horizon, wishing you the best!

Alyson, glad you're doing okay :thumbup:

Natalie, yup, 18 weeks tomorrow. Finding out the sex at our scan on June a week from tomorrow! I can hardly wait!

I admire your perseverance with the guaifenesin. :) I wish you could get it in pill form...that's the only way I think I could stand it. ;)

You must update us on Tuesday!!!! I hope you come away feeling very encouraged! So sorry you are feeling weary. :hugs:

Love and hugs to everyone else. Sorry I'm hopelessly behind here. Hope you're all doing alright.

Oh yes yes I will :thumbup:

Wow 18 wks! :happydance:...I can't wait hear about the scan results now too.:happydance:

Yes the's the worst ever haha.:dohh::wacko::dohh::nope::haha:

Natalie xxx
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