Hi laides.
Barbs meg so sorry you are both feeling anxiety....

to you both...gawsh a daily battle for me so I know exactly what the "heavy cloud " feels like and I hate it.
Barbs....so it's just days to go...My thoughts have been with you all day long...you must be feeling it now too huh..

to you barbs....and you are a very brave strong woman...if there was such an award for true toughness and a real fighter in life I would soooo nominate you...and campaign till you won it lol...
And as for Friday Hun...it's going to be ok...(.and we are here if you want to chat balls whilst on your funky drugs lol....)
Meg...gah!....the boss sounds like a right handful there....proud of you tho for standing up for yourself and rising above it.

In time a really good job is going to come along and you WILL end up in a happier place and where you deserve to be....

Good luck with them opks Hun too....sounds like your cycle is going to go aswell as predicted...like normall.
Sis...oh dear ...I'm sorry the house move keeps messing up....I hope it all rights itself dear...
Becky...that's awfull what happend about the wedding...and completely understandable that you felt that way too...I would be the same Hun.
So how is the temping coming along? Anything happening?....what's your feeling on o?
Daisyprencess...are you still with us love?....how did the clomid work for you?....has anything happend o wise?....I hope so dear....

....let's us know how it's all going.
Well ladies...afm...boring ole cd3 ...af has been quite taxing on me ....I feel so week it's been so heavy...

I am looking at it like it's a blooming good clear out so uterus is nice and fresh for eggy to Nessle in this month.
Positive thinking for me this month....I AM GOING TO GET PREGANT....I am I am I am!.....
Eggy is just growing away and is like a bull dog waiting to burst through and rally it's way to meet those daft spermys...lol...they shall meet and have a good ole dance and then cuddle up in the nice warm walls of paradise ....lol...
Hah!....let's hope so....lol
Anyways....off to take Harry to nursary in the morning then it's off to get some lunch and then it's home to grumpy ass pete!....he is so grumpy lately...I got him a take out tonight!chinese....not good enough!.....I broke open the secret Xmas goodies/chocolate stash....not good enough!.....I took him Xmas shopping today...what a grumpy ole humbug....
Like it's supposed to me in a grumpy mood with af in my face...but noooooo- it's Peter!....on a planet pompas Peter party...bahahahahaha....oh well.lol
So I'm off to bed now...been up since 5am....Harry has ANOTHER cold.....it's one after the other lately I can't keep up with it all...shame.poor boy.
Nighty night gals...catch up again tmr....
Natalie xxx