LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hey Meg!

Good on you for finishing shopping. Me too.
I have a few odds & ends & stocking stuffers for the hubby but all done! YAY.
I am so done w/Christmas Shopping.

I'm sorry you're anxious. I feel the same all week. I'm irritable & annoyed & tired. But I think that's more to do with surgery coming up.
How's your job searching coming along? Have you got any calls?

Its such a competitive market when you are looking for a good job compared to an "ok" job... I cant afford to take a huge cut in income which limits my opportunities a LOT... I can take somewhat of a cut, but not huge... so I have to be relatively selective. Had a big argument with my boss today it was awful and now I am in the "bad books"... just made things worse mentally. BUT I am going to keep at it, and something will have to come up eventually! So many of the places I am looking at, hire internally first, so sometimes applying feels so pointless but I will keep at it.

Good for you being done nearly too, Barb. Feels good... Maybe I will do the wrapping on Saturday. My in laws are coming home from Florida for a couple of weeks this weekend... will be nice to have them around
What sort of jobs are you looking for?
What is your current job exactly? :)
You've told me but I can't quite picture it I guess.
I'm sorry your boss & you had it out. We are currently in disagreements w/one of the partners in a company I work at. He's a total dick & useless & wants out and he's bringing everyone down w/his bad moods.
Hi laides.:)

Barbs meg so sorry you are both feeling anxiety....:hugs: to you both...gawsh a daily battle for me so I know exactly what the "heavy cloud " feels like and I hate it. it's just days to go...My thoughts have been with you all day must be feeling it now too huh..:hugs: to you barbs....and you are a very brave strong woman...if there was such an award for true toughness and a real fighter in life I would soooo nominate you...and campaign till you won it lol...
And as for Friday's going to be ok...(.and we are here if you want to chat balls whilst on your funky drugs lol....)

Meg...gah!....the boss sounds like a right handful there....proud of you tho for standing up for yourself and rising above it.:thumbup: ...
In time a really good job is going to come along and you WILL end up in a happier place and where you deserve to be....:)
Good luck with them opks Hun too....sounds like your cycle is going to go aswell as normall.:)

Sis...oh dear ...I'm sorry the house move keeps messing up....I hope it all rights itself dear...:hugs:

Becky...that's awfull what happend about the wedding...and completely understandable that you felt that way too...I would be the same Hun.
So how is the temping coming along? Anything happening?....what's your feeling on o?

Daisyprencess...are you still with us love? did the clomid work for you?....has anything happend o wise?....I hope so dear....:) ....let's us know how it's all going.:thumbup:

Well ladies...afm...boring ole cd3 has been quite taxing on me ....I feel so week it's been so heavy...:( ....
I am looking at it like it's a blooming good clear out so uterus is nice and fresh for eggy to Nessle in this month.:)
Positive thinking for me this month....I AM GOING TO GET PREGANT....I am I am I am!.....
Eggy is just growing away and is like a bull dog waiting to burst through and rally it's way to meet those daft shall meet and have a good ole dance and then cuddle up in the nice warm walls of paradise
Hah!....let's hope to take Harry to nursary in the morning then it's off to get some lunch and then it's home to grumpy ass pete!....he is so grumpy lately...I got him a take out tonight!chinese....not good enough!.....I broke open the secret Xmas goodies/chocolate stash....not good enough!.....I took him Xmas shopping today...what a grumpy ole humbug....

Like it's supposed to me in a grumpy mood with af in my face...but noooooo- it's Peter!....on a planet pompas Peter party...bahahahahaha....oh

So I'm off to bed now...been up since 5am....Harry has ANOTHER's one after the other lately I can't keep up with it all...shame.poor boy.
Nighty night gals...catch up again tmr....:flower:

Natalie xxx
Sorry I've been kinda MIA we still haven't closed I have people yelling at us cuz w haven't closed... Like I don't want my house come on people!!!

If I get a BFP this month it will be more than a Miracle !!! :nope:

Temps already going up so I Od but didn't get to BD yesterday cuz of all the stress and drama!! FX
What sort of jobs are you looking for?
What is your current job exactly? :)
You've told me but I can't quite picture it I guess.
I'm sorry your boss & you had it out. We are currently in disagreements w/one of the partners in a company I work at. He's a total dick & useless & wants out and he's bringing everyone down w/his bad moods.

I work in management at a personal injury law firm downtown....I see you added me to LinkedIn so you can scope it out a bit there if you are bored haha!
Well ladies...afm...boring ole cd3 has been quite taxing on me ....I feel so week it's been so heavy...:( ....
I am looking at it like it's a blooming good clear out so uterus is nice and fresh for eggy to Nessle in this month.:)
Positive thinking for me this month....I AM GOING TO GET PREGANT....I am I am I am!.....
Eggy is just growing away and is like a bull dog waiting to burst through and rally it's way to meet those daft shall meet and have a good ole dance and then cuddle up in the nice warm walls of paradise
Hah!....let's hope to take Harry to nursary in the morning then it's off to get some lunch and then it's home to grumpy ass pete!....he is so grumpy lately...I got him a take out tonight!chinese....not good enough!.....I broke open the secret Xmas goodies/chocolate stash....not good enough!.....I took him Xmas shopping today...what a grumpy ole humbug....

Natalie xxx

Hi Nat! We've missed you!

Sorry that both AF and Pete have been so grumpy to you lol... Damn men sometimes! It sounds like you did a lot to cheer him up too! he needs to pick up his bootstraps and join the party :D I hope its better today hun! Sorry about Harry's cold... tis the season.. so many people are sick around me its a wonder I am not yet ILL!

YES to positive thinking!! Come on you damn sperm, just meet up with ol' eggy and have a parrrrrrrrrtay! :D Whoop!!! CD3 Nat... you doing OPK's this month?
Aloha my friends.... from cold crappy Ontario haha...

CD10.. What a long day yesterday.. was stuck at work for 11 hours!! Yes, 11 hours! DH took me to dinner when I finally got home, had some wine and pizza and felt like a million dollars afterwards.... then I zonked right out to bed... Zzzzzzz

Hoping for a better day today... Hope you are all well

2 days Barb! :) Hope you are doing ok with it all xx
Sorry I've been kinda MIA we still haven't closed I have people yelling at us cuz w haven't closed... Like I don't want my house come on people!!!

If I get a BFP this month it will be more than a Miracle !!! :nope:

Temps already going up so I Od but didn't get to BD yesterday cuz of all the stress and drama!! FX

Sis Im sorry hun - I hope this gets sorted out for you all, ASAP! Understandable that you didn't BD with all that stress going on.... try again tonight :D Perhaps a glass of vino and a nice meal?
Hello señorita's ....:)

Cd4 here...clocks ticking away here...yawwwwwn lol...
So tired.gah!...

Yes meg I am opking this month...but oooops I haven't even ordered them yet...better get a move on really arnt I.:)
How's your coming along today?.....anything.

Sis...I hope everybody stops yelling at you both about the move/sale of the house....that dose not help things at all eh.
Before you know it pull be soon settling down in your new home.:)
Shocks at your chart...wowzers...another early o and a nice temp rise there :). :thumbup: thoughts are with you Hun...:thumbup: hope your doing ok there :)

Barbs...I'm yet to work out the try and sort that out it linked to google site?....

Well....I have a tonne of stuff to get finished petes work clothes to iron and packed lunch to prep...bedtime routine to attack lol and then somewhere along the line I am hoping for a nice bath's to hopping anyway lol.

Take care ladies...hope to get back on again later.:thumbup:

Natalie xxx
Hey Girlies!!!

Sis, I hope you close your house soon. We sold/bought a house this year & had some ups & downs. It's never strait & narrow. Always a hiccup!

Nat, I'm sorry Pete is so grumpy. You'd think ONE of those things would pick him up! I know it'd do me well. Unless some thing is bothering him that he can't shake off? I'm doing alright - thanks for thinking of me. And your kind words about me is really touching. I'm in awe at how much you think of me. XO

Meg, I'll check your LInkedIN at some point. Actually I only go on there when I get enough emails saying 'Lady, log in damn you - there are people trying to contact you!' lol.
Anyway I hope you find a new job in the new year - stat - or that WSIB works out for you. That'd be amazing.

I am feeling oddly OK right now about Friday. Not as nervous. Maybe I'm getting used to it. Maybe it's a protective thing. But I am still not easy about it. I hate that I have to do this. I wish I could just go to IVF. Blocked tubes suck :(

Barb... glad the nerves are ok for now. That's great :) You will be awesome. I know its so not the ideal or what you wanted but I'm just glad that solutions exist for these problems... a decade or two ago and we would be SOL....

Nat - Busy day for you my dear! Get that tub pouring when its over and soak up some stress relief :)

AFM, OPK was a bit darker than I expected for only CD10 but who knows.. will see what the next couple of days bring. Usually I would get positive OPK around Sunday - in this case perhaps a day early? Who knows!

Thankyou ladies.yes maybe pete does have something on his mind...altho I think tiredness is playing a big part in it all...he has worked hard non stop for the past 3 weeks now...bless.... I think he has clocked his way through at least 250 hrs in the past 20 days....gawsh.

We planned a nice trip into our local town this teusday coming so we can spend some quality time time together...there's a huge snow globe where you get your picture taken together...we are going to do it.:)

Oooo meg..your opk! Woohoo...sounds like you may get your possy alittle earlier this time.:). :thumbup:

Barbs...yes I do think of you highly :)
I think we all are our guru and our ttc queen lol....well mine anyway lol....
I am so glad you are feeling nice and calm about Friday...your going to be just grand Hun.:flower:
It does sux it has to be like this but you are doing something about it....there are probably sooo many out there that would give up at the countless hurdles you have encountered.and I commend your determination.:)

So I am sat her right now...contemplating weather or not I do a quick/ quiet scrub down whilst the boys are asleep...teehee....crazy mad lady is just bursting to get out lol...I love random late night clean wake up and have "not much" to do is GREEEEEAT ....:)

Such a tough desistion tho...sit on my lazy bum and relax whilst it's quiet and I CAN lol or make my life soooo much easier for tmr....what to do what to

Ok I'm off to get my head round this linkedin lol....

Later ladies :flower:

Natalie xxx
Well we finally Closed on the house :happydance:

Took my mom and Niece to see it and the boys to get a look while it's empty they are both excited so hopefully my LO won't freak out!! :thumbup:

Going to start moving stuff and clean Tom movers come on Fri Am !!!

Got plenty to keep me busy in the TWW so I don't blow thru my 30 test!!
Hi Girls!

Nat - What path did you choose?? Relaxing or cleaning?? hehe :) I know its a hard choice!!

Barb - How are you doing today hun?? Hope your nerves are still good... tomorrow morning may be uneasy but you will get through it!

Sis - Congrats on the house! Moving day weee! Exciting stuff - and you are right... you will keep busy!!

AFM, CD11, wamp wamp...... BD last night and this morning lol... lets see if we keep it up - the next 4 days at the most important lol.....
Hey girls,

Sis, congrats! And now the worst of moving begins!

Nat - you chose cleaning, didn't you??? HAH!

Yeah I"m totally in knots now. I got my call. 9am surgery tomorrow.
I have to be at the hospital for 7:30am. Anyway suffice to say, I'm very anxious right now. Fuck my life I really wish I didn't have to be in these shoes :(

Meg, good on ya for getting the BD in!!!
So weird, I'll never be BD again....ugh. It's just all so weird, girls.
Anywho, this too shall pass. I'll survive. I have survived the worst already.

Barb you are so right - you will survive and you have overcome the worst... I wont brush off your nerves but I will only tell you we are here for you! And excited for you... and realllllllly hopeful :) Love ya xx
Ok did I seriously just get my positive OPK on CD 11??? like WTF its not supposed to come till Sat or Sunday .... what do you think?

That almost worries me. Thank goodness I am using OPK's! I did notice some slippery CM just now when I took the OPK... Didn't think I would have BD "after effects" since it was at like 7am today!

Gimme input ladies xx


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One good thing about this early OPK is that we BD 6 of the last 7 days LOL including last night and this morning so coverage would be pretty damn good if that was the case... would also mean it could be an Xmas BFP instead of a NY BFP lol...
Haha ladies...yes I guess you could say I chose the house work...but I also got a little down time was really nice to have it all done before I woke I'm glad I did it all now bc today has been non stop errans food shopping Xmas shopping phone calls here there and everywhere.
I would have been one stressed out puppy by now if I hadn't had the had the clean down lol... are in my thoughts love.:) ....tmr will be "shitting bricks" but once they give you your pre op meds you should be feeling a little better and then I guess it's lights out for an hour or so...:) ...I bet hubby will be so worried for you Hun...and I bet he will take good care of you too.
Don't for get we are all here if you want to talk it out after op tmr or Saturday/Sunday.

Just want to to know we loves ya barbs and you are doing the right thing ok.:hug:

Meg...wowzers so I took at look at your linkedin...and it blew my mind away...your sooo smart and clever...and some of what you listed as pre work history supprised me should have no problem when it comes to jobs Hun...)
Put it this way...I'd hire you! Teehee...:thumbup:
So how are your opks today...Yaye for the bd'ing...sounds like you are doing a grand job so far :)

Sis...woop parrrrtay!....can we come can we come? Lol....
So glad it's all done and dusted it's the annoying part where a plavpce for everything has to be packed/unpacked...ugh....good luck dear I hope it all runs very smoothly now...:)

Becky how's things in sunny wales lol...(sunny wales eh! Lol)
I hope you are all well dear...anything o wise yet? :flower:

Well afm....cd5 .....this is draaaaaaaaging I tell
Ordered my opks last night- just hope they get here on time..I think I left it a tad bit too late this time...
Really looking forward to finishing up the Xmas shopping with pete on teusday and getting our pic done at the snow globe...Yaye...we haven't been spending enough quality time together it's much needed day out for us.

Anyways...I hope you are all having a good evening...barbs I hope your keeping busy or relaxing's going to be ok -ok... Remember you are strong.:)

Natalie xxx
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