LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Hey Girls,

Wow I missed SO much! Sorry I've been a bit MIA on here.
I sent you ladies an email though.

Becky, congrats on your engagement & have fun planning your wedding! IT's a really fun process.

Meg, how are you love? CD4 is exciting, isn't it? HAH! I'm on CD 2 now. I'll be starting my BCP today for my surgery.

Nat, I totally get that you needed a break. And I am just so sorry you have to deal with all these health conditions. I love your plan for 2014. I think that's the best thing you can do. ONce you're done wallowing & dust yourself off is to have a plan of attack. It keeps you going, doesn't it? It's like w/my TTC...the more I keep doing, the more I feel like I'm contributing to getting that baby.

So I went in for my pre-op appointment yesterday morning.
First I spoke to my RE & he said I can continue taking the BCP until we start IVF. He'll be away around Christmas time but we'll figure out when I can start stimming. He said any time really after surgery I feel up to it. But I'll have to wait until he's back first. So a week after my surgery, I"ll go back to his office & discuss IVF protocol. YAY! Hopefully at this rate, I'll know if I'm pregnant around end of January. That would be so nice! Still, feels like for ever.

I went over the hospital after meeting my RE & got the surgery run down. It's a 1.5 hour surgery...I'll have a couple hours to recover & then my DH can bring me home. I'll be sleeping that day & then recovering over the weekend. I'll have 3-4 small incisions on my tummy. I just hope I recover well!

Happy Thursday, all!
Ok ok ...13dpo here today.... I had the most amaizing bfn this morning...hahahahaha..what a beyatch! Lol....

So on with the next cycle please!.....I am going to hunt down some raspberry leaf tea and try that for 6 months...if no bfp out of it at least I will have a tonnes uterus lol...
I am also going back on the prenatals too....
Altho it has been kind of nice not to have to remember to take anything every single day...

So how are we all ladies? Good I hopes...:) must be very sad to have to leave your family home filled with lots of memory's...:hugs: ....but a new home to fill with more babas and memory's are to come.:happydance:
And I'm sure you lil Mimi will be right with you Hun.:thumbup: thankyou so much for your lovely kind words of encouragement too...your a lovely ladies and you too have been through so lets get to that sperm bashing and get them fellas home this month lol... is the clomid going Hun....are you experiencing anything side affect wise?...I hope not Hun.:thumbup:

Barbs....Yaye....only 9 days to go till you can finally get this show on the road...:wohoo: ....
Btw...I know them nerves must be kicking in by now but your going to be fine babe and it's all going to be ok.this is a new start to a new chapter exciting one...:)
I found your email this morning about boss meeting lol ....too funny....tanked on one beer hahaha...I love it....
I am thinking when af arrives and pete goes to bed I may crack open a bottle on pink plonk...drown my sorrows lol...promise to keep my drunk ass text of the forums this time bahahahahahahaha....

Becky....(lol every time I type your name in on my iPad it gives me "backyard lol" ) the cycle coming along there temp wise?.....anything different? you feel any different? Like you may o this time?.....fingers MAJOUR crossed for you that you do and that you get your bfp right befor your big day, lovely that would be for you is Harrison going to be your lil page boy?.....I bet he is gong to look sooooo cute all dressed.bless.:)

Well ladies...I have a nice beef stew to be getting on's much later than I usually start it so I hope it's ready in
Went to sainsburys this morning and got the "yearly" baulbaul for the Xmas's sooo pretty this year.....I could have gone wild in the isle this time lol....but I held back....

Anything intresting happening this weekend then?.....
I am going to attemp to teach Harry basic French....wish me luck..
I know a so so amount...enough to get me by if I moved to France (or Canada lol)
So this will be fun as I can re learn and some more on top of it too....

Hope you are all having a good day me petals....sorry if I for got to ask about mind is a sieve lol..l

Natalie xxx
Glad to see you're doing better today, Nat.
You should totally open a bottle of wine. You deserve it!!!
Whats a 'baulbaul'?
We have some Xmas decor up but we have to get a tree. I think that'll be weekend of the 21st when SD is here next. But I will try to convince my husband to get it on this Sunday & decorate it in the evening. We'll see. I am loving xmas more & more as each year passes. I used to hate it & then I was very indifferent to it but it's growing on me. I love Christmas decor. It's so pretty!

This weekend, I'm going out with Anna tomorrow night for dinner, shopping & a drink. Saturday some Christmas shopping & my SD is having a sleep over with her BFF at our house. I hope I survive ;)
Sunday we drop her friend at home & we go visit my friend Jan's baby, Jackson! That'll be nice :) And then relax. My SD has to work on a project and offered to help her. Only because it's about sculpting a mummy & that sounded like so much fun.
Awe meg that is exciting.:happydance: ....are you going to test Xmas Eve/day?....wouldn't that be a sweeeet Xmas present....

And thankyou so much for your encouragement...I REALLY apreciate it..I honestly do...

I am feeling somewhat better today....I laid there last night on the sofa whilst the house slept and I got myself in a emotional was kind of depressing lol...
I think knowing a bfn is defo on the cards here made things alittle worst....
I had planned out that if I did get a bfp I would pretend to pete that af had arrived and then supprise him with a digi in a frame on Xmas day....but hay ho ho ho (haha get it lol) ...c'est la vie...what will be will be -Kay serah

January will hopefully be the start of a great year for us all.:thumbup:

Meg I am so happy I found you and you lovely ladies.:hugs: ...thankyou all for being so amaizballs.:)

Natalie xxx

Nat I feel just as lucky trust me! And I think so too...fresh year and refresh of the minds....

Hey even if its a BFN you can still surprise Pete when you get that BFP and it will be spectacular:hugs:
So I went in for my pre-op appointment yesterday morning.
First I spoke to my RE & he said I can continue taking the BCP until we start IVF. He'll be away around Christmas time but we'll figure out when I can start stimming. He said any time really after surgery I feel up to it. But I'll have to wait until he's back first. So a week after my surgery, I"ll go back to his office & discuss IVF protocol. YAY! Hopefully at this rate, I'll know if I'm pregnant around end of January. That would be so nice! Still, feels like for ever.

I went over the hospital after meeting my RE & got the surgery run down. It's a 1.5 hour surgery...I'll have a couple hours to recover & then my DH can bring me home. I'll be sleeping that day & then recovering over the weekend. I'll have 3-4 small incisions on my tummy. I just hope I recover well!

Barb so glad to see your update I was wondering about that!

Can you tell me what on earth "stimming" is? Your surgery is next Friday whoop!!! I bet you will recover fast, you are a tough cookie :) Your DH better take good care of you... Barb isn't it just unreal the levels we have to go to, to have our little babies?? You have gone through so much, honestly you are a TTC warrior in my eyes lol. I mean it!!

I hope you will feel tip top by the Sunday :)

Hey if you are ready for a BFP at end of Jan that's amazeee
Aw Meg, thank you for those kind words. The encouragement from you ladies is wonderful! I know right? We go through so much to have a baby.
I just hope it works, you know? It would be so crushing if after all this, nothing happens & I'm status quo. It makes me SO nervous.

Stimming: During this very important phase of the IVF cycle, patients receive daily (occasionally twice daily) injections of (Purgeron for me) hormones, which stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs. The common names for these gonadotropins are Follistim and Repronex. The “stim” phase of the cycle lasts on average 10 days, but can vary from 8 to 12 days, are necessary. At each visit blood will be drawn to study the change in your hormones and a vaginal ultrasound will be performed to note the progression of your ovarian follicles.

After this phase, I go get the HSG shot & then egg retrieval!
Glad u are feeling Better Today Nat and thanks for the sweet words.... I do worry about leaving my MImi here!!!
I have a Ivy from her Funeral I planted by my Bedroom window and it now covers that Entire corner of the house!!
Guess I will have to take clippings so I still have a piece of it with me!! :(

Barb ..... GL w the surgery hope everything goes smoothly and u are back on your feet in no time!!

AFM Cd8 been really crampy if I didn't know better I would swear I was Preggo having Strange craving and Crying over BS things!! :shrug:

If I O on CD13 like norm then AF should arrive XMas eve so my test date is 12/24!

If I do get a Miracle BFP I will be putting a Digi in DHs stocking!!! :)

My weekend consist of DS2s Bday party Tom nite at the one and Only Chuck E Cheese!
Going to look at Floors for the new house w my BFF and lunch!!
Oh and packing of course!!!! Boooooo

Hihohiho..... Back to packing I go!!!
Aw Meg, thank you for those kind words. The encouragement from you ladies is wonderful! I know right? We go through so much to have a baby.
I just hope it works, you know? It would be so crushing if after all this, nothing happens & I'm status quo. It makes me SO nervous.

Stimming: During this very important phase of the IVF cycle, patients receive daily (occasionally twice daily) injections of (Purgeron for me) hormones, which stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs. The common names for these gonadotropins are Follistim and Repronex. The “stim” phase of the cycle lasts on average 10 days, but can vary from 8 to 12 days, are necessary. At each visit blood will be drawn to study the change in your hormones and a vaginal ultrasound will be performed to note the progression of your ovarian follicles.

After this phase, I go get the HSG shot & then egg retrieval!

Wowzers that is some high tech shit right there Barb.... haha. So when you do egg retrieval, they then fertilize it, and then implant it into the uterus right?

Can you do home HPTs or will they just do bloods - meaning, will you have HCG in your system like with the IUI?
If I O on CD13 like norm then AF should arrive XMas eve so my test date is 12/24!

If I do get a Miracle BFP I will be putting a Digi in DHs stocking!!! :)


FX Sis..... I don't think I can test on Xmas.. it will be too early for me I am quite sure.. that would be very cool!
Aw Meg, thank you for those kind words. The encouragement from you ladies is wonderful! I know right? We go through so much to have a baby.
I just hope it works, you know? It would be so crushing if after all this, nothing happens & I'm status quo. It makes me SO nervous.

Stimming: During this very important phase of the IVF cycle, patients receive daily (occasionally twice daily) injections of (Purgeron for me) hormones, which stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs. The common names for these gonadotropins are Follistim and Repronex. The “stim” phase of the cycle lasts on average 10 days, but can vary from 8 to 12 days, are necessary. At each visit blood will be drawn to study the change in your hormones and a vaginal ultrasound will be performed to note the progression of your ovarian follicles.

After this phase, I go get the HSG shot & then egg retrieval!

Wowzers that is some high tech shit right there Barb.... haha. So when you do egg retrieval, they then fertilize it, and then implant it into the uterus right?

Can you do home HPTs or will they just do bloods - meaning, will you have HCG in your system like with the IUI?

It's all very high tech. I'm going to have myself a 'test tube baby'. WEIRD!!! I used to think that was so bizaare when I was younger lol.
Anyway, after egg retrieval, they fertilize it with fresh sperm in a petrie dish & then incubate them. And then wait to see how many follicles fertilize & how many make it to day three blast & hopefully I'll have day five blasts - thats the best. And they'll tell me every day how they're doing, how many are left, etc. And either day three or five, I"ll go in for implatation. Well, I hope it implants & grows. fingers crossed.

I will have HCG in my system like IUI b/c they induce ovulation right before retrieval. So I will likely test out my trigger b/c I want to know ASAP!!! And then go for bloods.
Hi Ladies

i'm so sorry i havent replied i've been megga manic with house stuff :( I will read all your posts this evening when i'm up feeding harrison & promise i'll reply tomorrow!! Nat i just want to say i read your first post and you are NOT bringing anyone down and we are all here for you hun!!!!!!!! ((((((((hugs)))))))) and also i missed it before but you called it a multiple of sclerosis that is definately not MS!!!! that means you have multiple areas of sclerosis in your spine. Hopefully it was just a misunderstanding!

promise to catch up real soon ladies xxx
Hi Ladies

i'm so sorry i havent replied i've been megga manic with house stuff :( I will read all your posts this evening when i'm up feeding harrison & promise i'll reply tomorrow!! Nat i just want to say i read your first post and you are NOT bringing anyone down and we are all here for you hun!!!!!!!! ((((((((hugs)))))))) and also i missed it before but you called it a multiple of sclerosis that is definately not MS!!!! that means you have multiple areas of sclerosis in your spine. Hopefully it was just a misunderstanding!

promise to catch up real soon ladies xxx

OMG Becky....THANKYOU sooooooo much for clearing that up for me...I have been way to affraid to research bc of what I could find...
And having to wait to see my doctor has been draaaaaging on and on.
I just wanted answers you know.:thumbup:

Ok so I have NOTHING against fact. Love them...(am one myself....looooong distance...native American myself) but the specialist was a tiny lil thing and American...maybe they have different ways of putting things who knows lol...
Altho she was very helpful and nice and polite I just stopped "hearing" when she said it and I am kicking myself as to what she exactly meant.....but you stating it like that makes a HUGE amount of sense and brings me lots of clarity and it's like a weight off my
Thankyou thankyou thankyou.:flower:

Tonight I will certainly be resting assured .:)

Natalie xxx
Morning girls!

How is everyone on this lovely Friday?

I had an interesting evening and am still reeling a little from it... so bear with my vent here. I like to think that DH and I are really open and honest with each other and so he told me that one of his clients came onto him yesterday. And I don't mean just flirting.. she literally told him that she has sex dreams about him and wants to sleep with him and actually propositioned him. And when he said he was married she said that's why it works because she is married too. He shut it down and said to keep it professional, and yes I trust him that's not the issue... the issue is I hate this woman and want her DEAD. I don't want her to be his client anymore either ugh... So I shut down last night and wouldn't talk and he was picking up on it and trying to relax me. I was so full of rage like wow I wanted to go to her house and run her over.. not even joking really lol.... anyways I feel a bit better today but who the F does this woman think she is , his desk is covered in pictures of me on our wedding day like fuck the hell off... I hope she gets something horrible that she doesn't recover from. Too far???? Nope... Without getting into it I've been down this road and its a horrible road and I want nothing to do with it.

Ok onto the next lol.... CD5 for me, may start OPK a day early on Tuesday and see whats up. I had a ton of cramping yesterday on the left hand side. sharp stabbing pain. No idea why, and it was on and off all day and now its gone. I know it cant be O on CD4 lol as AF was just finishing but I did find it super strange regardless. Anywhoo...that's my update.

Awe meg that defo needed to come off your chest Hun....and just for the record I would feel EXACTLY the same ...:thumbup:
It's a good thing that hubby told you bc that means no secrets right...but you already know that...
Tbh.....if it were me.....fact!.....I would sooooo wait for her outside one day and warn her to stay away....
Gah! I hate a home wrecker.....facking bitch she is!.....

I hope your ok meg...:hugs: big hugs to you and I hope you feeling better now Hun.:flower:

Natalie xxx
Awe meg that defo needed to come off your chest Hun....and just for the record I would feel EXACTLY the same ...:thumbup:
It's a good thing that hubby told you bc that means no secrets right...but you already know that...
Tbh.....if it were me.....fact!.....I would sooooo wait for her outside one day and warn her to stay away....
Gah! I hate a home wrecker.....facking bitch she is!.....

I hope your ok meg...:hugs: big hugs to you and I hope you feeling better now Hun.:flower:

Natalie xxx

I do feel better now... what a stupid bitch though honestly lol.... that's my man!! haha...

Anywhoo yes.. no secrets - that IS the secret... xx
Wow hah Meg just read this. I can't believe the balls of this woman! I dont blame you I'd feel exactly the way you do. I'd wanna rip her throat out and feed it up her ass!!
Good for DH for telling you! Or I'm not sure if I would wanna know?! I'd be reeling!!! Oh boy.

Meg I hope this last cycle in 2013,is your month. September baby! I always calculate when the baby would arrive and it always seems way too long lol
I'd have an October baby if my IVF works.
Same ish timeline as when I was pregnant with Aida.
My stomach has been upset. I'm really nervous about surgery on Friday. I need to keep finding zen. But I just feel anxious every day. I can't wait for January 2014.

I'm waiting for 5pm. Will be going out for girls night.
Getting myself mentally ready for tomorrow's sleepover.
I hope I survive. Maybe I need booze. LOL
Wow hah Meg just read this. I can't believe the balls of this woman! I dont blame you I'd feel exactly the way you do. I'd wanna rip her throat out and feed it up her ass!!
Good for DH for telling you! Or I'm not sure if I would wanna know?! I'd be reeling!!! Oh boy.

Meg I hope this last cycle in 2013,is your month. September baby! I always calculate when the baby would arrive and it always seems way too long lol
I'd have an October baby if my IVF works.
Same ish timeline as when I was pregnant with Aida.
My stomach has been upset. I'm really nervous about surgery on Friday. I need to keep finding zen. But I just feel anxious every day. I can't wait for January 2014.

I'm waiting for 5pm. Will be going out for girls night.
Getting myself mentally ready for tomorrow's sleepover.
I hope I survive. Maybe I need booze. LOL

Thanks barb.. I am glad I am not crazy lol....

September Baby?! Thanks for doing the math for me lol... I can live with that! and you, an October pumpkin perhaps?? lol... too funny. I hope so.. for us all! asappppppppppppppppppplease lol

I totally understand you being anxious... Do your best to relax this week and find that zen. I too will indulge in some wine! lol... we can be wine buddies lmao... I am going to pour a glass when I get home. I have been so good all week and lost 3.5 lbs so I deserve it lmao. Been out for lunch with colleages three days this week and every time, chicken and salad booo except today I got soup and salad.... yawn. Would have much preferred chicken fingers and fries lol...

You will survive the sleepover Barb.. wine makes me capable of great things LOL
Meg, I used wine/beer to survive a lot the last two years. I totally understand it's capabilities now more than ever LOL
I will be stocking up for Saturday night. But they will mostly be in Naiomi's room so they should be fine! At least it's only one other girl. Gosh & to imagine, people have this every day - when they have more than one kid in the house LOL

Wine buddies it will have to be for now!
Congrats on the weight loss!!! I wish I coudl drop that weight fast. It doesn't work for me so well.

What you doing this weekend?
OMG meg that's crazy u are handling it way better than I!!!
I think I would go have a discussion W her Hubby!! :haha:

AFM..... Getting the house stuff wrapped up We close on Mon.... Getting party stuff ready to go and oh yea a Lil packing!!!

Hope everyone has a Great weekend!!!
Meg, I used wine/beer to survive a lot the last two years. I totally understand it's capabilities now more than ever LOL
I will be stocking up for Saturday night. But they will mostly be in Naiomi's room so they should be fine! At least it's only one other girl. Gosh & to imagine, people have this every day - when they have more than one kid in the house LOL

Wine buddies it will have to be for now!
Congrats on the weight loss!!! I wish I coudl drop that weight fast. It doesn't work for me so well.

What you doing this weekend?

So true Barbs! xx... Yeah more than one kid at this point isn't too appealing I am just focused on the 1 haha... we may only have one but we will see! I know peoples opinions of that but I don't need to hear em lol....

Don't congratulate me just yet re the weight loss... that was added pounds I put on so it comes off easier... I am now 9 pounds above my lowest that I was in July, so that's my goal... I gained 12.5 total LOL. Most of it was actually from M/C forward so that's my excuse.. I needed to cope somehow! And it helped lol...

Going to see Les Mis with my mom tomorrow for a matinee downtown.. when we get home we are going out for dinner with my DH and step dad. Should be fun... tonight? Nada.. either go out for dinner with DH or make spaghetti and meatballs at home with some wine.. I am happy with either!
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