LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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No bi-weekly appointments here yet. Still haven't heard about my referral to the high risk OB and for the nuchal scan. Supposed to be in September and we're running out of September pretty quickly!

So Monday my bleeding increased a little and I called the doctor's office to see if they could schedule another u/s. Never heard back. The next morning the bleeding had increased again so I went to Emergency. I won't bore you with the whole story (let's just say many of the staff were very unprofessional and negative about my chances), but I ended up getting an u/s and everything appeared to be fine. Pretty unhappy with my care so far, but there aren't really any options here. My last delivery was with the other clinic in town and I don't like two of their doctors so I don't want to switch. Just hoping the high risk OB will insist I get seen more often.

Feeling pretty good. Nausea has pretty much disappeared. Of course I occasionally freak out because the symptoms have disappeared (!), but mostly I'm good. Belly is feeling pretty distended already.

Can't believe you guys are so far along already!

Everyone else is so quiet! Sorry there is quite a bit of pregnancy talk here lately---I know that can be uncomfortable. What's everyone up to? Trying anything new this cycle?
Hi ladies sorry i've been quiet i'm just feeling a bit down at the moment and don't want to spoil all your excitement!! So happy for you all!! Please don't worry about the preggy talk its so nice that you all got preggy in the end! :)

Mowat sorry to hear you had to go to emergancy must have been very worrying for you!! Could you not travel somewhere to a different clinic for better care? I think you traveled a long way for the IVF? could they not recommend anything? Short of that you will just have to move house hehehhehehe ;)

Barbs love your pic and i still read your blog - time is moving on nicley now!

Sis how are you getting on? I see you are only 2dpo behind me!

eyemom gsh your in the final stretch! eeek!!!!

No news for me really 10dpo today BFN i know there is still time but can't imagine this cycle will be any diff to the last 15 LOL! We are going to try one IUI with injectibles before saving for IVF which wouldn't happen until next year :( and even then it will prob only be one or 2 cycles max (stress lol!) I have to have an HSG next cycle so that one is out but the following will be the IUI.
Mowat, lots going on over there. I'm happy your u/s showed everything's good.
Any explanations on your bleeding?
I hope you get referred to high risk. It's too bad where you live, you don't have a lot of options.

It's very quite on BnB in general. Most of my forums have crickets :)

Nimbec, fingers crossed for you!
Sorry you're feeling down. It's not an easy process.
IUI will be a good thing. It's nice to know you aren't out of options yet. Keeps you going & hopeful. Oh HSG - so fun...not LOL Good luck with that. Have you had your tubes checked before?
Nice temp rise Nimbec! Sorry you're feeling down---we've all been there. Nice that you have a plan.

Finally heard about my nuchal scan booking. Not until October 8th (they had told me late September). No word on the high risk appointment. If it is earlier I might splurge for an ultrasound while I'm in Vancouver. I'd love to get one of those 3d ones, but I imagine it will be way too early.

How are you doing Sis?
Thanks ladies :) bfn at 11dpo today and temp drop so in out :( hey ho!!

Well plan may change I am talking to hubby and tomorrow we will decide if we just plump straight for IVF. 15cycles and not even a sniff of a bfp. Oh yes barbs the hsg was horrific last time so I'm not looking forward to it - another tick for doing IVF straight away!!
Mowat great about nt scan :) would be lovely to have a posh scan too I think you can do them earlier for twins but not quite sure how early! Glad your bleeding has stopped and you seem to have a plan about chasing them for appts :)

Barbs glad you are well I follow your journal time is flying by and I'm so pleased you are enjoying it now :)
Nimbec do you get any IVF covered? Thought I had heard some UK girls talking about getting a few cycles covered? Hmmm, maybe not Wales though.

Gotta say I loved IVF! Really felt like I was being looked after for once---of course I was paying for it. So nice to not have the stress of DTD and just having the doctor do the transfer. Of course I guess it worked first time for me too, which doesn't always happen.

Following your journal too Barb. Love your updates!
Hi ladies,

For the pregnant ladies, so pleased things are going well and your pregnancies are progressing.

Sis - how are you doing?

Becky - sorry your feeling down, it gets to you after a while. I'm pleased to see you have a plan.

AFM, we've just got home from a two week holiday in france. Currently 15dpo and af has not shown her face. If she's not here in the morning I will test. Although, not convinced.
Hi Ladies

Thanks for all your kind words - i'm def out this cycle and have to ring tomorrow and tell them whats next ....think we have decided on IVF BUT the million dollar question is do i do the 1 round option or pay for 2 upfront...if i pay for 2 we save £2200 in costs but if i catch on the first round it is not refundable......we can find the money for one cycle but 2 even with the discount is really stretching us A confused as to what to do :( any suggestions?? I also can't find any statistics...... Mowat i'm not eligible for any help :( Wales is useless lol!!!! Great to hear yo have such a positive story!!!

Also i was wondering if travelling to another country maybe cheaper - does anyone know if prices abroad are much cheaper??

Hi Wannabe i'm keeping my fx for you and looking forward to your update :)

Hope you lovely ladies are all well!!
I've heard of people going abroad, but I'm not sure where. Maybe try posting on the assisted conception thread. Feel like it may be Germany. I know they say it is quite a bit cheaper. Work a holiday in too! Tough decision.
Hey all sorry I've been gone for awhile. I do try to read all of yours posts when I can. Right now mentally I'm in an unsure place. I no longer am temping nor using OPK's. I'm kind of just sick and tired of all of that. For me personally I think I may still be recovering from the 2nd CP. I have started to feel that this isn't meant to be. That I'm only meant to have my daughter. Been trying to come to terms with that. I know there are so many ladies out there that have gone through more than me, but I just I don't know. 1 MC, then Claire, then CP, CP. It sucks.

Not that I'm giving up but I think if I go through one or two more CP/MC I'm done. And if we don't have a sticky by my b-day (may 2015) I think we're done. I don't want my children far apart and if we aren't pregnant this month they will already be 2 years apart. I wanted them under two and so did hubby. So my head is pretty messed up right now with this whole trying to get pregnant and keeping a baby.

Anyway I hope you lovely ladies are doing great. Mowat, sorry about the bleeding hoping that will completely go away. You really would think they would scan you more because you are high risk : / Wanna come move by me? I know they would be doing lots of scans for someone like you.
Nimbec do you get any IVF covered? Thought I had heard some UK girls talking about getting a few cycles covered? Hmmm, maybe not Wales though.

Gotta say I loved IVF! Really felt like I was being looked after for once---of course I was paying for it. So nice to not have the stress of DTD and just having the doctor do the transfer. Of course I guess it worked first time for me too, which doesn't always happen.

Following your journal too Barb. Love your updates!

I loved not timing BD too LOL....but didn't like retrieval or any of the drugs.

Thanks for following! Hope you're doing well & the bleed is tapering.
butterfly, I'm so sorry you're struggling. It's really not an easy road.
And it's hard to come to terms. Do what feels right. In the mean time, I hope you get your sticky bean xo
Butterfly i'm so sorry you are having a hard time - i understand how you feel i also wanted a close gap and 16 cycles later not even a sniff of a bfp :( :(

Thanks Barbs & Mowat i will look forward to not HAVING to BD :) I think we have decided to opt for the 2 cycles as i'm never the luckiest person in the world....we now just have to get the finances in place. The clinic wont start until the bill is payed in full grrrrr i understand but i now seem to be just waiting and a bit in limbo .....knowing my luck i will then get stuck and postponed because of xmas closing etc!! hope to get in beforehand!! I found some old clomid in the cupboard too so i may take that this cycle just for the fun of it whilst i wait - i know they say i've had lots but i guess one more can;t do any harm - it wuldn't be montitored though and less dose so prob no point LOL oh Goodness i'm rambling sorry!!!!!!

How are all our preggy ladies doing?

Any news Wannabe?
Sorry to hear you're struggling Butterfly. This is a really difficult road. I feel like I've thought of nothing else for 3 years. Someone asked me the other day what I'd been up to and I wanted to answer "trying to get pregnant!"

So exciting Nimbec. Hope you can get the money sorted soon. Good luck with the old Clomid. Just how old are we talking?

Okay, I didn't particularly enjoy the injections that went along with the IVF, but I found the retrieval and the transfer fascinating! I loved watching the whole thing on the TV---I think I missed my calling! I kept asking the doctor and the nurse questions the whole time.
Mowat, you're almost completed first trimester! Wow! Keeping fingers crossed. Did the bleed subside?

Nimbec, fingers crossed for you & hope it all pans out.

Things in life don't always work according to plan and some times we have to throw plans out the window & just hope for the best. Hope to get blessed once again, no matter how long that takes. Or how long we're willing for it.

Mowat, me too - 2 years of trying to get pregnant. Overly consuming & feels like I lost those years!
No bleeding for a week now! Very happy. Talked to the nurse at my fertility clinic and she said I can stop estrogen, progesterone, aspirin and prednisone this weekend (I'll be almost 11 weeks). Just feeling really nervous about changing anything. When did you stop drugs Barb?

Yep, 3 years just completely gone. Hope it is worth it and I get these rainbows.
Mowat, things are sounding good.
Once you see a heart beat, your chances of MC decreases significantly!
And once you pass 13 weeks, even more so. 5-6% odds of a MC.
I'm very skeptical myself about odds & percentages...but there's a bit of comfort in it.

I'm glad bleed has subsided - I'm so happy things are working out for you.
How are you feeling? You have a lot of nausea? I was SUPER nauseated b/c I was carrying 2....worse than just the one.

I stopped my meds at around 12/13 weeks...& then I went back on Progesterone at 16 weeks b/c I went into preterm labor last time.
Thanks Barb. I think I'll stop the progesterone because I'm at the end of what I have and don't want to have to buy more---another $300. Think I'll keep up with the prednisone for another couple weeks and then wean off it.

Haven't been feeling too bad. Pretty much mildly nauseous all the time, but not really debilitating. Some on and off headaches and sometimes have pretty burp-ey days. Not complaining at all! Belly feels really heavy at times in bed, but nothing really crazy most days. I can still suck it in enough at work that I don't look too big---luckily I gained weight over the past year or so, so a lot of my shirts aren't super tailored and I can hide more under a cardigan too.

Someone's selling a double breast pump on the local Facebook buy/sell---keep looking at it, but I'm too nervous to buy it.
Mowat, so happy things are going well for you!!!
I was SO incredibly bloated in first trimester that I looked pregnant before I actually looked pregnant - legit.
Is your baby bump popping or just bloat?

re: pump, I would advise you get it new OR if you had it used, you just need to be sure to buy all new parts. The motor is good but replace all tubes, etc. for sanitary reasons. The other reason I'd say WAIT & get it new is incase you end up not really using it or thinking an occasional hand pump is best. If you buy new, at least if the package is sealed, you can either return or get a store credit. I thought about getting used & thought against it, just incase I don't end up needing it or maybe not needing one that's so advanced.
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