Hi Ladies
Thanks Barbs i had a look back trough your blog I guess i will just have to be patient and see what they say. I'm extremely nervous about doing it, really scared we will spend the money and it wont work

UGH i have so many emotions going through me right now....i'm questioning all sorts of things, like is it irresponsible to spend the money? Am i ment to just have the one? should i just be happy with my gorgeous little boy? but then i'm super broody and would love another Lo to complete the family!! Hey ho!
On another note i feel super down today as another one of the ladies from my thread when i had Harrison is due anyday and 3 more have announced they are trying for number 2 and hope to be preggers in 2 months

There are already a few of them pregnant and i have been trying for over a year and they just get pregnant instantly it really hurts

anyway i KNOW there are lots of people that can;t even have the one so i should get a grip and cheer up!!
Barbs and Mowat eek 3 yellow bubbas.......the wifes tales where not true for me either! Hope you are both well and pregnancy is being nice too you. Barbs are you still struggling with constipation? I was terrible but they gave me some glycerine suppositories and they where great - the only thing that made me able to go!
Butterfly i'm so sorry you are feeling so emotional

life can be so cruel. I will keep my fingers crossed that AF stays away!!!! Do you have n appt with the specialist regarding the mc's? Sometimes a 'plan' makes things easier to deal with....
Hope you are all having a good weekend? We are flying back from Cyprus tonight and will be flying all night FX Harrison actually sleeps or it could be a long flight!!!!