LTTTC-after loss-TWW...

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Mowat, we didn't discuss if Cerclage would be an option IF needed. She didn't bring that up at all. But I have a list of things to discuss with her & that is one of them.
I've been doing a lot of reading that says a lot of times, especially this far on the Cerclage can do more damage than good. And 28 weeks plus, they don't take too much into account re: cervix. We'll see how Friday goes.

So happy to hear all is going well :)
As for me, I had weekly transvaginal ultrasound that eventually went to bi-weekly & still continue to be bi-weekly. That's to measure my cervix. And we also do an ultrasound to make sure baby's happy & all is well. I presume I will be doing this weekly at some point? I'm curious to see what happens after tomorrow's appointment & if I will be prompted for more doctors appointments because of it.
I would think around 30 weeks they will start doing it weekly for you. At least that's my guess. I know on a non high risk pregnancy starting at 34 weeks I was going in weekly. Though I know this go around if this one sticks, my doctor will probably do a third trimester scan to make sure I don't have another large baby. Still praying since I had Claire that I don't have another large hemorrhage during next ones labor. Lost over 2 liters of blood which translates to 2000ml. Still remember so clearly and vividly how close I was to 1) transfusion and 2) having my uterus taken out if the bleeding did not stop within another minute.
Holy crap! Well, if you end up w/another big baby (every baby's different so lets hope not) maybe they could induce you a bit early - to avoid that? Because that's life threatening!

Yeah we'll see what my OB says tomorrow & the weeks ahead. Fingers crossed I'm still considered "normal" for this point in the pregnancy and I'm really just a normal, average woman this pregnancy.

My stomach's been in major, major knots since yesterday. And I'm shattered from broken sleep last night. My stomach was aching all night & crampy - which freaked me out. I was convinced I was going back to hospital today. But I'm pretty sure now it's just from all the over active bowls from stomach takes the brunt of it!
I know early induction is a possibility for me. But Claire shocked everyone. I was measuring right on to sometimes one week ahead. So there was never any red flags that would have indicated her being so large. Thankfully my body had handled it well and I didn't go into shock, but I'm sure I was flirting with it. I'm just glad I listened to my gut when they asked me if I wanted to hold her as soon as she was delivered and I Just had a feeling something was off with me.

And yes let's pray/hope everything that you are just a 'normal' woman for the rest of this pregnancy for you. And I am sure it's all the worry and stress right now. Tomorrow will come soon enough and I'm sure it'll be good news.
Wow, weekly ultrasounds! Don't get that service here!

How big was your daughter Butterflywolf? My son was 9 lbs 4 oz and the doctor is guessing the twins will be quite a bit smaller. Maybe I'll actually need 0-3 month clothing!
HI all just a quicki to wish you the best for today Barbs - hope you get some positive news x
Wow, weekly ultrasounds! Don't get that service here!

How big was your daughter Butterflywolf? My son was 9 lbs 4 oz and the doctor is guessing the twins will be quite a bit smaller. Maybe I'll actually need 0-3 month clothing!

9 lbs 3 oz and 22 inches. She wore 0-3 months for maybe two weeks of her life before going into 3 months XD She grew like a weed. She's still rocking the 90 something % tile for height.
I'm also guessing the twins will be smaller. I'm going to say 5 lbs to 6 lbs for your twins. Can you imagine holding something that small when your first was so big? XD
I don't imagine I'll even have to push to get out babies that small! It might be nice to have little babies as I was kind of disappointed with how big my first was---he didn't look like what I thought a newborn should look like.

How did the scan go Barb?
Mowat, for sure your babies will run smaller than if you had a singleton. I hope you can carry to term & give natural birth. Any reason you may have to have C-Secion? I know with twins the EDD is not as long as with singleton. What is the EDD that they gave you, given they are twins?

My scan went very well Friday - thankfully!!!!
My cervix was at 2.1cm on Wednesday by Friday it went back up to 2.8cm.
The u/s tech said I have a perfect cervix. My doctor was also very happy. The cervix does start to naturally get smaller into third trimester. I will go back next Wednesday & the one after for u/s. So October 22nd will be my final ultrasound on my cervix so long as everything continues to look well!
So happy for you Barb!

I think 35 weeks is the average for twins, induction around 37-38 weeks. Hoping to avoid a c-section. The high risk doctor said she often recommends an epidural because they often have to do a bit of "manual" removal for the second baby.
Great news barbs what a relief!! Mowat eeek 'manual removal' tee hee sounds interesting lol! Fx all goes we too! X
Great news Barb!

Mowat: I got an epidural for DD and I still could move every which way X'D It took the edge off but I was all over the place even with it. Pretty sure the nurses got mad at me but I couldn't sit still.

I wasn't going to test anymore but I had a Clearblue Digital yet so why not. 3 Plus weeks now which is great since I am over 5 weeks. Came up rather swiftly too so I think that's great. Hopefully that means I'm at least out of the Chemical worry zone. One day at a time.
Best of luck Butterfly---yep, one day at a time. I've moved on to one week at a time now... a bit of progress I guess!
Sure is quiet in here. Hope everyone is doing well. 6 days 19 hours roughly until my first scan. The weekend went by real quick so hopefully it'll go quick again when Friday comes. XD At least I feel confident now that this is NOT a chemical pregnancy since on Friday I will be at least 6 weeks along.
manual extraction?! Oh gawd. Lets hope it will just happen naturally!
Epidural is a nice thing :) LOL

I've got my next u/s tomorrow afternoon. So nervous for it!
And then one more tomorrow. Hope my cervix is HAPPY.

I had some serious belly aches yesterday...especially under my belly - was concerning me.
Ugh....I can't wait to make it to 37 still in belly....and then I can stop worrying about symptoms.
Can't wait to hear your next apt with the scan, Barbs!

For me I woke up with light brown spotting not much and not too filled with worry but going to try to take it easy today. If I'm not mistaken I had this as well the same day/time frame with Claire. If it worsens I'll call my doctor which in the mean time he will probably have me get blood work done. Otherwise waiting until Tuesday for my scan.
Butterfly....I hope it's nothing. Brown is not bad.
I had spotting early on. It was a blood clot.
Well, yellow turned to team BLUE!
I was looking at my measurement results today & didn't expect to see it at allllll

Fetal Gender: I kept staring at it in disbelief!! LOL
I'm processing it....I'm a bit nervous about a boy....but I'm sure it'll be awesome!
I told My husband....he wants to keep it to ourselves...not åsure why?
I just feel bad that my husband didn't get his surprise at deliver :(
Oh my Barb, congrats! The surprise would have been nice too though. I'm hoping I can hold out, but I'm super tempted by good deals on second hand clothes. I think if I end up with two boys one of them might be wearing a super cute and pretty snowsuit next year! Whatever, its not like we're traditional anyway.

Sorry about the spotting Butterfly. I had some right before my first scan too. Super excited for you!

Nice chart Nimbec---anything to explain the drop yesterday?
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