Cupcake and Bailey, I hope you get what you need with work, and that sounds like to not go back!
Cupcake, how is your back? How are you feeling? How is baby boy cupcake? Are they going to be able to get you a new chair at work?
Bailey. Sorry DF isn't showing as much interest in Millie as you would like. I think part of it just might be that daddies are different then mamas, at least in this early stage. I could stare at her for hours, even if she is asleep, DH doesn't seem to be that way at all. He's mentioned he can't wait for her to play... And I just love this snuggle baby stage, even if it can be hard!
Hi MrsD and anyone else lurking! Hope you are well!
Emily is still congested but has been keeping her temp under the guideline the pediatrician gave us. I just want her all better, it's been 3 weeks! We think she might actually have allergies along with whatever virus she had.
She managed to get me sick, or perhaps it was the trips to the Dr. I am hoping I can avoid going to the dr myself but dunno if I will as I am prone to colds turning into sinus infections or bronchitis.
On a brighter note, Emily did three clever things in the last day....
1. She just slept through the night, for 9 hours!!!
2. She slept without a swaddle for the first time for an hour nap yesterday AND she put herself to sleep for the same nap (with minimal crying!)
3. She has started playing with toys and she actually was holding the toy an brought it to her mouth yesterday to suck on it!
Such a clever baby!