Cupcake, that sounds gorgeous! I want to see pictures when you have things done! Have you swayed hubby on babys name yet? How is your back?
Emily is still congested, poor thing, but the fever seems to be now staying under the 101 the Dr said to look out for. We think she might have allergies. Over the weekend she did well and is generally fine with strangers/new people, so far. It's only when she is tired, hungry, or upset that it is mama and mama only that she wants. She did great Saturday and all day Sunday until partway through dinner (we went out with a large group and it took forever.) by the time we got seated ( it took over an hour) and ordered she was well on her way to a meltdown. I was wearing her and she napped for part of the wait time, i am pretty sure thats the only reason she lasted as long as she did. I ended up leaving with her in our car and DH's parents dropped him home later. She screamed the whole way home and when we got home and I brought her to me to nurse she smiled, sighed, and relaxed. She spent about 90 minutes nursing and snuggling before she went to bed. I was proud of how she handled the visit but knew she'd had it at dinner, clearly coming home for quiet Mama time was the right thing for her! I felt guilty for leaving and cutting the visit short and was worried that DH's family was going to judge me and my decision. On the way home in the car I decided it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, that I am her Mother and know her best and its my right, and job, to take care of her needs.
I hope everyone is doing well... It's been so quiet!