Cupcake, hope your headache stays away! Rest up this weekend!
Cheryl, glad you aren't ovulating, what a scare!
Bailey, hope AF isn't too hard on you. I had a very light AF, mainly just spotting, for a week or,so, it just ended. It's unusual to even get a period when BF, guess I am one of,the lucky ones!
I am terrified of getting preggo... Not on anything cause I've never tolerated BC well. DH will eventually get the snip but I don't know,if we are quite ready for that. We are pretty sure we are going to,count our blessings with Emily and be done with just her, mainly due to all the complications I had. We've only Dtd two times between me not being allowed for,quite awhile and then once I was released to,do,it it was so painful and I've been so tired... I know we need to again at some point, I just am so not in the mood.
I work today, gotta be "up" in 2 hours (am up with Emily right now) DH annoyed me in that he had "insomnia" and was up basically all night, kept waking me up even though Emily was sleeping. Maybe its a fluke, and i am sure its not planned that way but he seems to only ever be up when she isnt... drives me mad cause then i dont sleep well because he isnt! when iI got up to nurse her I sent him to bed as he wasn't even trying to sleep... He has to take care of her today and has not the best patience so he needs to not be doing it on virtually no sleep. I am also worried he will fall asleep holding her, if she relaxes for him.. i fall asleep,holding her fairly often but am barely asleep and react to her every move and noise... dh sleeps soundly and the one time i had him take her so I could shower when she was first home from the hospital, it,was really early mornjng and he was up anyhow, he fell asleep and when i came back out he had a blanket on himself that she had slipped down towards so her nose/face was practiclly buried and she was also slipping towards the floor... it,terrified me and is part of the reason i dont ever get dh to,help,at night.
i am really angry and agitated about working. I know I am lucky I only have to,leave her Saturdays, for now, but I hate hate hate leaving her. I couldn't sleep well when I first laid down cause I was so upset/anxious about leaving her... It,sucks. I am hoping it gets better, this is only going to be my 2nd day back, after all. I have off next Saturday as well(they are closed for a holiday) but then work all of them until I go to visit my family end of June.
Sorry, I guess I needed to vent and had more emotions than I realized about leaving her... I know DH will never intentionally hurt her, and I trust him, it's just terrifying leaving her!
Emily rolled,over yesterday! She was doing tummy time on the couch and was MAD, I think her anger helped her roll! I think the slight slope of the couch cushion may have helped and it may have been a fluke, but she did it 3 times (from front to back ) and I was soooo proud of,her! She also went in the baby pool at our community pool (its across the street) for the first time! She was mesmerized by the reflection of the sun on the water and seemed to really like it. I am a water lover/swimmer and was sooo happy she seemed to like it, especially as she was having a sensitive day yesterday.
Hope everyone is doing well and has a fab weekend. MrsD, you need to,have some R&R this weekend after being worked so hard the last few!