Lucky thread

Good thinking mrs d, I hope it turns out to be a lovely weekend for you then!

Yeah it was a lovely day with df and Emilia, well 2 days actually. Can't wait til his next days off now, whenever that may be lol!!
MrsD. Have fun on the boat! I take it that it is large enough to cook/eat and sleep on?

Bailey, so glad you had a nice time with DF and Millie. DH and I need to do something more as a family, it seems like between his work and school, housework, and then me working on the weekend it's me and Emily. Him and Emily. Rarely us time and even more rarely the three of us time. I guess it has kind of always been that way,but we used to at least spend evenings together or be able Togo,out to dinner, etc... now I am taking care of Emily and he never seems to join us. I worry that i am taking away his bonding time but he is more than free to come to,the pool, to,play with us, to,be there for,bath time, etc... I've been thinking about asking his cousing (she is 21) to watch Emily sometime so DH and I can have some alone time.

Sath, no more work! How long are you on holiday? I can't believe you and DH are managing to share a bag!

Cupcake and Cheryl, hope you are doing well!
Well me and df went to his gym and went swimming etc on Tuesday and left Emilia with MIL and it was really nice having the time as a couple, and even nicer getting back home to our baby lol. Abscence makes the heart grow fonder!

I've actually had to force myself to go to bed before df gets home from work at nights coz I was staying up to spend time with him but I was getting too tired.
Aw Amy I'm sure as she gets a little bigger and hubby can do more playing with her he will be fine, I thinker just don't know what to do with them when they are little. Yup boat is big enough to eat/sleep/cook on, so great for long weekends away :)
Bailey do you get time to do things in the mornings with df before he goes off to work?
No mrs d, he doesn't get up early enough, he doesn't get up til 9am and then leaves for work at 9.45 after he's had a shower and got dressed.
I get up at about 8-8.30 with Emilia.
He does have a break in the afternoons thought and is home between 2.30 and 4.30 so we get that time together when we usually walk bailey.
Aw I bet it's nice to have those couple of hours in the afternoon together :)

I'm happy, I've just got home to my official appointment letters yay :) injection and scan on 10th July and rescan on 11th yay. It says I won't get the results for at least a week though boo
Awww that's a pain, a week! But at least you know now instead of being in limbo!

What you having for tea mrs d? I'm having risotto with chicken breast. Gonna try and cook it now quickly before Emilia wants her next feed lol
Unfortunately my scan involves being given a small amount of radioactive iodine so I'll have to wait until aug cycle to try anyway, so a week doesn't really matter. Unless the scan shows up something awful then I'm going to ttc even if they recommend another dose of radioactive iodine. The RAI can wait, I'm not waiting another 6 months!
Mmm enjoy your risotto, I've bought some ribs to have when hubby gets home later on tonight.

Risotto is becoming the new kievs ;)
Hows everyone today. What a day my colleague being complete pain in the a*** good job im feeling chilled. Gotta go in to work few hours 2mz morning but then im done woo hoo. We got sat morning and come back thurs night. Cant wait.

Mrs d great news letter is thru and now just countdown. Shame they cant give you results there and then. Id try ringing a couple days after to try and get them.

Baily hope youv been enjoyin the sunshine walking the dog and emilia sounds a lovely family outing.

Hey amy i agree lots of men scared of little babies bet when shes a bit older your being trying to get her back. Im personally terrifed of little babies im scared i'll break them. Hopefully i'll be fine if its my baby to break.

Cupcake how you doing. Nearly friday another week checked off closer to maty leave! Do you have a date to finish sorted.

Think i may go back in garden till oh gets home. Im just checking on the veg im attempting to grow not sittin down and chillin out promise x
Oh no what a bummer you have to go into work for a couple of hours tomorrow, especially if your colleague is being a pain in the arse! At least it's only a couple of hours then its holiday time whoo hooooo!

Ahhh you are a fellow veggie grower, we do try each year :)

I've been sat in the garden in the shade with my legs in the sun (the only part of me I'm allowed to tan haha) since I got home, I'll have to fake tan the rest of me ;)

They are very good at getting the results to me ASAP so hopefully a week is worst case :)
Ha what i pair i basically have my top half in the sun.

Yep i try last year was rubbish so hoping better this year. Got potatoes onions broccoli courgette peas lettuce and tomato so fingers crossed now!

Cant wait for you will be hear before we know it. Bfp's before christmas x
Haha I started another food trend lol!

I have such a bad back and cramps at the mo, boo
Sath I finish 16th August is the current plan, wouldn't be surprised if I go sooner tho!

Boo to having to go to work tomo.

Yet mrs d for official letter, we will all be keeping out fingers and toes crossed for the all clear and ttc!
U def did cupcake! Oh no to the bad back and cramps bet august cant come soon enough for you. Does mw have any suggestions to help?
It really can't Sath! I can see me going sooner tbh! Think the cramps are just growing pains, might put an ice pack on it when I've finished my jobs :)
Yep ive heard the growing pains can be bad as your stretching etc good sign thou that bubs is growing well. Bet the outer is getting further out by the day!
Cupcake, was it you that started the Kiev trend too?

Sath and mrsD, if you put your top and bottom halves together you get one full tanned person! ;)

MrsD, yay for official letter!

Bailey and Cheryl, hope your days are going well!
I think it was Amy but I'm not sure!

Sath I am growing outwards by the day, feel so heavy!!

How's you Amy?

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