Wow Cheryl considering you just had a baby you look amazing!!! Where's your baby tummy gone lol!!' Love that colour dress too it really suits you!
Did you have a good time?
Mrs d brekkie out on the boat sounds like it was lovely! We had some clouds too yesterday but there was a still a bit of sunshine fighting through! Today is a different story though!
Cupcake did you say your bigger ball has arrived for you to use at work now?
I had a lovely day with df and Emilia yesterday, went for a nice walk, popped in our local pub and the just sat in our back garden until the sun went away. I managed to get stung in the middle of my forehead by a bee!! Turns out one of our bird feeders that we never use has been commandeered by a swarm of bees, so when we stupidly put Emilia's pram under it no wonder a bee ended up buzzing round her head!! I saw it so went over and picked her up to move her and it went mad and flew into my face an stung me. Then it flew away from me and df swatted it, even though I pointed out that it would already be dying.
Anyone else ever been stung by a bee/wasp and where were you stung?
I was stung by a wasp when I was on the toilet once

it was winter and the wasp must have been hibernating inside the toilet roll at work and as the only female chef noone else ever used that toilet so it had been undisturbed for ages. I picked up the loo roll off the window ledge and it stung my hand haha