Bailey yes defo no more funerals for you now missus! Emilia sounds like the star attraction lol.
I still think its disgraceful your df had to work yesterday, did he still have to go back in the evening afterwards?
Hope she's a good girl again tonight and goes down easily. Ill defo be getting tips from you lol!
AFM, I'm so tired, I keep crying and getting all emotional, think I got new baby hormones combined with being so tired, not good! Hubby has built all the furniture and I think I'm more tired cos I'm having to do all the stuff round the house like cooking cleaning washing etc cos he's been so busy in the evenings getting the nursery done. Thought I'd catch up on sleep last night but he was playing an online poker tournament all night and hasn't eaten so he said he was going to get a kebab, it got to half 12 and knowing that he was gonna go out I couldn't settle (I can't sleep really when he's out).....and the worse bit, he's out again tonight so no sleep tonight either.....