Hey ladies
Hope you are all well. Sorry ive been so quiet all weekend, id like to say it was becuase i was so busy with fun social engagements, but sadly in reality it was cos ive been being a hot, miserable, grump all weekend! I honestly did not step out my front door all weekend and have been permanently chained to a fan! Bailey i know you are going to start TTC at Christmas but i would honestly think carefully about that as your baby will be due same time as LBCC and being pregnant in the summer is no fun whatsoever!
Sath - Yey for O sooner this cycle, i wonder if the RLT has brought it forward at all. Hopefully AF wont come sooner and you have a nice long luteal phase. Has hubby cooperated this cycle?
Mrs D are you back at work yet or giving it some more time for your meds to kick in first? I cant believe you just call up for such important test results? Im surprised that you dont get a doctor to talk them through etc with you at least.
Bailey, hopefully DF doesnt have super sperm (at the moment anyway!) and you wont catch the egg! If your OPK is still proper negative you are probably ok i guess arent you. How is bubs coping in this heat? Must be hard keeping a baby cool. Is she drinking lots of water as well as her formula?
Cheryl im glad you and hubby had a good talk, did you come to any agreements or ways to deal with the issues going forward? Sorry Leo is still suffering so badly. Have you thought anymore about the goats milk? Might be worth a try?
Cath i am beyond jealous of your pool, it looks LUSH! Hope you didnt hurt yourself with your tumble this morning.
Amy hope you are still enjoying your vacation, i bet you will be glad to come home though and get Emily settled again.
I have my whopping cough vaccination this afternoon, eeek. Its all starting to feel quite real now, and im starting to feel a bit scared about the big day!!