Aw cath sorry you felt so poop yesterday! I hope you feel better today, I can't imagine what might have happened to that Chinese!!
Have you tested today Hun?
Aw I do love your nursery cupcake, it's so stylish too, mines just Winnie the Pooh everywhere lol!
Well last night she slept better (ish) too. She woke at 2am again so I fed her, put her back in her cot and she was then cooing away and wriggling for almost an hour! She wasn't crying though so df managed to fall back asleep, but I can't fall asleep til I know she is!
Then once we were all finally asleep my stupid df shouted in his sleep and woke me up! Thankfully Emilia didn't wake. THEN after I finally fell asleep again, her movement sensor went off and scared me but she was fine, just up in the top corner of her cot, then it went off for a second time and I had to move her. Then it was 7.30 and she was awake for the morning. So I'm slightly tired again but it was nothing to do with Emilia really lol! I must have got bits of sleep in between coz I don't feel too bad (yet!)
How are you both feeling today cath and cupcake?
How is everyone else and what are you up to?
Ooh not long til your mat leave now cupcake, is it about 12 working days in total left??