Ooh yum! I was so bad and had pie and chips for tea! I'm not doing so well on the diet at the mo but yesterday was more due to opportunity! All I ate was some ryvita with cheese, several Special K bars and some pasta n sauce! I couldn't make something proper lol.
Today I'm just being bad coz I want to. I've been "dieting" for 5 weeks now and although I have lost about 5-7lb it just seems like all I do is fluctuate around 11 stone. I have a theory that coz my body has been that weight for so long it doesn't like being any lower/higher lol. And it's gonna take me sticking to the diet properly for at least a couple of weeks to break that lol! Just need to get more motivated I think. It's so easy to be blasé when it's only a stone I want to lose, plus I know df doesn't care, I was the weight when he met me. It's just now it's all round my tummy, whereas before it was arms legs and face lol!
Yeah df is home, I got my lie in this morning and he's putting her to bed now yay!
Have you bought a crib yet did you say? Or will you buy one based on whether you think you'll need it? Coz you could always put him in his own room earlier couldn't you?
I've decided not to move Emilia yet. She didn't sleep any better with just me in the room, it seems like it's her natural biorythm to wake at 3am so we are just gonna live with it for another 5-6 weeks and hope she learns to roll on her own by then coz then I'll feel more comfortable.